
I'm using Wordress platform. For a future post I want to change the permalink setting from:




Will it automatically change my existing posts (old) permalinks too?

or will they remain the same?


1 Answer 1


In Wordpress there is a default permalink structure for all posts. If you change that you will change the permalink for each and every post (past and future ones).

However you can change the permalink of a single post and keep previous posts on the default structure. You need to do this:

  1. Go to the post.
  2. Above the content, where it says Permalink, click the Edit button. (*)
  3. Type in your new permalink for this post.
  4. Hit enter.

(*) Your permalink structure must be set to “Post Name” in Settings -> Permalinks to have this option.

Wordpress creates a redirect from the old permalink to the new one. Both of them will exist.

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