
where should I put my html file so I can read it via Wordpress and/or Apache that I've installed ? where is the root diractory of my site (192.168.1.xxx) ?


  • /var/www/ is where you extract the WordPress compressed file. And since Apache is your local server, directory would be or just type localhost in the browser.
    – Mohi
    Commented Mar 5, 2016 at 19:03
  • Sorry I may have give more details. Actually I can access my home page in Wordpress when I connect to my local address of raspberry (which is something like 192.168.1.xxx, but localhost would also do). I can see Wordpress blog, etc. But I have an old html file that I'd like to view when in my browser. That is I want to create a link pointing to that file and put that file where I can access it. I tried several location under /var/www but none is working. In short, please tell me 1/ Where to put my html file 2/ What to do (link creation) in Wordpress to access that html file
    – litljohnny
    Commented Mar 5, 2016 at 20:33

1 Answer 1


If you rename the HTML file to let's say, old.HTML. you are able to access that by going to 192.168.1.xxx/old.HTML. if you wish you may name it index.HTML and keep it in a folder in the /var/www/ directory. So the location of your HTML document would be /var/www/[newfolder]/index.HTML, where [new_folder] may be anything you wish. Then you would go to 192.168.1.xxx/[new_folder]/ and you will see your webpage

  • Your welcome. Would you mind selecting me as best answer? Thank you. Commented Mar 7, 2016 at 0:10

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