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Questions tagged [mount]

Mount is the process of making available to the computer a new file system device, like a disk drive or a network share.

3 votes
2 answers

How to mount a WSL2 folder as a Network Drive in Windows 10+?

I have created a shared folder in my WSL2 instance (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) which seems to be accessible and working. I created the folder in the /mnt/wsl location. After that, I can access the new folder ...
Federico Navarrete's user avatar
0 votes
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How to remove automounting without system access on CentOS

I have a Nethserver server (based on CentOS 7) and recently one of the disks failed. There was nothing important on the disk so I just removed it. But the disk was set to automatically mount to /mnt/...
Álvaro Antônio's user avatar
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Is there a mount unionfs like system to manage permissions?

I have a cloud account with a folder on it. I mount it correctly locally using rclone on Ubuntu. Fine. But all the files are owned by me, all with the same rights (let's say 0664). I would like to ...
jehon's user avatar
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How to correctly secure a .VHD file on a multiuser system?

I am trying to create a .VHD that is mounted on boot with Mount-DiskImage. I don't want users to mess with it, so I removed all permissions except SYSTEM and Administrators who have full access. Now ...
LOST's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to mount an external drive when it becomes available in WSL?

I am using Ubuntu with WSL with a zsh/bash shell. My host OS is Windows 10. I already figured out how to mount a Windows external drive: sudo mkdir /mnt/d sudo mount -t drvfs D: /mnt/d I rarely plug ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
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Mounting a SharePoint folder in Windows 10 without IE

There are multiple questions and tutorials that show how to mount a Sharepoint storage directory as network drive on Windows 10. Unfortunately all ways to mount a Sharepoint storage in Windows seem to ...
Robert's user avatar
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Fix corrupted ntfs drive to save files [duplicate]

i have a ntfs drive that i often use on a mac, so i was trying to make it writable and followed several online tips. inside etc/fstab/ there was a line LABEL=Untitled none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse but ...
rita1989's user avatar
1 vote
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Veracrypt not mounting: Structure needs cleaning

I am trying to mount one of my file containers: it contains an ext-4 volume and the file is also on an ext-4 volume (using Linux). The Veracrypt GUI makes a popup: mount: /media/veracrypt5: mount(2) ...
Bernd Elkemann's user avatar
5 votes
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How to permanently mount directory in WSL2?

I have a folder on Windows C:/Users/macie/dev and I want to mount it on /home/maciek/dev on WSL (Ubuntu). It stops working after restarting Windows. How do I make the mount permanent? Here's my /etc/...
lincoln06's user avatar
1 vote
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How to safely edit files in mounted BTRFS?

I broke my Manjaro Linux by putting wrong value into /etc/environment. I've booted from Manjaro live usb and mounted my partition using "Disks" utility (also tried sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 ....
grabantot's user avatar
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USB/USB-C combo flash drive mounts and works on Windows and Android, but not macOS

I have a flash drive that supports both USB and USB-C. The problem with this flash drive is that it works on Windows, but not on macOS. Specifically: The drive is exFAT-formatted and does not have ...
JesseTG's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I debug a mount failure with permission denied even tho I running with sudo?

How do I debug a mount failure with permission denied given I ran it with sudo? Why would a sudo command ever result in permission denied? $ cd ~ $ mkdir foo bar $ sudo mount --bind ./foo/ ./bar/ ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Timeshift and btrfs. Recovery unable to mount /home

I am using btrfs (which seems integral to the question). Upon recovering with timeshift and rebooting, I am encountering the following error [Failed] Failed to mount /home. [Depend] Dependancy failed ...
I.P's user avatar
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Permission denied when executing bash scripts on secondary drive after reboot

I have my primary (a NVME) and a secondary (Maxtor SSD) drive. I keep my work and some games in the second one. When I boot or reboot to my system, which is KDE Plasma (version 5.25.2), my secondary ...
Rick Stanley's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Trying to Mount external USB drive with NTFS partition in WSL, I get error 19

I'm Trying to mount an NTFS partition in WSL. But when I'm following the procedure described in Microsoft Docs wsl --mount <DiskPath> --partition 2 in wsl I get the following error: ERROR: ...
codekoriko's user avatar
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Mounting .iso image in Linux Mint with incorrect filename encoding

I am trying to mount some ISO files but have filename encoding issue. The .iso file in question is here: Mount command and incorrect filename: $ ...
sl1129's user avatar
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Synology : How to force reconnection of remote folder

I've a remote folder in the synology mount list that I need to manually reconnect every day to have access to it, otherwise it's not accesible.. (so go to File Station > tools > mount list ; and ...
Nicolas Rosewick's user avatar
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Can't Mount USB drive FreeBSD

I've been trying to mount a USB drive to my FreeBSD install for an unreasonable amount of time now to no avail. At this point, I have looked at countless forum posts and manual pages and I am not ...
Ryloguy's user avatar
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Access/Mount read-only WebDAV (Hetzner Storage Box)

I have a Hetzner Storage Box. One of the features it offers is `sub-accounts' that have their own username (u000000-sub1) and password with the root being a sub-directory of the main account. The main ...
Elijah Paul's user avatar
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Access automatically mounted owncloud/nextcloud mountpoint in gnome

In PureOS (Gnome desktop) I have added an Owncloud instance (by using the Nextcloud configuration panel). Where do I access the folder I can reach by Nautilus via bash? In other words: Where is the ...
Stefan Bollmann's user avatar
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mount bind inside container is not reflecting outside container

I am trying to bind host dir to some dir inside container and expecting changes done inside container should reflect on host. Here is the steps I have followed created /hostdir on host and run ubuntu ...
Hackaholic's user avatar
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Non-empty mount points with btrfs (SLES15): Are they needed?

I have many years of UNIX experience, but I think i made a fatal mistake: Seeing messages during boot about non-empty mount points, I took the chance to clean them up while migration a system to a new ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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I can't mount my USB drive on my KDE Neon system

I just logged out and logged back in with another user profile on my Neon system. When I plugged my flash drive into my laptop, the file manager didn't see it. I noticed that it was unmounted. I tried ...
pizzavitdit's user avatar
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code=exited, status=1/FAILURE on mkfs.ext4 in Ubuntu

I stopped this service and now when I attempt to start it I get the following error: Is there a way I can find out why the first process is failing? systemctl status crmpicco-admin.service ● crmpicco-...
crmpicco's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to encrypt cifs mount password?

In my /etc/fstab, I have credentials=/etc/cifspw, but the cifspw file is in clear. Is there a way to encrypt this file so that the username and password are not in clear, and still be able to mount ...
Rayne's user avatar
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3 answers

Find device node path of the last inserted USB drive

To eventually put into a bash script and/or Makefile, I'm wanting to find the device node path of the last inserted USB drive on a Debian system. It will most likely be something like /dev/sdb, but ...
algalg's user avatar
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How to format usb stick to respond to bash mount script?

using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa) GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1) List all drives: UNmounted and mounted lsblk --noheadings --raw | awk '{print substr($0,0,4)}' | uniq -c | grep 1 | awk '{print "...
joseph22's user avatar
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Mount of shared windows drive in /etc/fstab failing

I’m having problems mounting /mnt/data on my newest vmware VM. I’m not sure what next to try next to get /mnt/data to show me my shared folder – I’m doing it through /etc/fstab in Ubuntu. So I ...
Lindsay's user avatar
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Need ansible task to open CIFS share on localhost

I an creating a "recovery" ansible playbook, and I need to link to a read-only share on the backup machine so I can copy files. The share on the backup machine is //io.hcs/backup. In windows ...
Ian's user avatar
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1 answer

Switch to a filesystem with more memory

I am relatively new to linux, but am working on a remote server. Here's the output of df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 29G 1.9G 28G 7% / devtmpfs ...
Dimi Ansari's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

a usb flash drive shows sandrive.lnk when i mount it

i have a usb flash drive that contains multiple folders and app.exe, when i mount it, it only shows usbflashdrive.lnk(nulldll32.exe) when i double click on it, it shows me the folders inside and i can ...
spirtualdog's user avatar
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External Drive Shows in Sys.Profiler but Won't Mount/absent from DiskUtility (OSX 10 & 11)

I have a Sandisk 1TB Extreme USB-C external SSD that I bought and filled with an important 900GB dataset on about 16 months ago. I have not used it since. I have probably updated my mac OS to several ...
cataclysmic's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to mount NTFS in Linux without root password

I want to mount/umount a 3rd hard disk (with a NTFS filesystem) under Linux (OpenSuse (Leap15.2)) only as needed and as a normal user. But without entering my root password every time. So far I have ...
Genschman's user avatar
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1 answer

Ansible roles supposed to install different mounts dependent on subnet, install all mounts on anything

My ansible script is doing a great job at putting all the mounts on any system I specify. But my intention was to install mounts dependent on subnet. People on .35 are privileged and need acccess to ...
bluesquare's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Folder share from windows 10 to ubuntu 20-04 - mount-error-13

My apologies in advance if this sounds like a really daft question but I don't even know where I am going wrong here is my situation: I have 2 laptops at home connected to the same wifi network and I ...
Gaurav Arora's user avatar
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CentOS 7 to Windows, can list smb shares but cannot mount

I have been asked to check the mount a windows share on a CentOs7 box, before it was working and now not working anymore (no clue from the customer on what could be changed) Local mount point /backup ...
vindalooman's user avatar
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systemd twice mounts entry in fstab during boot, first attempt fails with bad option, second one works fine

Running Debian 5.10 within QEMU, I'm using the 9pfs file system to access files stored on my host system, as Debian comes with built-in support and QEMU supports that file system natively. When booted,...
Mecki's user avatar
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Docker volume has permissions of Docker host user, not container user

I just moved my work data from a partition with Ubuntu to a partition with Fedora (more space). I'm running a container where the container-user is root and the Docker-host-user is me (id=1000, gid=...
JoeS's user avatar
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1 answer

How to mount overlay filesystem over root folder in linux?

I want to mount an overlay filesystem over the root folder. My commands are: mkdir -p merged upper work sudo mount -t overlay ovr -o index=off -o lowerdir=\,upperdir=upper,workdir=work merged I get ...
nadapez's user avatar
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NFS Permission Denied when mounting from WSL

I'm trying to mount a NFS folder in WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 sudo mount singularity:/srv/Storage /mnt/storage -v But it gives me an error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting singularity:/srv/...
cclloyd's user avatar
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Mount APFS on Ubuntu Error while using apfs-fure

I have an apfs disk with some information that I need to access on my desktop. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and I have looked to this article to find all the steps I need to be able to do this (https://...
Steven Livingston's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to preserve persistent device mappings (not drive letters) for USB removable drives in Windows?

This is not a duplicate of Is there any way to force Windows to map inserted USB drives using the first available drive letter?. I am not asking about assignment of USB drives to drive letters, but ...
user415851's user avatar
2 votes
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How to mount a zfs clone

Based on this instructions I should be able to make a clone of a zfs volume using commands like so: $ sudo zfs snapshot -r zfs/logs/test@tmp-1236 $ sudo zfs clone zfs/logs/test@tmp-1236 zfs/logs/test-...
HubertNNN's user avatar
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How to bless folder as bootable snapshot in macOS 12.3.1 on an Apple Silicon device?

I just updated my Apple Silicon Mac to macOS 12.3.1. Before I used to be able to delete system apps by mounting an APFS drive by using the following command: sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/...
Jordan's user avatar
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How to mount HD with ISO UDF volume in Windows

Under Linux I can create an ISO image with UDF filesystem, using K3b for instance. Then I can copy such ISO image to the hard disk, using dd command for instance. Connecting such preapared hard disk ...
schweik's user avatar
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How to mount a cifs Partition for docker-compose?

I want docker-compose to mount one of the volumes to a mounted CIFS partition. I used the seafile docker-compose file and changed the volumes to ... db: ... volumes: - /mnt/nas_share/...
A.Dumas's user avatar
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Drive /dev/sda with a swap file in WSL2

As NotTheDr01ds mentioned in this answer, /dev/sda in WSL2 is a virtual drive which Windows creates to store a swap file shared between WSL instances. But it isn't mounted by default when instance ...
lem0nify's user avatar
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How to use nfs to mount my LAN disk into cloud server?

I have two machine. one is in my LAN, which dont have public ip(cant access if not in my ethernet). the other is a cloud server(aws), which can provide me a public ip address. So, i can use autossh to ...
nick's user avatar
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Why do I get permission denied when mounting drive as root?

I am trying to mount a USB drive on my Linux computer. But whenever I try to mount it gives me this error: root@penguin:~/drives# mount /dev/bus/usb/001/002 drive1 mount: /root/drives/drive1: ...
Warriorjacq9's user avatar
2 votes
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New external drive already slow to mount and to read/write

I just bought a 5TB Seagate STJL5000400 external USB hard drive. It takes at least 20 seconds to mount before being available to browse folders in the file manager and writing / reading is so slow. I ...
user2342558's user avatar

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