I want to mount an overlay filesystem over the root folder.

My commands are:

mkdir -p merged upper work
sudo mount -t overlay ovr -o index=off -o lowerdir=\,upperdir=upper,workdir=work merged

I get the error

mount: /.../merged: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on ovr_, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

I made this to work already but I don't know exactly what I did different from this.


1 Answer 1


(probably a necrobump)

  1. try without index=off
  2. the merged dir is where the files go, so set that as root too (/)
  3. lowerdir is set to 'escape sequence' not 'file path' i.e. \ not /

if that fails, it could be all sorts of things, bad mount binary, goofy kernel, something else...

also check dmesg, sure helped me when I tried to figure out what was wrong ('uper' typo), also try busybox mount, you'll have to install that, most likely (it doesn't come with most distros)

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