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Questions tagged [local]

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100 votes
2 answers

How does Router know where to forward packet

If several computers with local addresses (192.168.0.#) are connected to a router and each computer opens a web browser and requests a page over HTTP, when these TCP:80 packets are sent out, the ...
Kornelije Petak's user avatar
43 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to SCP from a remote to local whilst logged into the remote and without knowing the local's IP address?

I regularly find myself wanting to copy a file from remote terminal session to my local machine. Usually I log out of the remote session and call an scp transfer from local to copy the file from ...
jnthnclrk's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Having multiple web services run at home on the same ports (80 and 443)

Is there a possibility to run several webserver-applications from my home network? So with the same IP forward port 80 and 443 to different devices, depending on the domain name. Right now I use ...
NHendriks's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Howto disable SSH local port forwarding?

I have a server running Ubuntu and the OpenSSH daemon. Let's call it S1. I use this server from client machines (let's call one of them C1) to do an SSH reverse tunnel by using remote port ...
SCO's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a link local address and an IP address in the private address space?

I read that a link local address is used when no other method for acquiring one is found. But the address space for them doesn't seem to be reserved under private address space, what is the ...
rubixibuc's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Dropbox alternative with local sync support? [closed]

I am currently using Dropbox. Just decided to sync my huge (about 5 GB) iTunes Library (music collection) in Dropbox. For that I must subscribe to their paid account. But before I do so, I'd like ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

sync Nevernote (Evernote clone) notes to my own server

Supposedly, it used to be possible to sync Evernote notes to your own server. I would like to use the open source clone NeverNote, to sychronize to my own server. Is there a way of doing this? Here ...
D W's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why local addresses usually start with 192.168? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why are home networks prefixed with 192.168? Why local network addresses usually are like Is there any reason they start with 192.168 or is it just a ...
B Faley's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Phantom Local Disks appearing in my drive list

I seem to have several phantom Local Disks mapped to different letters that are of 0 bytes in size. Strangely, they do not show up when I view my drives through Windows Explorer. But if I open an ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a NAS that can act as a "simple", "dumb" USB Drive? [closed]

I have a satellite video reciever that can store (save) movies on an attched USB hard disk (FAT32 or NTFS). I there an NAS-System out there that can act as a dumb hard disk attached via USB towards ...
Rupert Jawosamma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does Apache server only work if I have an Internet connection? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Apache w/out internet connection I have installed Apache server on my local machine and managed to see local PHP files with my browser. However, later I found out that I ...
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0 votes
1 answer

BIND based DNS server for local server

I'm currently trying to set up a dns server for home server system, such that I can visit external websites as normal, but when I visit 'http://example.local' on any device in the network it redirects ...
rwacarter's user avatar
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