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Questions tagged [github]

Git repository hosting service - May be better on Web Apps or Stack Overflow

1 vote
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How do I remove bookmarked repositories from my GitHub's home list?

When I open my homepage in GitHub I see a useful list of all the repositories I'm a collaborator of, but I also see two other repositories marked with the icon of a bookmark. I had cloned them a ...
raggot's user avatar
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Installing Lazy Script on Kali Linux Using Git Cloning

I'm tryna use git cloning to install Lazy Script on my computer. However, whenever I try to clone it, it does not complete, nor does it give me an error code. It just goes back. root@kali:~# git ...
Lychee Tree's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Jenkins and Github Enterprise 2.17 failing Pull Request builds only

My company just upgraded out GHE instance to 2.17 and I am having a hell of a time with Jenkins now. Up until the upgrade everything worked, but now whenever a pull request is built, I get the ...
Cameron Hurst's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Git add file to repository but not control it

I have a git repository where I define the workflow (scripts + documentation) for setting up a database: from data download to data format to data publication. As a result of the download stage, I ...
Brandt's user avatar
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How to add existing project (locally in my computer) to a new repository, using vscode

i have an existing Java script project on my own laptop, could someone tell me how can i add it to new git hub repository, using vs code, thank you.
Vladimir Rumyantsev's user avatar
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Atom download takes me to Github, doesn't download application

I'm attempting to install Atom on Mac, but when I click "download" on the site it takes me to Github. I have installed Atom on other devices, and I remember that this would normally just ...
user1058452's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

git branch command not working, but other command do

I have a strange behavior with my installation of Git. The usual Git commands work normally: init, add, commit, push, pull, but when I type any command related to branch, it reported: C:\Program ...
QuocBao's user avatar
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Error when creating repository using GitHub Desktop app

I messed up the previous repository and then I deleted it from GitHub. When I try to create one locally using GitHub Desktop app, I am getting an error saying some files are too large:
harsha's user avatar
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Github Branch Creation Data from API

I want to analyze open source software collaborations. For my purposes I need to get the approximate point in time when a branch was created, even if it was merged afterwards. Is there a way to get ...
NiklasRz's user avatar
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Branch disappeared from local repo after commit

I was on a local feature branch and did 'git add .' and then 'git commit -m [my message describing the commit]' then I tried to 'git push origin [branch_name]' which, even though there is no remote ...
Soluble Snake's user avatar
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Combining several, tagged static files into one GitHub tracked file

I've recently come into management of an old GitHub repo and am trying to get it up to standards. The Repo has a code folder, which contains each 'version' of the code, these have not been modified in ...
C. Greyston Brady's user avatar
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"This branch is 6 commits ahead of original:master" but 0 changed files

I am trying to resolve an issue with old commits persisting through new pull requests from my personal forked repo to the original repo. I am using the GitHub website, not command line. When I look ...
Corey Rae McRae's user avatar
8 votes
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Full github issue and project board integration for IntelliJ IDEA

I recently found out that apart from just simply pushing/pulling from a github repo from within IntelliJ IDEA, you can also create pull requests and create tasks and change lists based on issues on ...
coolcat007's user avatar
2 votes
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git gh-pages deployment permissions error “Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository”

EDIT: POSSIBLE FIX In addition to the answers submitted, anyone with this error/same issue could also try running the command $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa. This seems to work for me any time I need to get ...
Emily's user avatar
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4 votes
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Github: why do I appear twice on every commit?

Whenever I commit something, it shows up a commit message on GitHub as follows: I am working with Intellij-IDEA (in case this is relevant). Questions: Why does my name "Bernhard" appear twice? Note ...
BJPrim's user avatar
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How to setup multiple on my centos server?

I have this legacy server with CentOS release 6.6 (Final), w/ git version git version 1.7.1 I need to pull on it different Github projects. Access to server is shared by multiple persons via a common ...
koalaok's user avatar
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Deleting repositories on GitHub [closed]

Can someone please help me delete a repository I have created as a test repository on GitHub. I am using the Android FastHub application. Thank you for your help.
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do I cancel my Github LFS subscription?

A long time ago I decided to try github lfs. It didn't seem to help much, so I did what I thought would cancel it, but apparently it did not work. I would like to know how to cancel a github lfs ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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How do I configure Heroku to use a GitHub PAT

I'm working with Heroku, Node and GitHub. I've created a PAT (Personal Access Token) in GitHub. And I would like to use it to install a private repository on GitHub. The Node package.json file has a ...
Berni's user avatar
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1 answer

Transfer ownership of Github repo to someone who has forked it

I have forked a repo on Github and made my own modified version of the code. After helping out the original repo's dev with some code, he's ready to retire from it himself and wants to transfer ...
Lightmaster's user avatar
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Github desktop not allowing push to github repository owned by myself

I connected my gitHub repository to gitHub desktop and have it running through IntelliJ. Everything works fine on IntelliJ; it allows me to add files and class no problem. Then when I update and and ...
Levi's user avatar
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Git overwrote local with remote when reverting a push

Using github desktop I committed and tried to push local code to master. I hadn't been updating the remote repo much so my local version had about 2 months worth of work. I made the commit and tried ...
Tanner Ducharme's user avatar
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Cannot ping

From time to time I have an issue to access from ONLY one computer in my home network either through the web browser or just simply using ping/tracert command My computer is Windows 7, ...
Alex Reichman's user avatar
0 votes
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Get changes from non accepted pull request from someones repo

Is it possible to get changes from pull request of somebones repo. I've tried to contact with owner of this repo, but he is inactive from last year.
Nur Sultan's user avatar
1 vote
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Proving that I own the private key associated to a public key

After changing job, I have lost access to my former professional GitHub account. To prove that the account is indeed mine, GitHub is asking me this: If you have access to any of the private SSH ...
François Beaune's user avatar
-1 votes
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git push origin master not working

I created a new repository on github, and linked it with my local repository using - git remote add origin (gihub-Link). But when I am using git push origin master it is showing this-----
Kundan Kumar's user avatar
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What do I do with the pygame_master folder after running OSX)?

I downloaded Pygame from GitHub because the pip3 download method resulted in high CPU usage. So after downloading it, I ran and a folder 'Pygame_master' was created in my downloads folder. ...
tynang's user avatar
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4 votes
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git add . command not working

git add . is not working it got stuck as you can see the below image. I am building an expo project and the directory structure is in the image. Please help me with this problem. I also tried git add ...
Rajat Verma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Recover deleted file from git after commit

I committed a file to my local git and then pushed it to github. I performed the following commands to remove that file and then pushed it to github: git rm file.txt git commit -m remove file.txt ...
Helpless one's user avatar
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Trigger Jenkins job via Github webhook without passing username password in plain text

I have a Jenkins setup which requires a username and password for login I am using Github webhook to trigger a build on this jenkins. Currently I am passing username and password in the URL itself and ...
Harminder Singh's user avatar
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The ControlsFX Textfields.bindAutoCompletion will not update with new parameters. Is there a solution or workaround?

I've spent a number of days researching this particular issue and used many suggested solutions such as '.dispose()' that I thought might work but have not, but nothing specifically addresses this ...
svstackoverflow's user avatar
2 votes
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git bash for windows seems to use wrong user name for github SSH connection

I have created a ssh key using my github email address and have added it to github: I have also changed my git global email address to use my github email address: but when I try to login it says ...
xerxes's user avatar
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57 votes
5 answers

Bring a local folder to remote git repo

I have a folder with all my files set up for a project. I decided to use git on that folder, so I created on Github an empty repo. Usually the procedure is to clone on my local disk the remote repo, ...
user840718's user avatar
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3 answers

Install paccache in Msys2 to clean installers storage

I mean to get rid of a large number of probably useless installers (I have currently 3.5Gb "immobilized") from my Portable Msys2 under Win10. I will probably keep the last version, at least of some ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get the latest commit date of a file from a given github reposotiry?

Given a file in a Github repository such as, and I wrote a shell script (or a function in a shell script) to download this file called ...
CodyChan's user avatar
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Cloning a private GitHub repo using Atom

I'm trying to clone a private GitHub repo that I'm the owner of using Atom text editor. Using the GitHub:Clone command, I enter a URL like: , and I receive an error ...
user10348034's user avatar
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Github community edition installed but not open properly

I am trying the install the Github lab community edition in our centos server by using steps that mentioned in the below link The installation successfully ...
user512213's user avatar
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A certain obscure FOSS script made for my archaic motherboard to perform a very specific function fails to run. Can anyone please explain why?

So, I have a motherboard, MSI H81M-P33, and I have a freshly bought PWM fan. Unfortunately, my motherboard's BIOS does not allow me to reduce the RPM curve of my fans below 50%, which makes them ...
Vladimir Vilimaitis's user avatar
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Output console issue with Heroku and Github on vscode

I got a problem with vscode and Github extension, I have a discord bot who runs on heroku, but everytime I write on save my code (without pushing it) it sends and focus this error, so I can't write ...
stanislasbdx's user avatar
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GitHub - UI allowing non-technical collaborators to edit files

I have a Github repository that only contains one file - a I want to distribute an edit link to several non-tech-savvy collaborators, but without having to explain to them what "commit" ...
Alt_Doru's user avatar
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When viewing a commit on GitHub, there is a file listed with #--># appended to it (see picture). What does it mean?

GitHub Arrow I'm viewing the diffs introduced by a commit to a repository on GitHub, and one of the files has the file name with this mysterious (to me) string appended to it. The file name is ...
helen's user avatar
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git: 'remote-https' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Error when cloning a repository

I experience this error whenever I try to clone a repository. The error comes regardless if the repository is private or public. As a result, I cannot clone any repository. The same error comes if I ...
Vivek Singh Negi's user avatar
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I need to find a python.exe file in either anaconda or python but am unable to do so

I'm working with a project on github that requires that I have a python.exe file because the program doesn't have python installed on it. However, I am struggling to find this file when I search for ...
Ryan Marr's user avatar
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Setup auto build after push on TeamCity

I have GitHub repo and TeamCity 2018.2.1. I have already setup periodic check of git in the TeamCity (every 30 sec). But it's not good solution for me. I want an automatic build as soon as someone ...
DerSkythe's user avatar
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All pages under '' result in a 'Refused to load the stylesheet' error in Chrome

Whenever I navigate to a github page (any page under the domain), the css styles fail to load. Using an alternate device on the same network works fine. The issue appears to only be with a ...
Joshr's user avatar
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Must you have a github account to set up a private git on your OWN server?

I wish to set up my own PRIVATE version control system using Git (not open source) for my own software project and I read a few tutorials (like
WWelsh's user avatar
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Merging two divergent repositories on different remotes

Me and my colleague set up a new repository on both GitHub and GitLab. All was nice, but due to a misunderstanding, he was pushing to GitHub and I was pushing to GitLab. We set up rep mirroring on ...
huB1erTi2's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add syntax highlighting to indented code blocks using github flavored markdown

Using github flavored markdown, there are three sytnax variants for a block of code: Fenced code blocks ```js var user = "string" ``` Indented code blocks var user = "string" Html blocks ...
KyleMit's user avatar
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Github Pages on 1&1 domain has weird behavior

I have a 1and1 domain and web server (, and I want to link it with my Github Pages site ( I followed the instructions on the Github Help website, and now it works on ...
kyleplo's user avatar
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ca-certificates is broken or not fully installed

Running sudo wget -O ruby-install-0.7.0.tar.gz I get the message ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘CN=...
Thomas's user avatar
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