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Questions tagged [github]

Git repository hosting service - May be better on Web Apps or Stack Overflow

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How do I remove unnecessary links from sitemap in ASTRO build site [closed]

I have site build in ASTRO and integrated with github, i hav issue how to edit sitemap where i need to exclude some links that are not to be indexed like "tags" "author" and more. ...
Christa Baez's user avatar
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Is there a way to show .mlx file on GitHub?

I created a script with Live Editor in Matlab, i.e. mlx file. I would like to push this file to my repository in GitHub in a way that people can read it without download. Is there a way ?
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Tar extract doesn't work on Zip repos with submodules [closed]

Tar extract doesn't work on Zip repos with submodules: curl -L -o ~/Downloads/ tar -xvf ~/Downloads/ -...
Ridhwaan Shakeel's user avatar
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What does gpg: skipped "user": no secret key mean?? (How to solve)?

I am doing a git commit and I am getting the following error: gpg: skipped "user <email>": No secret key gpg: signing failed: No secret key error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: ...
E Alexis MT's user avatar
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What to do when you get "DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located" error once GitHub Desktop is installed

This will happen to those who are still using Windows 7 for whatever good reason. Full error message will be, The procedure entry point DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located in the dynamic link ...
TheNightwalker's user avatar
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Cannot connect to GitHub on Mac

I'm using Mac Ventura 13.6.6 and git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145). Due to my location, I have to use VPNs to use Google, GitHub, etc. It has been working well. Since several days ago, I realize that ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How to fix Github Error 403?

I want to push commits in GitHub. The url to the repository is I used: git commit -m "my commit" file then: git push -u origin main I got ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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How do I monitor my hugo site deployed using github pages using custom domain using zabbix/promethus/grafana/monit?

Is it possible to do? I’d love to learn monitoring systems. I know that you need access to the linux server in order to do it. But I'd love to know if it's possible or not? https://webapps....
achhainsan's user avatar
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Where to put cacert.pem certificate file so that ddev composer will use it? Getting "self signed certificate in certificate chain" error

I am using WSL2 with Ubuntu, following the procedure here: When I get to the line ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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How to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech from source

I want to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK in Python. On a Macbook, I can run: python3 -m pip install azure-cognitiveservices-speech and it works. On an iMac, the same command throws: ...
emonigma's user avatar
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GitHub: What is the effect of the "Ask admin for access" in Pull Requests?

I noticed that on a pull request not by oneself, and not in a repo where you have access under Reviewers there is this notice: Still in progress? Learn about draft PRs (i) Clicking on "Learn ...
Daraan's user avatar
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Get GitHub Asciidoc to recognize a file link to a Windows NAS share

I have a Windows NAS drive that has lots of shared folders and documents, and I want to link to them from a GitHub Wiki written in Asciidoc. Intuitively, the link would be this: link:file://my.corp....
James Madison's user avatar
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Github Copilot CLI npm version vs gh cli version - what to use in future

There seem to be 2 variants of Github Copilot for CLI: NPM: part of GH CLI:
dermoritz's user avatar
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What is the likely source of unexpected clones of newly opened GitHub repo? [closed]

This is a soft-question in that the answer will necessarily either include a probabilistic break-down of likely sources, or it will be speculative. However, I am curious to know what automated (bots), ...
JAP's user avatar
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Long time SSH key to github stops working, and now github tests welcome me as org_name/other_project

A ssh key that had once worked with Github stopped working and nothing I did would fix it. All Git requests would die with the standard git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository In github, I ...
wruckie's user avatar
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