I have GitHub repo and TeamCity 2018.2.1. I have already setup periodic check of git in the TeamCity (every 30 sec). But it's not good solution for me. I want an automatic build as soon as someone does a push.

As I understand, I need to setup webhooks on GitHub. I have already done this and the GitHub sends me such requests:

"POST /webhooks/endpoint.html HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "GitHub-Hookshot/6031d40" ""

But TeamCity does not understand them at all. In the documentation I did not find anything related to the settings for getting webhooks.

Has anyone set this up? Thank you

1 Answer 1


Found solution. You need to install this plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9179-github-commit-hooks

After installation in the action menu of project settings you can find "Install GitHub Webhook".

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