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Powershell equivalent of "dir /a"?

Running dir /a on a given directory on one of our servers produces a list of unexpected files that look like malware: C:\Users\<username>dir /a c:\Users\Public\Downloads\ Volume in drive C has ...
kindzmarauli's user avatar
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List each subdirectory and the number of files within it using cmd.exe

I have several subdirectories that contain files, and I want to list each subdirectory and beside it the number of files (*.html specifically) within that subdirectory. For example, I am in "C:\...
JAT86's user avatar
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DIR list files with only one extension

The code below will list all files from the selected directory. How to make it list only files with one extension, like pdf? [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell\4_content-list-pdf\command] @="cmd /c ...
Rayearth's user avatar
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Why does `dir *.*` give me all files and folders?

When I run dir *.* it produces unexpected results. Even files and folders without any dot in their names are listed. For example C:\>dir *.* Volume in drive C is System Volume Serial Number is ...
phuclv's user avatar
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Is there a Window's Command Line Option to Show the Sizes of Directories

When I do a dir command it, gives this information: 02/11/2015 01:39 PM <DIR> bar 11/11/2014 07:22 AM <DIR> buz 02/12/2015 01:35 PM 140,660,736 foo.sdf 01/...
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
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Directory Listing includes Date Modified, File Size into text file/excel file

I want to list an entire drive's (Z:) directories, subdirectories, and files in a single text file with all the dates and the file sizes. I can then open the file inside Excel. I am currently using ...
Kurisuchin's user avatar