I have a Dell Inspiron 14z latop, with an i5-2450M CPU (running at 2.5Ghz), 8 Gb of memory, and a Kingston SVP200S3 solid-state drive (120 Gb). I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit on it.

My problems started a few days ago, out of the blue. I first noticed it while watching Youtube videos - the video and sound would freeze for half a second to a second (audio still on, but corrupted), and this would happen every minute or so. I attributed it to an error with Adobe Flash player. The problem is, when I played a movie later on using VLC player, the same thing would happen.

Finally, I noticed that even if I have all programs closed, and just move the mouse in circles on the desktop, the same thing would happen - mouse freezes for half a second, then it works again.

I rand Dell SupportAssist stress tests on the CPU and RAM, and nothing comes out of it. I still haven't run the SSD test, as it might take a few hours.

Any suggestions as to what might be causing this? What other software could I use to diagnose the problem?



1 Answer 1


After using MooO System Monitor (and it took a little bit of paying attention what's happening), it turned out two services were the culprits: DellDataVault.exe and DellDataVaultWiz.exe, both of which I disabled using msconfig.

Unfortunately, I'm still not sure why they were causing the issues, not why they started causing them suddenly - I didn't install them myself recently.

  • You likely never installed them. They are only installed on Dell computers. But it sounds like they were accessing a bad HDD which was causing I/O errors
    – Ramhound
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 21:13
  • @Ramhound I have a SSD drive. You think there could be hardware issues? Any way to check if the hard drive is getting out of shape?
    – neuron
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 21:19
  • You tell me? Is the drive healthy? But Windows not responding is a classic sign of an I/O error
    – Ramhound
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 21:20
  • @Ramhound This is the readout from SpeedFan: imgur.com/mV1skiR Any ideas?
    – neuron
    Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 21:37

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