How can one apply diff file produced by fc /b command on Windows to update some file in a simplest way possible; i.e. without buying anything or downloading some large/questionable software?

The diff file looks something like this:

myold.fil mynew.fil
0000100A: 00 10
0000100B: 00 30

What I need is to produce the mynew.fil from myold.fil.


1 Answer 1


I will be using this PowerShell script for now.

# Script for applying fc /b or .dif kind of binary diffs to files.
# Run using this command: 
#   powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File "fc2bin.ps1"
# Difference file should have the following format:

#    Description line
#    myold.fil
#    0000100A: 00 10
#    0000100B: 00 30

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