For files that contain non ASCII symbols, The Sysinternals Handle utility prints the file names with ?. A similar problem is also reported in the following places:

Reproduction scenario

  • Open a file C:\test\fileфайлファイル文件.pdf in Adobe Acrobat Reader just to lock it.
  • Executing the following command in cmd.exe results in the file name being printed as C:\test\file??????????.pdf:
C:\> handle64 -nobanner C:\test\fileфайлファイル文件.pdf
Acrobat.exe        pid: 10616  type: File           440: C:\test\file??????????.pdf
  • The same occurs if I redirect the output to a file by using the command handle64 -nobanner C:\test\fileфайлファイル文件.pdf > 1.txt. The file content will be the same as in a console. Opening the file in a HEX editor shows that ? signs are actual question marks with the code x3F. Therefore, I assume that it is not a problem with the encoding on my machine.


How can it be fixed or worked around?

Best workaround at the moment.

Binary patch from @NewcomerAl's answer fixes this issue. The patched binary can be downloaded from the Sysinternals-console-utils-with-Unicode-support GitHub repository.

  • Try to enter the command chcp 65001 to use UTF8 encoding. Does that help?
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 18:55
  • No, I have tried it, it didn't help. The result is the same.
    – PolarBear
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 9:25
  • It's likely a problem with Handle - you might signal the author.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 9:40

2 Answers 2


It is possible to workaround this issue by applying the following binary patch to HANDLE64.EXE V5.0 that injects _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT) at the beginning of the main function. This function makes Handle tool print its output in UTF8 format that supports non ASCII symbols.


# Description
# injects `_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT)` at the beginning of the `main` function. Only works for "HANDLE64.EXE v5.0"
00008510: 48 E9
00008511: 33 FF
00008512: C4 DF
00008513: 48 02
00008514: 89 00
00036514: 00 50
00036515: 00 51
00036516: 00 52
00036517: 00 41
00036518: 00 50
00036519: 00 41
0003651A: 00 51
0003651B: 00 48
0003651C: 00 83
0003651D: 00 EC
0003651E: 00 30
0003651F: 00 BA
00036522: 00 04
00036524: 00 B9
00036525: 00 01
00036529: 00 E8
0003652A: 00 7A
0003652B: 00 FD
0003652C: 00 FD
0003652D: 00 FF
0003652E: 00 48
0003652F: 00 83
00036530: 00 C4
00036531: 00 30
00036532: 00 41
00036533: 00 59
00036534: 00 41
00036535: 00 58
00036536: 00 5A
00036537: 00 59
00036538: 00 58
00036539: 00 48
0003653A: 00 33
0003653B: 00 C4
0003653C: 00 48
0003653D: 00 89
0003653E: 00 84
0003653F: 00 24
00036540: 00 50
00036541: 00 01
00036544: 00 E9
00036545: 00 D2
00036546: 00 1F
00036547: 00 FD
00036548: 00 FF

How to apply

  1. Save the abovementioned patch into a file patch.txt and place it next to the handle64.exe executable.
  2. Download a powershell script from this answer by @DitherSky and place the script next to the handle64.exe executable.
  3. Create a batch script file runme.cmd with commands below and place it next to the handle64.exe executable:
@cd /d "%~dp0"
@powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File fc2bin.ps1 -Apply patch.txt
  1. Run the batch script runme.cmd to apply fix to the handle64.exe executable.
  • Hello, you really should state what the patch is exactly changing.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jul 14, 2023 at 20:23
  • And how to apply it and where you got it from. What if it stuffs up the OPs system? Commented Jul 14, 2023 at 21:38
  • As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jul 14, 2023 at 21:38
  • @NewcomerAl, thank you for the workaround. It works. I have created a GitHub repository Handle.exe-with-Unicode-support from which the patched binary can be downloaded.
    – PolarBear
    Commented Aug 5, 2023 at 13:19
  • @PolarBear, please take a look at issues #420 and #519 in the main Sysinternals repository. There are similar patches for AccessChk.exe and DU.exe.
    – NewcomerAl
    Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 13:40

This is a known limitation that they have no intention of fixing.
There are pages in learn.microsoft.com that elude to this fact.

The suggestions on how to deal with it is to build your own copy using one of the several links provided in the link above.

You would save yourself some time looking for a solution rather than a work-around.


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