This is a question that I may have difficulty explaining, so bear with me.

On one sheet I have a column which has several cells, some of which are blank, some that have a single value, and some that have more than one value. On another sheet I have a list of those values with an appropriate home. Here’s an example of what I’m working with:


C1: Team Names
C2: crimson-tide, bulldogs
C3: bulldogs
C4: (blank)
C5: canucks


A1: Football          B1: Basketball        C1: Hockey
A2: crimson-tide      B2: celtics           C2: maple-leafs
A3: bulldogs          B3: mavericks         C3: oilers
A4: tigers            B4: gonzaga-bulldogs  C4: canucks
A5: longhorns         B5: warriors          C5: bruins

Expected Output on Sheet1:

D2: Football
D3: Football
D4: No Sport Found
D5: Hockey

Actual Output:

D2: (blank)
D3: FootballBasketBall
D4: (blank)
D5: Hockey

I am wanting to iterate through Sheet1!C2:C5 and any value that has a match on Sheet2!A2:C5 will display the appropriate header from Sheet2!A1:C1. For example, Sheet1!C2 would say ‘Football’ since either crimson-tide or bulldogs is under the football header on Sheet2!A1.

What may or may not be important to add: no values in Sheet1!C will have a team that will be in another header. Crimson-tide will only be under the football header on Sheet2, not both the football and basketball header, for example. So far I’ve only been able to show a True/False result if the team in Column C matches a team on Sheet2. I cannot figure out how to display the appropriate header. Please help!

1 Answer 1


Try to enter the following formula in cell D2

enter image description here

     _S2Sports, Sheet2!A$2:C$5,
     _Sports, TOCOL(IFS(_S2Sports<>"",Sheet2!A$1:C$1),2,1),
     _Teams, TOCOL(_S2Sports,1,1),
     _Match, XLOOKUP(TEXTSPLIT(C2,,", "),_Teams,_Sports,"No Team Found"),
     IFERROR(TEXTJOIN("|",1,UNIQUE(_Match)),"No Sport Found"))

Using a single dynamic array formula :

     _S2Sports, Sheet2!A$2:C$5,
     _Sports, TOCOL(IFS(_S2Sports<>"",Sheet2!A$1:C$1),2,1),
     _Teams, TOCOL(_S2Sports,1,1),
     BYROW(C2:C12, LAMBDA(x, LET(_Match, XLOOKUP(TEXTSPLIT(x,,", "),_Teams,_Sports,"No Team Found"),
     IFERROR(TEXTJOIN("|",1,UNIQUE(_Match)),"No Sport Found")))))

If you don't have access to TOCOL() & TEXTSPLIT() then:

enter image description here

     _Sports, Sheet2!$A$2:$C$5,
     _Found, N(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(", "&_Sports&", ",", "&$C2&", "))),
     _MatrixCal, MMULT(SEQUENCE(,ROWS(_Sports))^0,_Found),
     _Output, FILTER(Sheet2!$A$1:$C$1,_MatrixCal,"No Team Found"),
     IF(C2="","No Sport Found",TEXTJOIN("|",,_Output)))

  • Thank you for the fast reply! The first and last formula didn’t work for me, however the CONCAT formula is showing some promise. It seems on multiple values (crimson-tide, bulldogs) that it’s not providing a Team Name. However a single value (warriors) is showing the name as expected. I’ve also noticed that for teams that share a word, for example, gonzaga-bulldogs and georgia-bulldogs, it will show both Football and Basketball because both teams share the “bulldogs” text. Even though the teams are unique. Any idea on how all of that may be alleviated? Commented Mar 1 at 3:03
  • @chunky-coal can you show me few more examples with the expected output, it will definitely help me understand also I can see clearly for multiple values like crimson-tide, bulldogs it is returning correct output. Yes it will give you one output only because i have unique function here. For the other two bulldogs i am not able to understand if you share an excel or a screenshot it will help me more to understand to help you out Commented Mar 1 at 10:59
  • Of course. I just made some edits and hopefully that will make it easier to understand. Thank you! Commented Mar 1 at 15:13
  • @chunky-coal hello can you try this =IFERROR(CONCAT(UNIQUE(REPT(Sheet2!$A$1:$C$1,N(IFNA(TEXTSPLIT(C2,,", ")=Sheet2!$A$2:$C$5,0))))),"No Sport Hockey") Commented Mar 1 at 15:38
  • 1
    Thank you so much!! This worked as expected. Sorry for the delay. I have marked this answer as resolved and you are a hero. Commented Mar 7 at 4:29

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