Here is the scenario that I have been trying to puzzle out.

In Sheet1 Column B, I have a list of SKUs, in Sheet2 Columns Y-AG I have multiple lists of SKUs that could match what is in Sheet1 Column B.

I'm trying to return the value of Sheet2 Column B if any of the values in Sheet2 Columns Y-AG match Sheet 1 Column B.

I've tried the following formula, but alas it returns only errors.


Thank you for your help kind people!

  • Would the us of a helper column be ok? Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 21:20

1 Answer 1


Combination of MMULT (Matrix Multiplication) & INDEX, MATCH finds value from multiple columns.

enter image description here

enter image description here


The used formula finds Name, Sanjay in cell A67, in Sheet 1 A65:A72, matched with Name, Sanjay in B39, in Sheet 2 B37:D44, and returns value Kim from Sheet 2 Column A (A37:A44), in Sheet 1 Column B in Cell B67.

  • An array (CSE) formula, in Sheet 1 cell B65:

  • Finish formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter & fill it down.

Adjust cell Sheet name & cell references in the formula as needed.

How the formula works:

  • (Sheet2!$B$37:$D$44=Sheet1!A65), works inside out, where Sheet1!A65 works as criteria, finds name in Sheet 2 B37:D44, generates TRUE/FALSE for every value in B37:D44.

  • The COLUMN function creates 2nd numeric array, has dimension of 3 col X 1 row .

  • TRANSPOSE converts this array to 1 col X 3 rows.

  • The power of zero simply converts all numbers in the array to 1.

  • The MMULT function is then used to perform matrix multiplication.

  • IFERROR, as usual handle "N/A" error.

  • 1
    Glad to help you @Preston ,, keep asking ☺ Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 7:57

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