I have a 365 account with multiple domains. For simplicity's sake lets just use two, the one I made the account with and another I added to the account that I would like to make the the primary domain. Rebranding / not sure if the previous domain will be kept.

Is it easier to just make a new account with the second domain and migrate all my others there?

Or is there a way I can essentially "swap" the domain I want to be primary with the current main domain?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks.

  • 1
    Migrating everything over to a new tenant can get complicated very quickly. It will usually involve a third party software to get something like all Microsoft Teams messages, channels, and chats transferred successfully. I would recommend having your secondary domain added to your current tenant. Then, if I understand your question completely, it would be as easy as going to portal.azure.com > Active Directory > Custom Domain Names then making your new domain the primary. When you get multiple tenants involved, in my experience, creates more headaches than what they're worth.
    – Dr_Xunil
    Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 14:52
  • This is indeed the solution I was looking for and simple enough, thanks a lot! Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 15:31

2 Answers 2


Migrating everything over to a new tenant can get complicated very quickly. It will usually involve a third party software to get something like all Microsoft Teams messages, channels, and chats transferred successfully. I would recommend having your secondary domain added to your current tenant. Then, if I understand your question completely, it would be as easy as going to portal.azure.com > Active Directory > Custom Domain Names then making your new domain the primary. When you get multiple tenants involved, in my experience, creates more headaches than what they're worth.


Dr_Xunil answered my question in the comments. I didn't realize I could change the primary domain just like that. Thanks!

  • Thanks for accepting @Dr_Xunil's answer -- Erased my previous comment (and upvoted both the question and the accepted answer). But do also recommend deleting your answer now. Thanks! Commented Feb 14, 2023 at 23:08

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