
I am running a win 10 host and a VMware with Linux Ubunto 22.04 LTS.

I have created a .Net6.0 helloWorld console application and published it as a self-contained app.

I then tried to copy&paste it from host to VM but it is not possible. It works with a textfile but not my build. Files app is crashing on Linux when attempting this.

I have also failed when I tried: zip it in both 7s and tar publish for linux-arm, linux-x64 and win-x64

I want to know what the issue is.

  • 1
    Windows binaries will not run on Linux. If you have the source code, you need to rebuild on Linux. If it is C#, rebuild in mono
    – cup
    Commented Jul 18, 2022 at 11:40
  • Just to clarify: it's the copying that crashes the file explorer? You may want to emphasize it (use the edit button). I'm guessing other users are confused and think you're trying to run a Windows app on Linux.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Jul 18, 2022 at 14:51
  • Good point, I have published it as a self-contained application compiled for Linux. The file is fine for Linux.
    – TheWorker
    Commented Jul 22, 2022 at 8:43

1 Answer 1


I solved it.

The issue was that the file exceeded 65 mb in size which was the max allowed for copying.

A workaround is to mount a shared directory and pass the files through that way.

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