I have a linux guest with ssh enabled on a hyper-v host.

Depending on the assigned vSwitch (Default or External), I can ssh into linux from hyper-v host but not from other systems, or I cannot ssh into linux from hyper-v host but I can ssh from other systems. In both cases, linux can access the internet.

host's IP address is Other test machine's IP address is

Case 1: Linux on Default vSwitch, assigned address

  • ping from host to linux - works
  • ssh from host to linux - works (as the network 172.23.160/20 is directly connected to host by the Hyper-V setup)
  • ping from test to linux - will not work, since it is on another subnet
  • ssh from test to linux - will not work, since it is on another subnet
  • ping from linux to - works

Case 2: Linux on External vSwitch, assigned address

  • ping from host to linux - works!!
  • ssh from host to linux - "Connection refused" <<<--- this is the culprit
  • ping from test to linux - works
  • ssh from test to linux - works
  • ping from linux to - works

Obviously, I could go with Case 1 (NAT) and use port forwarding (netsh interface portproxy..) on the host. But I'd rather like to understand why Case 2 does not work. Especially why ping from host to linux works, but ssh does not.

Any idea why this does not work and how to fix this?


  • Are you sure sshd on Linux is actually listening on this address? (Check with ss -l sport = :22 or netstat -ltn.) Are you sure the Linux firewall isn't rejecting the connection? "Connection refused" is a pretty specific indication that the server explicitly replied with a RST to the connection attempt. Commented May 16, 2021 at 10:08
  • sshd is listening on ssh is possible from ("test") while it is not possible from ("host"). also, there is no firewall active on linux.
    – I grok it
    Commented May 16, 2021 at 10:40
  • Does the Linux system receive the connection attempt packets? (Do you see them in tcpdump?) Commented May 16, 2021 at 11:24
  • No, tcpdump (running on linux) does not see the ssh connection attempts from host to linux. tcpdump shows the ssh traffice from any other machine on the net to linux, though. That is why I think it's rather a hyper-v/vswitch issue, than a problem with the linux configuration.
    – I grok it
    Commented May 16, 2021 at 17:39


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