I'm trying to install a WindowsXP 64 bits in Windows Virtual PC. Windows Virtual PC complains:

Attempting to load an x64 operating system, however this CPU is not compatible with x64 mode. Please install a 32-bit x86 operating system.

But the whole thing is running under a Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bits. How can this be? What coult it be the problem?


1 Answer 1


Windows Virtual PC does not support 64 bit guests.

See this chart. Note the complete absence of any 64-bit guest column. This hypervisor is emulation based, so you are stuck with whatever software they use to emulate the hardware/processor. If the emulator only emulates a 32 bit processor, you will only be able to use 32 bit OS and applications. Use another hypervisor that supports 64 bit guests, such as Oracle Virtual Box or VMware Player.

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