I'm running

diff -rq linux-4.15-rc9/ ubuntu-bionic/ > ubuntu.diff

but the output is just a bunch of lines with:

Files linux-4.15-rc9/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c and ubuntu-bionic/tools/perf/util/metricgroup.c differ

I wanted a large file with all the actual diffs (line insertions and deletions) between each file

1 Answer 1


You don't want the -q option since that is what is generating your list of files that are different.

Something like

diff -Naur /path/to/original /path/to/changed

Should generate what you want. If it does, simply redirect output to a file to use used as a patch.

diff -Naur /path/to/original /path/to/changed > /path/to/my_changes.patch


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