i have a file:

unreliable, random content, multiple lines
unreliable, random content, SINGLE line
unreliable, random content, multiple lines

each of the unreliable, random content, multiple lines is a random number of lines, with random text

i am trying to create a .patch file that adds 4 lines to the above file like this:

unreliable, random content, multiple lines
unreliable, random content, SINGLE line
unreliable, random content, multiple lines

(when i say random, it isnt really random, i just mean that no 2 files being patched will have the same things)

i have no idea how to add content 2 lines after a line,

any help would be appreciated

sorry if i havent formatted this question correctly

EDIT: just adding that i cant rely on line numbers either, and this is my first time trying to use diff and patch

  • This sounds like the wrong approach. Why not use some other tool sed or similar? Those are meant for pattern matching and could add content. While patch should apply a diff to a file. A diff is a line by line comparison.
    – Seth
    Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


A patch file in unified format is just a number of chunks prefixed by a line starting with @@, which gives the line number and length of the chunk in the old and new file, and the name of the old and new file at the beginning. So if e.g. the always_the_same_line is line number 30, the patch file would look like

--- old_file_name
+++ new_file_name
@@ -30,2 +30,4 @@
 unreliable, random content, SINGLE line

The line number is easy to find with grep -n always_the_same_line, the beginning two lines including the "unreliable, random content, SINGLE line" as trailing context can be found with grep -A1 always_the_same_line, and now you just need a bit formatting using awk, perl or whatever you are most comfortable with to produce the patch file in the required format.

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