I have a the following setup: machine with one 1TB hdd and with W7Ultimate installed on that drive (with RAID in BIOS).

Now I want to make it running as RAID 1, so I have two additional similar 1TB WD Reds.

Is there some easy way hot to do it? I tried HW switch to RAID 1, but it will format the drive, so I tried to clone existing OS into it, but it will lost that RAID settings. I also tried to make RAID 1 in Intel Matrix storage in Windows, but it will says, that second drive is not big enough, etc and cannot be used for RAID. Also I tried to convert both drives to dynamic type, but obviously Win won't boot from this type of units.

screen from diskmgmt

I'm slowly discovering, that it may not be possible.

  • Could you post a screenshot of Disk Management with both drives connected? (You can launch that with diskmgmt.msc.)
    – Ben N
    Commented Dec 6, 2016 at 16:13
  • @BenN sure I can, but it depends with which configuration you mean. I'm preparing these drives in my own computer via docking station (cloning from original 1TB Blue), so there are 2 additional 1TB RED drives.
    – koudy_cz
    Commented Dec 7, 2016 at 7:41
  • OK I added diskmgmt screen with some description.
    – koudy_cz
    Commented Dec 7, 2016 at 8:57


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