I have a bunch of data files on an E:\ drive. I'm moving all of that to a new computer and would like to consolidate many small drives (E, P) to one larger drive.

But I want all the programs referring to E:\ to "see" the files on V: So I want to create **E:** that links to say *V:\OldE*

Can I use MkLink or similar like Linkd utility in that way? Perhaps I need to create a very small E:\ partition and then do an MkLink from E:\ to v:\oldE ?

(It seems like you can NOT do that, but I wanted to check)

2 Answers 2


I want to create E: that links to say V:\OldE

If you no longer have a drive E: on the new computer you can use the subst command:

subst E: V:\OldE

Further Reading

  • I have used that before, my understanding (and my distant recollection) is that subst does not work for ALL programs universally. I have used that before, Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 12:43
  • @ClayNichols I don't know of any specific limitations, other than the recycle bin will no longer work (files are permanently deleted and not moved to the bin).
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 12:51

winodows allows the use of the mklink with substituted drive letters., however, some apps don't like the symlink on a substitued drive, in my case I'm using phoenix platform and it forces me to use the actual drive letter instead of a subs letter, in my case the drive is I: and the subs letter is W:, phoenix comes up with the error message

** (File.Error) could not remove file "w:/ELIXIR/PROJECTS/hello/_build/dev/lib/hello/priv": not owner

so I'm forced to use the real drive letter with a kilometric path string

  • This doesn't answer the question. Please keep the answers section to actual solutions to the problem.
    – Joseph
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 13:54

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