I have a function that will take a value from Column B in Sheet1 and search for a match in Column D of Sheet2 and return that value if found.


However, I actually the function to search for a match in several columns of Sheet2 (D-Z), not just Column D.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

  • Could you provide a sample about your data?
    – Lee
    Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 9:51
  • without the "return that value if found" part.. a countif() will work just fine.. ( : ref : mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/…
    – p._phidot_
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 8:15

2 Answers 2


This is a bit overkill. Concatenating the index match should work.


idea : if column D search fails (produce error), then look in E:E. If column E match fails look in column F ... until Z.

Hope it helps. ( :


You can use an Array (CSE) formula, combines INDEX, MATCH, MMULT & TRANSPOSE, to find Lookup value by matching across multiple Columns.

enter image description here

Formula in E27 in Sheet 1 :


N.B. Finish the Formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and fill it down.

How it works:


  • Generates TRUE/FALSE and -- sign converts them into 1 & 0.
  • MMULT used to perform Matrix Multiplication, and the result goes into the MATCH function as an array, with 1 as the Lookup value.


  • Where COLUMN is used to create a numeric array with 3 Col by 1 Row, and TRANSPOSE converts this array to 1 Col & 3 Rows.
  • Power of Zero converts all numbers in the array to 1.
  • MATCH returns the position of the 1st match, which corresponds to the row of the first match Row meets the Criteria.
  • Index returns the Area, Alex belong to and so further.

Adjust Cell references in the Formula as needed.

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