There is data formatted as an Excel Table, Table 3, in Sheet1:

enter image description here

In Sheet2, there is a subset list of the first field, DuckID. It is required to pull values from the Table 3 by DuckID for a column name within the Table, DateofAscension.

enter image description here

The formula in B2 uses the INDEX function, with a MATCH to return the row number by DuckID and a MATCH to return column by name:


In A2 of Sheet2 is the DuckID 3022. The corresponding DateofAscension of 01/03/2029 is expected in B2. However the formula is returning that for the following row of Table 3, that for DuckID 3090.

What is the error in my formula?


1 Answer 1


Remove the [#All], from Table3[[#All],[DuckId]]


[#All] includes the Header. So the Match for 3022 is returning 4 to the INDEX which is only looking at the data.

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