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2.71 Email Info

If you've recently upgraded your home page to the new AT&T powered by Yahoo! home page and you use an email client to check your email, you'll need to update the settings in your email client.

Please go to the AT&T/Yahoo Email Configuration FAQ for detailed instructions. Possible Annoyance Alert: You may get a pop-up window that asks you for basic information about your service. Simply select the appropriate choices and then you will be sent to the FAQ page.

Important "close the barn door after the cow is gone" information:
You will not be able to migrate back to the old email/homepage platform once to make the change to Yahoo.

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-04-27 14:26:04

If you've recently upgraded your home page to the new AT&T powered by Yahoo! home page and use a mobile device to access AT&T email, you'll have to update your mail settings.

Please go to the AT&T/Yahoo Email Configuration FAQ for Mobile Devices for detailed instructions. Possible Annoyance Alert: You may get a pop-up window that asks you for basic information about your service. Simply select the appropriate choices and then you will be sent to the FAQ page.


Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • The link to the ATT Yahoo email configuration FAQ is not working. ATT is "helpfully" dumping us right to the main support page with no indication anywhere of anything to do with email.

    2010-07-29 11:06:45 (LeeWL See Profile)

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-03-12 11:53:49

Important Update!
All legacy BellSouth customers have been migrated to the new AT&T/Yahoo platform and should use the Email Configuration Site.

The servers for all legacy BellSouth customers are:
Incoming (POP): pop.att.yahoo.com
Outgoing (SMTP): smtp.att.yahoo.com (requires authentication)
Incoming mail server type: POP3
Incoming/Outgoing User Name: Full AT&T email address, including domain (e.g. yourname@bellsouth.net)
Incoming mail port #: 995, secure connection (SSL) checked
Outgoing mail port # 465, secure connection (SSL) checked

Note: Your email password can/may be different from your standard FastAccess login password. Also, unlike having to log into FastAccess, your POP email log in does not require "@bellsouth.net" after the username. To change your email password check here.

If you experience any problems with your email, check your email client to verify that you are not using the old address format.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Thank You so much!

    2016-10-14 19:26:05

  • Was getting outdated certificate message with old setup. This fix corrected the problem. Thanks.

    2016-09-20 21:19:58

  • Update. It seems to have deleted the mail I downloaded from the server so I cannot access it on my phone! It wont let me modify my settings either, blanks out that option. Also the spam filter is no longer working.

    2016-07-30 17:45:44

  • Thank you so much! Find advanced settings and the pop mail to enter the settings on this page in the comments. My folders don't show up and neither does spam folder but at least I can see my basic mail.

    2016-07-30 17:29:54

  • Finally! I missed the part about user = full email address. Once I entered that, and the port numbers in the incoming/outgoing boxes (ex. "pop.att.yahoo.com:995:0"), it worked on my Win 10 PC. Thanks a million!

    2016-07-22 23:54:39

  • worked like a champ, we could not get windows 10 mail app to sync but now works like a charm

    2016-06-13 22:13:21

  • Great! Worked like a charm!!!

    2016-06-03 18:18:08

  • This worked for me.... however.... Windows 10 did not have a place to put in the ports. Luckily.... I was able to figure out to put the incoming as pop.att.yahoo.com:995:0 and the outgoing as smtp.att.yahoo.com:465:0 I checked all four boxes below the input area (authentication, same name in and out, SSL yes for both).

    2016-05-24 20:58:53

  • Thanks ! It is working my bellsouth...this is great.

    2016-03-29 13:44:48

  • worked great for me !!!! big thanks

    2016-03-14 21:51:26

  • When I finished setting up Outlook using the pop/smtp, every thing looks good. My Inbox populated. I can receive mail. However I can send, but my Sent Items did not populate from the online bellsouth.net sent folder. Any ideas why it didn't sync?

    2016-02-03 17:07:23

  • I changed to the pop.att.yahoo.com setting and do not get email. I leave it at mail.bellsouth.net and all is fine.

    2015-05-05 10:37:48

  • Thank you so much for this page. I have been trying to get my email setup for a while with this new computer. I finally decided to see if there was anything out there and found this site... It's working fine now... Again THANKS.. David

    2013-12-28 22:37:39

  • Thank you sir for this info!

    2013-12-11 08:28:44

  • Thank you for such precise instructions.

    2013-10-25 21:22:04

  • Finally! I was able to utilize my C-Spire 4G Hotspot with Windows Live Mail and be able to send e-mail using the configuration data provided.

    2013-09-07 17:49:25

  • As of now, Aug 2013, ATT website support for bellsouth.net legacy addresses says that pop.att.yahoo.com and smtp.att.yahoo.com continue to work at this time but they have updated the server info on their website. Server now set to incoming.att.net and outbound.att.net for incoming and outgoing servers. All other settings are the same: 995 incoming, 465 outgoing, and SSL = yes.

    2013-09-04 18:27:07

  • under servers tab: inbound.att.net (pop3), outbound.att.net (smtp), log use clear text authentication, outgoing mail server (click requires authentication) under advanced tab: port 465 - outgoing, port 995 - incoming both require SSL information find at http://www.att.com/esupport/article.jsp?sid=KB401738&cv=801#fbid=5LuvWjYlYTA

    2013-08-03 11:30:41

  • easy fix thanks, you were desperately needed

    2013-08-02 20:29:09

  • What does LEGACY customers mean?

    2013-07-14 10:18:03

  • WHERE is the OLD Bellsouth.net mailbox? I had to restore my computer a while back and didn't know how to reset up my Bellsouth and had no idea where to contact anyone to find out and now I think I know and want to set it up but all I get is my Yahoo.com mailbox.

    2013-07-14 10:16:17

  • This is really CRAP!!!! Bringing up new things is great, but killing legacy operations STINKS!!!!! I've already wasted several hours, and I still don't have my email. I am a long time Thunderbird user and I am very disappointed with the treatment that bellsouth has given me!!!!!

    2013-06-27 13:21:14

  • Excellent detail. Worked flawlessly. Very much appreciated.

    2013-06-01 15:57:17

  • Thank you! 20 hours and countless tears later... it's fixed. Susan

    2013-04-01 22:58:12

  • ATT support tried to send me to the paid support saying they did not support the Microsoft Outlook product and the error was in the Outlook setup. I declined, researched and found this info, worked great.

    2013-03-23 19:34:08

  • Perfect! Thank you!

    2013-02-07 08:49:32

  • Have spent untold time attempting to set up email on a nextbook7p. Thank goodness this worked. Don't think I would have ever acomplished it without this information. THANKS!!!

    2012-12-26 20:01:59

  • I agrree, worked great! but for newer computer users only...read on... please note there is no option for pop3 only imap...so use that option, had I'd known that....would have saved me considerable time, I guess everyone assumes that you have the newesst and greatest technology........bought my computer a year ago:) many thanks for the help!!!!!

    2012-08-21 23:42:49

  • excellent! Thanks

    2012-08-13 18:41:08

  • Thankfully this worked after spending a frustrating session with ATT support and when they could not help me they wanted to refer me to their fee-based division or their Microsoft division. Sad part was I tried to tell the lady I was pretty sure the outgoing and incoming info was incorrect since the email was yahoo based now but she assured me that was not correct--thanks for helping me get my emails working.

    2012-08-05 20:39:32

  • What worked for me was Incoming (IMAP) imap.mail.yahoo.com Outgoing (SMTP) smtp.att.yahoo.com Select SSL

    2012-07-11 17:42:48

  • I did a Yahoo search to find out this info - didn't even know exactly what I was looking for and this page came up with everything I needed. I did it - I now have email on my new cell phone!!! Thank you for making this info so easy.

    2012-01-28 14:39:13

  • check this website www.support.com/email/isp/bellsouth I think that's the same config. but has some other email stuff as well

    2012-01-03 14:01:13

  • Worked like a charm.

    2011-11-16 22:04:08

  • In the "note" it says the email login does NOT require the @bellsouth.net after the username. In the section right above that, it shows in parenthesis that it IS required. Which is it?

    2011-11-11 07:44:34 (GuruGuy See Profile)

  • if this Outgoing mail port # 465, doesn't work then try Port # 25 instead...

    2011-11-09 21:15:51

  • THANKS! This works! (9/29/2011) Hopefully they won't change it again for a while.

    2011-09-29 19:20:10

  • ridiculously helpful!!! Could not find this anywhere!!!!!

    2011-01-12 13:17:20

  • Thanks again. It seems every time I reinstall windows and have to set up my email again, this is the page I find to remind me how to do it. Works the first time every time. Thanks a bunch!

    2011-01-07 21:31:33

  • superb got it & it was working fire. please keep on answering

    2010-09-22 01:06:32

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2010-08-22 16:28:16

First off, don't open any emails or attachments, if possible! If you have already opened it, do not click on any of the pictures or links especially ones that claim, "click here to be removed from email list". BellSouth actively filters spam but constant adjustments and attention are required to deal with changes in spamming techniques. You can help make the process better by forwarding any spam (as an attachment) to abuse@att.net.

Follow the instructions below for reporting suspected spam.

 From your Inbox, highlight the suspected spam message you wish to submit.
From the Message menu, select Forward As Attachment. A new e-mail message will be created with an Attach: field appearing under the Subject: field.
Address the new e-mail message to abuse@att.net.
Leave the subject and body of the e-mail message blank.
Click Send to send the message. Dismiss the warning that the e-mail message has no subject, if it appears.

Important Information: This is an automated spam application. No human intervention is used, so please do not send personal messages or expect a response.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Email thisisspam@bellsouth.net is now dead per yahoo.com reject reply

    2019-01-03 09:51:17 (rbenard See Profile)

  • Does AT&T or BellSouth care about the spam/phishing e-mails I receive. I received one from Andrew@bellsouth.net. It was a spam/phishing e-mail. Annoying crap. Do something about it. My e-mail lwmeans@att.net.

    2017-03-30 08:42:50

  • Who can I talk with to get my annoying problems fixed....I can't get any human responses from thisisspam email address and I can't send an email to anyone at AT&T anymore to explain my problem...the chat with an agent doesn't work and calling the help line is an oxymoron. Do I sound annoyed............

    2010-01-21 14:40:34

  • This is an automated spam filter application. There is no employee on the other end reading or responding to incoming emails. Don't expect any response.

    2009-06-10 16:10:57 (FAQFixer See Profile)


    2009-06-10 14:58:37

by FAQFixer See Profile edited by skj See Profile
last modified: 2019-01-03 14:41:48

Yes. Depending on what FastAccess Plan you ordered, you can have up to 8 free additional mail boxes in conjunction with your account. You can also create 1 email alias for each email box. By creating an alias, you can provide one address to business contacts and another address to friends, while you simply check one mailbox for messages. For more detailed information please see the Email FAQ.

Additional Email Boxes
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Additional Mailboxes link.

  3. Click the Click here to setup additional mailbox link.

  4. Complete the Address, Password, and Confirm Password fields and click the Set Up Mailbox button at the bottom.

Email Aliases
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Mailbox Aliases link.

  3. Enter the alias exactly how you want it to appear. Click on the Set Up Alias button.

  4. You will get a confirmation stating the new alias is active.

Changing Email Passwords
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Change E-Mail Password link.

  3. Complete the Old Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password fields and click the Submit button at the bottom.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • there is one more step you need to add you your instructions, on att.net web page the sign in is multiple choice (4 choices) and you must choose phone and internet then input ID and Password of your internet (how you sign in to email) and not of the att.net wireless phone account.

    2012-12-27 19:04:29

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2011-02-17 21:42:05

BellSouth has officially stated that it does not sell email addresses.
There are many ways a spammer can get your email address.
  • You may have provided it to a third party and they in turn sold it.
  • Someone you emailed may have then forwarded your address/message to another person or entity who collected it.
  • Spammers used a "dictionary program" to generate different combinations of letters to find an active email address.
  • You have an address that belonged to a previous customer that also got spam.

by tomsprat See Profile edited by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-11-26 08:29:55

Depending on what FastAccess Plan you have (FastAccess or FastAccess Lite) you can have up to 250 megabytes of un-retrieved email stored on the BellSouth E-mail server. Also, E-mails you send may not be larger than 25 megabytes.

Note: Email attachments must be converted into ASCII format which requires a larger file. For example, if you have a 25Mb email limit and try to send an attachment which is 22Mb it may actually be converted to an 28Mb ASCII file and be too large to send. Zipping the file is an option to decrease the size of attachments.

by leevis See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2005-10-07 20:10:36

There are several common reasons why you may not be able to send email.

Using the wrong SMTP server or you're not on the BellSouth network
Just like other ISPs, BellSouth uses precautions to prevent relaying email through their network. Some examples:
- If you are not on the BellSouth network and don't have a BellSouth IP and try to relay email through the BellSouth SMTP server to another email domain you will be blocked. If you are travelling or on another ISP's network you can use BellSouth Webmail.
- If you have an IP assigned by BellSouth and you try to send mail using another ISP's SMTP server chances are they will block your email.
- If you have an email account with another ISP and you want to use that email name on BellSouth's SMTP it will be blocked.
- If you are using a email domain other than "bellsouth.net" you may be blocked. For example, if you use "myname@brandx.net" and try to send it through BellSouth's SMTP server it will be blocked.

Your email client is set up incorrectly or may be corrupted
For information on setting up common mail clients see the Email Configuration FAQ or the BellSouth Email Configuration Site. Many times, simply reloading the email client software or deleting the account and reconstructing it solves the issue.

Port 25 is blocked
All new residential dial and FastAccess accounts are provisioned with Port 25 blocked. All existing residential accounts will eventually be converted. For more information check the Port 25 Block FAQ or the Official BellSouth Port 25 FAQ.

Third party hardware or software is interfering or interrupting your email
Firewalls, antivirus, and other applications may change settings or block email. Turn off all suspected software and test again. Additionally, your hardware firewall or router may be configured incorrectly.

Andy Houtz DSL

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-03-12 11:45:34

Outbound Port 25 traffic is blocked on all residential Dial accounts and as of mid December 2003 all new residential FastAccess accounts are provisioned with Port 25 blocked. Existing residential DSL accounts will eventually be converted at some point in the future. Customers that make any changes to their account (such as upgrading to a different package) will initiate Port 25 blocking. If you are unable to send mail and you are using an email domain other than "bellsouth.net" you may have been blocked. For more information check the BellSouth Port 25 FAQ. BellSouth only filters Port 25. If you think you have ports blocked (other than 25) check the configuration settings on your equipment or software (modem, router, firewall, or PC applications, etc). BellSouth requires authentication (through a BellSouth issued IP) to use its SMTP mail servers. You will not be able to send mail through BellSouth if you are using another ISP for access and have a non BellSouth IP. Port 25 does not effect incoming POP email so you will still be able to receive POP mail from other providers.

Important Information: As of January 2006 BellSouth also started blocking inbound Port 25 traffic on residential accounts. This will only affect customers who are running personal email servers on their residential accounts.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • You can test online if your ISP is blocking outbound port 25 at http://port25.icannotconnect.com

    2011-02-23 17:51:18

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-03-16 21:20:21

Yes. BellSouth automatically empties the Webmail Trash folder with no ability to recover the email. Do not use the Trash folder to store emails thinking that you can retrieve them later, if needed.

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-02-27 09:20:15

Yes. You can receive third party POP email accounts through BellSouth WebMail.

Step 1
Go to the BellSouth Webmail Homepage and log into your account. Click on Preferences from the Options Menu.

Step 2
Click on POP Mail tab in the upper right.

Step 3
Enter the POP Server Name, the POP User Name, and the POP Password for the mail you want to access. If you would like to leave a copy of the messages on the POP server, check the box beside Message Disposal. You can create and select unique email destination folders to help manage the accounts. Up to four different e-mail accounts can be set up.

Step 4
Click on Save Settings.

Important Note: Not all third party email accounts have POP capabilities. If your other email provider does not support POP you will not be able to use this feature.

Andy Houtz DSL

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-22 00:09:28

Yes. The BellSouth WebMail has the option to forward incoming emails to another email account.

Step 1
Go to the BellSouth Webmail Homepage and log into your account. Click on Preferences from the Options Menu.

Step 2
Click on Rules tab in the upper right.

Step 3
Enter the individual email addresses in the Forwarding Addresses field. If you would like to leave a copy of the messages on the BellSouth POP server, check the Forward and keep a copy box. If you wish to discard the original BellSouth copy and simply send a copy to the other account check the Forward, the discard box

Step 4
Click on Save Settings.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • This answer is (now) incorrect, since at&t webmail is now shut down, and you are forced to use the emascualted version of Yahoo! mail. You can pay Yahoo! for access to a better version of their mail web client or you can scrap Bellsouth and Yahoo! and use G-Mail ( Google) which allows forwarding in the free version.

    2010-08-20 20:26:33

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-22 00:09:46