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Outbound Port 25 traffic is blocked on all residential Dial accounts and as of mid December 2003 all new residential FastAccess accounts are provisioned with Port 25 blocked. Existing residential DSL accounts will eventually be converted at some point in the future. Customers that make any changes to their account (such as upgrading to a different package) will initiate Port 25 blocking. If you are unable to send mail and you are using an email domain other than "bellsouth.net" you may have been blocked. For more information check the BellSouth Port 25 FAQ. BellSouth only filters Port 25. If you think you have ports blocked (other than 25) check the configuration settings on your equipment or software (modem, router, firewall, or PC applications, etc). BellSouth requires authentication (through a BellSouth issued IP) to use its SMTP mail servers. You will not be able to send mail through BellSouth if you are using another ISP for access and have a non BellSouth IP. Port 25 does not effect incoming POP email so you will still be able to receive POP mail from other providers.

Important Information: As of January 2006 BellSouth also started blocking inbound Port 25 traffic on residential accounts. This will only affect customers who are running personal email servers on their residential accounts.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • You can test online if your ISP is blocking outbound port 25 at http://port25.icannotconnect.com

    2011-02-23 17:51:18

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-03-16 21:20:21