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Yes. Depending on what FastAccess Plan you ordered, you can have up to 8 free additional mail boxes in conjunction with your account. You can also create 1 email alias for each email box. By creating an alias, you can provide one address to business contacts and another address to friends, while you simply check one mailbox for messages. For more detailed information please see the Email FAQ.

Additional Email Boxes
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Additional Mailboxes link.

  3. Click the Click here to setup additional mailbox link.

  4. Complete the Address, Password, and Confirm Password fields and click the Set Up Mailbox button at the bottom.

Email Aliases
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Mailbox Aliases link.

  3. Enter the alias exactly how you want it to appear. Click on the Set Up Alias button.

  4. You will get a confirmation stating the new alias is active.

Changing Email Passwords
  1. Login to Manage My Account page of BellSouth.net website with your FastAccess account User Name and Password.

  2. Under the E-mail Information menu, click on the Change E-Mail Password link.

  3. Complete the Old Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password fields and click the Submit button at the bottom.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • there is one more step you need to add you your instructions, on att.net web page the sign in is multiple choice (4 choices) and you must choose phone and internet then input ID and Password of your internet (how you sign in to email) and not of the att.net wireless phone account.

    2012-12-27 19:04:29

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2011-02-17 21:42:05