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In most cases no. Ping time is the inherent time it takes for packets to make it to their first hop and no tweaks can reduce that. However, customers that are on a noise profile are "Interleaved" and experience constant increased ping times starting on the first hop as compared to standard "FastPath" customers. Interleaving enables FEC (Forward Error Control) which is required on noisy lines to help the modem stay synched and reduce errors. More information is available here. To determine whether your DSL line is "Interleaved" or "FastPath" click here.

Important Note: High ping times on a router somewhere on the internet shown utilizing a simple ping test may not actually be a problem at all. Please click here for more information.

Andy Houtz

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2005-02-28 12:24:20