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Yes, but it only helps if you are troubleshooting an issue actually created by the auto-tuning. Viasta has a new feature called "Next-Generation TCP/IP Stack" that, by default, uses a dynamic auto-tuning to make changes to the RWIN. It's my opinion that it is another good idea that works in the lab but not the real world. Additionally, disabling it doesn't allow you to manually adjust the RWIN (at this time). Four basic reasons they are idiots:
1. Overall latency and network infrastructure rarely change so always checking and tuning for the "best" RWIN is pretty much useless.
2. It doesn't work well for different network topologies, black hole routers, many firewalls, and misconfigured servers. They even have a tech bulletin discussing it. »support.microsoft.com/kb/934430
3. Microsoft consistently auto-tunes the RWIN higher than 65535 which requires "window scaling". Please click here to find out why you should not rely on window scaling .
4. When was the last time you really trusted auto-tuning of any hardware/software program? Sure it's better than nothing at all...but it doesn't mean it is the "best".

Disabling Auto-tuning
Open the Command Prompt and type:
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
and then hit Enter.

To verify that it is disabled type:
netsh interface tcp show global
and then hit Enter.

To set back to default auto-tuning type:
netsh interface tcp set global autotuningl=normal
and then hit Enter.

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Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • At top, put a warning that this could potentially slow your connection (when done incorrectly i suppose). I tried this and it halfed my connection. =/ It may be truthful, but once again, warn peeps of the risks at the top of this article. Thx.

    2009-02-12 21:45:43

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by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-23 13:16:56