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All Westell and ActionTec modems that are being shipped to customers now have a factory setting ENABLED by default known as Walled Garden. Walled Garden causes a no route situation (unable to connect to the internet or surf) within the modem in order to force registration via the Web Based Activation site. In order for you to route (or connect to the internet or surf) with these modems, Walled Garden must be turned off or disabled. For new customers this can be accomplished by completing the WBA activation website.

For the Westell 327 and 6100 Modems use »

For the Actiontec Gateway use »

For Westell 6100F, Westell 6100, Westell Versalink 327W, and Westell 7500, simply visit » and enter the modems username and password (defaul modem user name and password is admin and password. Click DISABLE and, and personalized your modems user settings. It is advisable that you change the password to admin. Turn OFF your modem for 30 seconds.
You should be able to route (connect to internet) after walled Garden is OFF.

Fow Actiontec Gateway, just visit » and follow the above procedure clicking OFF button.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Does anyone know how to disable Verizon's walled Garden with the D-Link 2750B? The URL's for the Westell and Actiontec return a 404 not found

    2017-05-03 11:02:41 (dslr123 See Profile)

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by sashwa See Profile edited by More Fiber See Profile
last modified: 2009-10-10 20:34:40