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Recently I started experiencing great lag and constant disconnects at my router, a LinkSys WRT54G which had been functioning without any problems at all for quite a while. Going into the router admin and watching the "Status" page, I would see "PPPOE NEGOTIATION FAIL" and "CANNOT GET IP ADDRESS FROM PPPOE SERVER" error messages. The router would be disconnected at random times, but rarely could I stay online longer than three minutes. Sometimes it would take multiple attempts to reconnect. During this period, the Westell modem never lost sync. The help desk ran their usual, time-consuming tests, but had no solution.

After racking my brain and enlisting the help of several others:
»WRT54G & Bellsouth: Continuous Router Disconnects

Eventually I noticed that the MTU window in the router setup page contained the number "1492" as it should, but it was grayed out, and the setting was "Auto". In previous LinkSys routers, I had set this manually, so I changed it to Manual and left the setting at 1492. Voila! Problem fixed!

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by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2008-01-25 07:36:15