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When webpages resolve slowly or not at all it could be a possible DNS (Domain Name Server) issue. You can test for proper DNS function by using a simple command prompt test. Additionally, these same procedures could be executed from the address field of most browsers. However, if the browser itself is the cause of the problem you may get results that are inconsistent or wrong. It is also recommended (but not necessary) that you start your computer in safe mode with networking, if possible.

Step 1
Open a DOS prompt screen by clicking on Start>Programs>MSDOS-PROMPT. You can also use the Run command by clicking on Start>Run then type in command for Windows 95/98/ME or cmd for Windows 2000/XP.

Step 2
At the DOS Prompt type in ping and hit Enter. Make sure you receive replies from the IP.

Step 3
At the DOS Prompt type in ping www.google.com and hit Enter. Make sure you receive replies from the IP. If you do not receive any replies then the DNS Server is not working correctly. Additionally, if Steps 2 and 3 work but you are experiencing latency resolving to websites then you should change your DNS settings and retest. Check here to obtain alternate BellSouth DNS IP addresses.

Step 4
If you do not receive any replies in Step 3 the DNS Server is not working correctly and you should change your DNS settings and retest. If Steps 2 and 3 work but you are experiencing latency resolving to websites then you should change your DNS settings and retest. Check here to obtain alternate BellSouth DNS IP addresses. Other DNS servers are also available for testing such as and

Other Possibilities
If you are still having problems with some websites not loading or stalling it could be an MTU issue. Click here for more information.

Andy Houtz DSL

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last modified: 2006-12-27 22:23:39