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If your PC is freezing regularly, and you are on PPPoE, your computer may be looking around for a DHCP server that does not exist. Check the following: (windows)

Open control panel
� Open Network neighborhood
� Look for the first entry in the scroll box marked TCP/IP -> , that is associated with the hardware Ethernet card (ignore dialup, and VPN type bindings).
� Select "TCP/IP-> Name of NIC
� Select it and press properties
� Select IP address from the tab
� Is Obtain IP address automatically checked? If so, change that to Specify an IP address and enter, and, into IP address and subnet mask fields respectively.
� Click OK and OK, and the computer will build a driver information database and will require a reboot for the changes to take effect.
This assignment of a harmless local IP address to the TCP/IP settings bound (connected) to your network adapter will stop the in-built DHCP services from waking up every 10 minutes to look for a DHCP server so that it can "fill in the blanks". This should solve the freezing problem.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • I tried that and this does not work on the wired westell modem/router. I think one needs to enter something in DNS entries too apart from the steps in the post

    2008-01-09 12:43:55

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by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 18:48:36