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1.Keep an accurate log of all the calls you make to Tech Support. Times, dates, contacts, and titles.
2. In your dealings with Tech Support, remember that getting sync has NOTHING to do with your computer. Do not let them convince you otherwise. Your external modem will sync even if your PC is turned off and unplugged. No amount of software re-installation in the world will fix a loss of sync.
3. Be polite but firm to the Tech Support people. Have them escalate their tickets and check on them every couple of days.
4. Check some simple things in your house - Is the phone cord plugged in? To the correct outlet? Are the filters installed on all other devices? Are you sure there's no filter in line with the modem? Are there any devices on your line you might not know about? (Power Company taps for automated meter reading have bitten more than one person.) Some people can get away without filters, but why chance it? There's really nothing inside that can go bad -- they're simply low-pass filters built out of coils and capacitors. The "burnt" smell is likely the "dope" used to seal the coils after they're turned so they don't change tune.


Remember to take good notes, get the CSR's name, extension and/or e-mail address (extension preferable), be polite but firm that you want the matter resolved. In the ex-GTE area, if you are dealing with a Tier 2 VADI tech, they 'own' that problem until it is solved. I do not know if that is true on the ex-BA side.

VOL Technical Resolution Group- These people can interface with VADI, Qwest and Genuity. They are there to resolve technical matters that are outside of VADI's control (i.e. on VOL's side).

Presidential Appeals- This a higher level of Customer Service. You would call them if you have an issue with a speed upgrade/downgrade, billing problem that cannot be resolved at the billing department level, etc. In other words, use them for non-technical issues as they would only e-mail the other groups anyway for technical matters.

VADI Repair- This group is the wholesale provider of DSL services for Verizon. As such they sell not only to VOL but to other ISPs as well. Due to Federal law they must keep VOL at 'arm's length' which is why everything has to be communicated by way of trouble tickets. One good change that I hear is in the works is that VADI will be partially re-integrated and will have the ability to directly communicate with the CO. A VADI tech could comment on this.

Who to call:

If all of a sudden your speed goes straight down the tubes, call VADI, explain the problem and ask them to check your traffic.

If you notice a degradation over time in your service, first call VOL TECH SUPPORT and get an issue number. If you get no satisfaction from them after three days, escalate it to the Technical Resolution Group.

Important Phone Numbers:








VOL BILLING [All billing related matters, hold times tend to be high, I waited >30 minutes] 1-800-567-6789 2,3

VOL TECH SUPPORT BA Region 1-888-676-4736 - This is technical support Tier 1 with the ability to escalate. You'll want to have Winpoet installed before calling, and they have to cover all the bases (as ridiculous as it seems), clear your cache, power down/disconnect the power cable from your modem and things of that sort. Just play along and it won't take long. You can tell most agents you've done the basic troubleshooting steps and mention most importantly that you've not only powered down but disconnected/reconnected your modem's power brick, cleared your cache, reinstalled Winpoet, which should get things moving quicker.

VOL Resolution Groups: 1877-814-2375 followed by a 5 digit extension. Some extensions are Tom @ *****, Maria @ *****, Rebecca @ ***** . These are Presidential Appeals agents. As agents change, and as long as you have an outstanding trouble ticket, you can be a bit creative (I'm not encouraging this) and mention that you spoke with so and so. It helps to grease the wheels a bit. The email for these people is also actively read by PEOPLE - resolution.groupl@verizon.net . Attach an ATT: 5 digit employee ID # in your subject if emailing a particular individual.

FAQ by kadar

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by edited by Cariad See Profile
last modified: 2002-11-04 16:54:24