Insomnia Treatment Can be Varied Based On Cause

By: Louiseservage
It is estimated that about 64-million people suffer from insomnia, a sleep disorder that can be caused by a variety of influences and can either be transient, lasting only a few nights or chronic, lasting sometimes for years. Just as there are many causes of this sleep disorder the insomnia treatment needed may vary by the affected person.

For people suffer only short term bouts of insomnia, the treatment may be a couple of sleeping tablets or those who want to remain free of synthetic drugs there are botanical methods available to help get the sleep they need.

People can develop insomnia for a number of reasons physical pain, emotional stress, anxiety or the brains inability to allow the mind to become clear and focused on sleep. Each cause will need different treatments to enable a good night's sleep.

Insomnia can be broken up into three types: sleep onset, with which the person cannot fall asleep, middle sleep insomnia, where the sleeper they wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep and terminal insomnia, where the sleeper wakes up much earlier than planned and cannot return to sleep.

There is also a difference between insomnia and quality sleep that is often confused by people seeking insomnia treatment. Another sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea may result in the person believing they slept throughout the night, but in reality was awakened hundreds of times, leaving them with the same performance problems the next day as insomnia.

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Psychological issues can also affect a person's ability to clear their head and fall asleep. In some instances they may need to talk with a professional about insomnia therapy for help so they can get in the right frame of mind to fall asleep.

Suffering a loss of a loved one, business failures or other major life changing events, may cause people to lie awake at night worrying about the future and sometimes the insomnia treatment includes talking with a professional about these issues.

So if you are unable to sleep due to anxiety or pain this can be helped with the appropriate insomnia treatment for the cause, as opposed to taking artificial sleeping aids. Many of the sleep inducing drugs on the market can be adictive if used for an extended period and are not usually prescribed for patients suffering chronic insomnia unless for many years.
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