Information About Insomnia Sleep Disorder

By: Richard Chapo

In the United States as many as forty million people suffer from chronic long term sleep disorders while as many as twenty million have occasional sleep disorders. Good health requires sleep, even though this phenomenon is not completely understood by scientists and medical professionals yet. Sleeps disorders have three major types and one of them is insomnia sleep disorder.

Insomnia is a very common sleep problem that is experienced by millions on occasion and it means a person is not able to fall asleep. A person with insomnia will have a disruption of normal daily life and they will often feel tired most of the time and end up worrying about their lack of sleep. Insomnia sleep disorder can be caused by a number of factors including excessive intake of caffeine or alcohol, emotional difficulties, stress and other underlying diseases. Lack of sleep isn't a disorder in itself, but it is an indication of inadequate sleep and can harm the immune system.

There are three categories of insomnia including predisposition, precipitation and perpetual.Recognizing Sleep Disorders in Children A person's built-in traits are predisposing factors that make them vulnerable to insomnia sleep disorder. Certain events that occur during a person's life cause precipitation factors which trigger a period of disturbed sleep. For example a person may have a sudden change in schedule which provokes insomnia, such as jet lag or a change in shift work.

Behavioral patterns that keep the insomnia at certain levels as those evidenced in irregular sleep habits or intake of drugs are perpetual factors. These factors may include alcohol abuse, heavy smoking and such extreme actions that can perpetuate insomnia. The malady may be temporarily alleviated by sleeping pills, but they are only a short term solution and are not effective for chronic insomnia cases.

Treatment is varied for insomnia sleep disorders and may include psychological strategies in addition to medications. Some of the recommended steps to take that should be followed to alleviate insomnia sleep disorders including good sleeping habits, sleeping when feeling tired and sleeping only in the bedroom. In addition, other recommended measures for curing insomnia sleep disorders including getting up at the same time each morning, abstaining caffeine and nicotine, establishing a daily exercise routine, avoiding alcohol and learning and practicing relaxation techniques Soundsleeping Disorder.

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