What Cures for Snoring Can Your Doctor Recommend?


There are many cures for snoring that one might want to try on your own before you visit a doctor. This is because many cases of snoring are caused by simple things that you yourself can take care of or correct, if you simply make a few minor changes to your atmosphere or your sleeping arrangements.

Common cures for snoring that you can try before visiting your doctor might include adding a humidifier or warm mist vaporizer to your bedroom. Many people snore because their mouth and throat become dry at night if they breathe through their mouth rather than their nose. By making sure that your throat is moisturized all through the night, you're going to cut down on incidences of snoring.

Other common cures for snoring include nasal strips, which many people might dismiss as being ineffective but which seem to work well. They gently pull the nasal passages open so that you are less likely to breathe through your mouth. They are very comfortable and most people find that they're not even aware of the fact that they have them on at night.

Special pillows might also be considered common cures for snoring, as they gently cradle your head and neck so that your mouth doesn't fall open when you sleep on your back. These snore pillows are made of firm, dense foam and are actually quite comfortable as well. Some even find that they help with problems they've had with neck and shoulder pain.

There are of course many cures for snoring you can find at your pharmacy or health food store, from sprays to syrups and drops. Some are more effective than others but most typically work by coating your throat and opening up your sinuses. Sometimes even a good cough drop taken fifteen minutes before bedtime can work wonders. Of course you want to be sure that it's dissolved entirely before you fall asleep so that you don't choke on it.

But if you've tried many of these cures for snoring and nothing has seemed to work, what then? Are you out of options? At this point you would do well to talk to your doctor to see what cures for snoring he or she may recommend. One of the reasons that this is so important is because while many cases of snoring may have a common denominator, most are very unique to each person. For instance, some have excessive skin around the soft palate, which is the part of the mouth in the back on the roof, and this too vibrates when you breathe through your mouth at night. Only a doctor can see if you have excessive tissue in this area.

Cures for snoring may also include addressing sleep apnea, where a person actually stops breathing for short bursts of time throughout the night. This usually happens when the skin on the back of the neck puts undue pressure on the air passages and cuts them off. A person will make choking or gasping sounds that many confuse with snoring. Sleep apnea can happen to anyone but is very prevalent among the overweight and obese. It is also a very dangerous condition that can lead to circulation problems, brain damage, and even death if left untreated.

So while it's good to try out some simple cures for snoring that are readily available, a person would do well to speak to a doctor if these are not successful. If nothing else, he or she may be able to recommend some things that will help you at least get a good night's sleep!

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