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Tools for SPJ Leaders

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How to Start a Chapter

SPJ's chapters are the backbone of the Society. If you're interested in establishing or expanding an SPJ chapter, these guidelines will help get you started on either the professional or campus levels.

The Society of Professional Journalists is a professional organization. It is not honorary in nature, nor is it any longer a fraternity. In function and membership requirements it is concerned only with the field of journalism and the free flow of information to the public at large.

SPJ's professional chapter expansion policy establishes requirements that embrace the highest standards of professionalism. The professional chapter encourages and assists members in carrying out common objectives. It is through the chapter that individual members join in freedom of the press issues, learn of ethical problems and professional standards and enjoy fellowship of common purpose.

Before the Society's board of directors will consider chartering a new professional chapter of the Society, several requirements must be met and several steps taken. If you're interested in establishing or expanding an SPJ chapter, these guidelines will help get you started on either the professional or campus levels.

Downloadable Resources

Download valuable materials include hi-res logos, SPJ Ethics Code materials, brochures and more, to assist in your SPJ leadership.

Download valuable materials to assist in your SPJ leadership, including:

— High-resolution SPJ and other logos
— Printable SPJ Ethics Code materials
— Membership brochure and application
— Materials for chapter and national leaders, including training ideas, chapter leadership tips and more
— The most recent SPJ/SDX annual report

Follow this link to access everything.

Chapter Contact/Leader Change Form: Has your chapter's leadership or other contacts changed? Fill out this form with any pertinent changes, and we'll update our records to match yours.

Annual electronic filing requirement for SPJ chapters

All SPJ chapters with an Employer ID number (EIN) must file an annual return with the Internal Revenue Service. Follow this link for more details.


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