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Tools for SPJ Leaders
Regional fund oversight

Approved April 14, 2018 • Amended Sept. 27, 2018

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Each region has varying traditions for raising and spending regional funds. Determining how regional funds can be used is left up to the regions with the understanding that regional funds may be used only for SPJ purposes and not for anyone’s personal benefit.

1. The national Secretary-Treasurer will have oversight responsibilities of regional treasuries on behalf of the national Board of Directors. The national Secretary-Treasurer will work with Regional Directors/Regional Coordinators (RDs/RCs) and Regional Treasurers.

2. Within 45 days of his or her election, a Regional Director/Regional Coordinator (RD/RC) shall appoint an SPJ member in good standing in his or her region to the position of Regional Treasurer.

A. If an RD/RC doesn’t appoint a Regional Treasurer within 45 days of his or her election or within 45 days of a Regional Treasurer stepping down, he or she should be removed from that position consistent with the bylaws.

3. The RD/RC shall notify the SPJ executive director, the national Secretary-Treasurer, all chapter presidents of the region and the incumbent Regional Treasurer of the name, chapter (if affiliated) and contact information of the new Regional Treasurer. The incumbent Regional Treasurer shall notify SPJ headquarters, the national Secretary-Treasurer, the RD/RC and the new Regional Treasurer of the amount in the regional fund.

A. The incumbent Regional Treasurer also shall provide all bank records to the new Regional Treasurer.

4. Regional funds shall be held in a separate regional checking account and not co-mingled with any chapter account.

5. Regions are required to make their bank accounts transparent to the national Secretary-Treasurer, RD/RC and chapter presidents within each region. This can be done by providing copies of bank statements or with electronic access to bank accounts — either through “read-only” accounts or through money management programs.

A. Electronic banking is encouraged in lieu of traditional banking, such as writing checks, to reduce the chance of external theft from the accounts.

B. The Regional Treasurer shall keep a file of receipts each noted with the date and form of electronic payment used.

6. SPJ headquarters shall schedule training for Regional Treasurers within 60 days of the RD/RC elections.

A. Regional Treasurers must complete training or they will be removed from the position.

7. The RD/RC shall make a quarterly report of regional income, expenses and fund balance, including monthly bank statements, to the national Secretary-Treasurer.

A. Reports are due 14 days after the end of each quarter. The national Secretary-Treasurer will review all reports, including monthly bank statements, and respond to RDs/RCs within 21 days after receiving the reports with any questions.

B. If RDs/RCs don’t provide quarterly reports, including bank statements, they should be removed from that position consistent with the bylaws.

8. Each RD/RC is strongly encouraged to make a monthly report of regional income, expenses and fund balance, including monthly bank statements, to all chapter presidents in the region. The RD/RC may delegate this to the Regional Treasurer.

Using regional funds

9. The RD/RC shall request disbursement of funds in writing to the Regional Treasurer with a clear explanation of the purpose of their use. Either letter or email requests showing date and time the request was sent shall be acceptable support. If the RD/RC is requesting reimbursement for expenses already incurred, then an expense report supported by itemized receipts must be submitted to the Regional Treasurer. SPJ has a sample expense report that can be used.

A. The regional treasurer shall keep all records — either electronically or hard copy — for a period of at least three years.

10. Payouts of regional funds should be made electronically. There shall be no cash payments. Handwritten checks are discouraged.

11. If the Regional Treasurer is not satisfied that an expense request is legitimate, then he or she shall notify the national Secretary-Treasurer.


12. The first set of quarterly reports are due to the national Secretary-Treasurer after the second quarter of 2018.

13. Headquarters staff shall schedule training for Regional Treasurers within 45 days of adoption.

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