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Legal Defense Fund Auction

Going once... Going twice... SOLD! Protect your First Amendment rights!

The Society of Professional Journalists’ annual Legal Defense Fund Auction raises money for the Legal Defense Fund, a unique account that financially supports journalists waging legal battles to defend the freedom of speech and press. It takes place each year at our Excellence in Journalism conference in September. (This year we are headed to Anaheim.)

Pitch in! Download the item donation form

Follow this link to download the item donation form [PDF].

LDF in Action: your donations at work

Action speaks louder than words. See where your donation dollars go and read about the services the Legal Defense Fund has provided to journalists everywhere.

Item ideas

Are you crafty? Donate a handmade item to the auction! Have a friend with a small business who wants exposure? Ask them to donate merchandise to be displayed before hundreds of people. Don’t forget to include business cards!

Alternatively, choose an item from our list.

You can help protect the First Amendment by contributing to SPJ's annual LDF Auction. Journalism and campaign memorabilia, original artwork, autographed books and newsroom T-shirts always sell well. Get creative!

Not sure what to donate? See a list of suggested donation items here.

Interested in donating an item not on our list? That’s great! Contact our Fundraising Coordinator, Katie Hunt.

Donations must be received by August 4, 2017. We are unable to accept items on-site during the convention. Please be sure to include the Item Donation Form [PDF] with your auction item. Questions? Contact Fundraising Coordinator Katie Hunt by email or by phone at 317-927-8000 x 204.

Please send donations, along with the donation form, to:

Society of Professional Journalists
Attn: LDF Auction
P.O. Box 441748
Indianapolis, IN 46244

If you are making a monetary donation, please be sure your check or money order indicates that the contribution is for the Legal Defense Fund. Please note: Donations are not tax deductible.

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