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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Senior SharePoint Developer / SharePoint Architect
Senior Software Engineer at RDA Corporation
Author / Speaker / Blogger / Tweeter
7 Years Architecting and Developing SharePoint Solutions
Book Technical Editor: You Don’t Know
JS: Scope and Closures
White Paper Author: Utilizing and Visualizing
Geolocation Data for Powerful Analysis
Visual Studio 2013
.NET 4.5.1
Application Lifecycle Management
SharePoint Solutions

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Reach End Users With Next Generation Web Applications
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Reach End Users With Next Generation Web Applications

The document summarizes new features in Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET that help developers build rich web applications. It discusses improvements to HTML design, CSS management, JavaScript debugging, data access, testing, globalization, and performance profiling that enable faster and easier development of advanced web applications. The document encourages developers to try the new features by downloading trial software and evaluation materials from Microsoft.

Modernizing Testing as Apps Re-Architect
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Modernizing Testing as Apps Re-Architect

Applications are moving to cloud and containers to boost reliability and speed delivery to production. However, if we use the same old approaches to testing, we'll fail to achieve the benefits of cloud. But what do we really need to change? We know we need to automate tests, but how do we keep our automation assets from becoming obsolete? Automatically provisioning test environments seems close, but some parts of our applications are hard to move to cloud.

devops.comcontinuous deliveryhcl technologies
Efficient DevOps: Standardizing Chaotic Culture at NBCUniversal
Efficient DevOps:  Standardizing Chaotic Culture at NBCUniversalEfficient DevOps:  Standardizing Chaotic Culture at NBCUniversal
Efficient DevOps: Standardizing Chaotic Culture at NBCUniversal

How NBCUniversal is embracing DevOps to improve application delivery. Hear how they are using automation tools, like IBM UrbanCode to help standardize culture, speed time to market, integrate with existing tools, and deliver releases effectively. Learn more about UrbanCode here:

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio Online
Visual Studio 2012
Update 1
3-week service delivery sprints
Frequent updates for on-premises/boxed products
capabilities with
System Center
2012 SP1
September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 January 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Update 2
March 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Update 3
June 2013
Visual Studio 2013
November 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Update 4
Visual Studio 2013
Update 1
March 2014
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Applying DevOps, PaaS and cloud for better citizen service outcomes - IBM Fe...
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1) Applying DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery can help government agencies deploy IT projects faster and get citizen services into production quicker. 2) Using a Platform as a Service (PaaS) like IBM Bluemix allows agencies to build and manage applications faster while reducing costs and skills requirements. 3) Adopting a DevOps culture and tools that automate testing, deployment, and monitoring can help agencies accelerate delivery of citizen services with better outcomes and less resources.

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Excalibur - Was ist das? Vor allem was kann das? Was passiert mit XenApp und was passiert mit XenDesktop? Informieren Sie sich schon heute über Excalibur - Die neue Citrix-Lösung.

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This document discusses how to develop enterprise applications in the cloud using an agile and composable approach. It outlines the challenges of traditional agile development practices which can increase fragility. It then introduces Codenvy, a cloud integrated development environment (IDE) that aims to address these challenges by providing server-based tooling, automated workspaces, and policies to simplify administration and control intellectual property. Codenvy promotes extending devops practices from production back into development. The document also discusses how Codenvy can be used by enterprises, independent software vendors, and in collaboration with WSO2's application development platform.

by WSO2
Sign into the IDE with your
Microsoft Account
Move seamlessly between your
Synchronize settings across
your devices
Get up and running faster
Keep Visual Studio up-to-date
Easily determine what’s important
Address later
One common location
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Automate across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS

Slides and link to audio from my talk + demo on how to "Automation across Platform, OS, Technologies with TaaS" at Agile India 2014, Bangalore on 1st March 2014

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Many organizations are moving toward continuous integration and delivery in order to streamline the application lifecycle and increase quality. RightScale uses cloud-focused continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) processes in our development teams to speed new capabilities to market. In this webinar we explore three case studies on how RightScale does CI and CD in the cloud for our own development processes. Key Topics: Decode the differences between CI, CD and DevOps Combine and connect the tools needed for CI and CD Leverage cloud infrastructure for CI and CD Overcome challenges on the path to CI and CD

devopscloud computingrightscale webinars
Test Policy and Practices
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Test Policy and Practices

This presentation includes challenges in testing, levels of testing, best practices and policies, Test Drive Design(TDD), Behavioral Driven Design (BDD Testing), TDD v/s BDD

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Solution load
IDE startup
Improvements are driven by data from Customer
Experience Improvement program
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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The IMF uses a structured software development process and strict security measures when developing applications. Key aspects include: 1) They follow a Scrum methodology with requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, documentation, security auditing, and deployment stages. 2) Development occurs across several environments, from local developer sandboxes to testing, staging, and final production environments. 3) Teams of 15-20 people with roles like project managers, developers, and testers collaborate using tools like SharePoint. 4) They develop on the IMF Core Framework for consistency and security and deploy internally using their own app store ecosystem. 5) Challenges include the distributed team model, complex projects, and security

Improving the SharePoint Development Process with Continuous Integration
Improving the SharePoint Development Process with Continuous IntegrationImproving the SharePoint Development Process with Continuous Integration
Improving the SharePoint Development Process with Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a wonderful and popular practice in the software development universe. Yet, for whatever reason, it seems much less commonly utilized in the SharePoint community. SharePoint (naturally) throws a few wrinkles into the process, but no substantial roadblocks, and the benefits of CI can be realized just as well on SharePoint projects as anywhere else. In this session, you'll learn why you should implement a CI process and then see how to do it using TFS and Visual Studio.

team foundation servervisual studio onlinesharepoint 2013
Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Java EE
Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Java EEContinuous Integration with Jenkins and Java EE
Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Java EE

This document discusses continuous integration (CI) using Jenkins and Java EE. It defines CI as applying quality control through frequent small changes. The history and key principles of CI are described. Features of CI like automated builds, testing, and deployment are covered. The document then focuses on Jenkins, an open source CI server, its features, plugins, and how to set up CI pipelines using Jenkins with source control from Git and builds from Maven.

javacontinuous integrationjenkins
One launch point for all profiling tools
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Appvance PerformanceCloud (APC) is the first beginning-to-end test system which accurately drives 100% of the actual user interactions, even with complex HTML5 and AJAX client-side code. Apache JMeter is an Apache project to test Web applications at the HTTP protocol level. Adding the ability to re-use existing JMeter scripts with the Appvance cloud testing platform enables JMeter users to test Web apps, Ajax apps, Mobile (iOS/Android), and Oracle Forms apps.

httpperformance managementappvance performancecloud
DevOps with Visual studio Release Management (Pieter Gheysens)
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DevOps with Visual studio Release Management (Pieter Gheysens)

Are you looking for an efficient way to dev/test your applications in Windows Azure and you want to track your release process by automating your deployments for repeatable success? Are you struggling with a manual and error-prone deployment process which frustrates you every day? Are you looking for automation that is the same across different environments (Dev-Test-Acceptance-Production)? Do you need to build/package your application only once and deploy it with the exact same bits to any provisioned environment? Do you want to setup a formal approval workflow to promote a release to the next stage? If so, come and learn about the new release management features in Visual Studio Team Services.

Shift Happens - Rapidly Rolling Forward During Production Failure
Shift Happens - Rapidly Rolling Forward During Production FailureShift Happens - Rapidly Rolling Forward During Production Failure
Shift Happens - Rapidly Rolling Forward During Production Failure

Al Wagner from IBM presents how to avoid deployment failures, reviewing such topics as: Deployment models like canary, blue/green and rolling that can help prevent major production outages; How to pinpoint deployment failures in your process and correct them; Pulling together a basic failure response plan; and How you can roll forward while improving your deployment process. Learn more about IBM UrbanCode:

ibm urbancode deploy
Auto brace completion
Move lines up and down
Enhanced scrollbar
New Navigate To
Code Map
Find Dialog integrated
into editor
Solution Explorer
New project templates
And so much more…
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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This document discusses how IBM UrbanCode Deploy and Docker containers can help connect hybrid cloud environments. It begins with an introduction to Docker Trusted Registry for hosting private Docker images. The agenda then outlines discussing hybrid cloud, Docker containers, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, and a demonstration. Docker is presented as enabling application development and deployment efficiency across environments. IBM UrbanCode Deploy is shown to help with multi-platform, multi-container deployments through automated delivery pipelines. A demo then illustrates how IBM UrbanCode integrates with Docker Trusted Registry to ease deployments across hybrid clouds.

dockeribm urbancode deploy
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Dominique SACRÉ presentation from #DevDay Copenhagen April 2017. The extend® portfolio enables developers to build and deploy ACUCOBOL® applications across desktop, web and mobile platforms using AcuBench®, the COBOL Virtual Machine and a full suite of application modernization solutions. For ISVs or corporations, the latest version of extend offers even greater platform support, new performance optimizations, Unicode internationalization support and a new capability for instant UI transformation for web and mobile access—AcuToWeb. Whether you're maintaining mission critical applications or moving into new markets, the latest version of extend offers new solutions to keep you up-to-date and ready for innovation.

micro focusacucobol#devday
The Myth of the SharePoint Unicorn: Recruiting and Staffing SharePoint Teams ...
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This document is a summary of a panel discussion on staffing and developing a successful SharePoint team. It introduces five panelists who are SharePoint experts and provides brief biographies of each. It also lists 10 questions that were asked to the panel on topics such as challenges in recruiting for SharePoint roles, ideal team composition, justifying roles to management, training budgets, and how Office 365 impacts staffing. Contact information is provided for each panelist.

human capitaloffice365microsoft sharepoint
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH ComplianceSecuring Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance

SharePoint Saturday Philadelphia presentation 2/4/2012. Special thanks to CipherPoint Software and AvePoint for preparation and sharing panel time. Best practices in planning and design of enterprise security and master data management strategies for HITECH compliance of both SharePoint 2010 on premise and Office 365 instances for use in covered healthcare entities.

information securityenterprise architecturehitech
It's About the Data, Stupid: Mobile Security and BYOD for Healthcare
It's About the Data, Stupid: Mobile Security and BYOD for HealthcareIt's About the Data, Stupid: Mobile Security and BYOD for Healthcare
It's About the Data, Stupid: Mobile Security and BYOD for Healthcare

This document summarizes a presentation on enterprise mobility and mobile security. It discusses the goals of enterprise mobility such as increasing productivity and reducing risk. It covers topics like mobile device encryption, access control, mobile device management technologies, and unexpected expenses of data protection. The presentation emphasizes that mobility is about managing data, not just the devices, and discusses privacy and security risks, best practices, and the need for a governance, risk and compliance framework when adopting mobile solutions.

mdminformation securitybyod
Strategic, Privacy and Security Considerations for Adoption of Cloud and Emer...
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Prepared for Ministers and Senior Officials from the Caribbean and distinguished participants and attendees of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Organization of American States (OAS), and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on the occasion of the Caribbean Stakeholders’ Meeting: The Importance of ICTs and their Impact on Regional Development, May 26-28, 2014 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

cloudgovernment 2.0governance
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH ComplianceSecuring Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance

This document provides a summary of a presentation on securing Microsoft technologies for HITECH compliance. It discusses how Microsoft business solutions can help with healthcare information security and compliance with privacy laws like HIPAA and HITECH. It outlines challenges around managing unstructured data, compliance, security, and recruitment in healthcare. The presentation addresses privacy, data security, and how technologies like SharePoint can help with managing electronic protected health information and personally identifiable information according to healthcare regulations.

Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH ComplianceSecuring Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance
Securing Microsoft Technologies for HITECH Compliance

This document discusses securing Microsoft technologies for HITECH compliance. It covers introducing Microsoft technologies that can help secure protected health information as required by HITECH, including SharePoint, Active Directory, and encryption. It also summarizes challenges around managing risk and complexity when connecting systems and collaborating while maintaining security. Best practices are provided around areas like governance, access controls, and an enterprise security model.

enterprise architectureavepointoffice 365
Consumerization of IT: Mobile Infrastructure, Support and Security
Consumerization of IT: Mobile Infrastructure, Support and SecurityConsumerization of IT: Mobile Infrastructure, Support and Security
Consumerization of IT: Mobile Infrastructure, Support and Security

Marie-Michelle Strah gave a presentation on managing and securing mobile devices in healthcare. She discussed building productivity while reducing risk through mobile device encryption, access control, and policy versus technical controls. Her presentation covered conceptualizing "mobile health" and applying governance, risk, and compliance frameworks to consumerization of IT. She provided best practices around security risk analysis, stakeholder involvement, and defining a minimum set of technical requirements for mobile devices in healthcare.

information securitydata architecturehitech
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Web Forms
MVC Web API SignalR
No “upfront decision”
on any ASP.NET
Unified dialog
One Project: Web Forms, MVC,
Add any framework to any project
Scaffolding works across all
Configurable authentication
Bootstrap used for
layout and styling
Templates based on
Popular CSS layout framework
Many themes available
Completely new
scaffolding system
for One ASP.NET
Web application code
generation based on your data
Targets data-driven and CRUD
boilerplate code
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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News from Build 2013
News from Build 2013News from Build 2013
News from Build 2013

Presentation to the Sela & Microsoft VP R&D forum on news from Build 2013 and subsequent announcements for developers.

visual studioc++build
Whats New In 2010 (Msdn & Visual Studio)
Whats New In 2010 (Msdn & Visual Studio)Whats New In 2010 (Msdn & Visual Studio)
Whats New In 2010 (Msdn & Visual Studio)

This document provides an overview and summary of new features in Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010. It begins with introducing the product lineup and changes to MSDN subscriptions. Major sections then summarize new capabilities in project management, reporting, version control, architecture/modeling tools, development aids like profiling and testing tools like lab management and coded UI tests. The document aims to outline the key updates and highlights for developers across the application lifecycle with Visual Studio 2010 and TFS.

State of the Platforms
State of the PlatformsState of the Platforms
State of the Platforms

A session at the Sela Developer Practice covering the latest news on the Microsoft platform: Windows 8, Windows Azure, managed languages, the CLR, and more.

Client & Device
• Async – for UI
• Windows Store
apps -- WinRT
• Windows
Phone apps
• .NET CF 3.9
Web & Cloud
• Async – for
server scaling
• Entity
• WebSockets
• SignalR
• Windows Azure
Cloud Services
4.5 Support
• Windows Azure
Web Sites
• .NET Async
(async + await)
• Many new
async APIs
• WinRT interop
• Multi-core JIT
• MPGO –
NGEN hot/cold
• Performance
• Reboot and
to setup
• Support
Windows RT
• Background
• LOH heap
• GC low latency
• GC awareness
of NUMA and
>64 processors
• >2GB arrays
(or objects)
• Portable
libraries update
• .NET Core
(Windows 8)
• Extension
methods for
WinRT streams
and async
• NuGet
• Immutable
• Async for
.NET 4
• HttpClient for
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Number 9 all time requested feature on UserVoice!
Works exactly the same as for 32-bit applications
Client (WPF, WinForms, etc.), Store and ASP.NET
WAP projects are supported
For WAP projects, need to enable Edit & Continue
in Project Properties

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Whats new for developers in Visual Studio 2013
Whats new for developers in Visual Studio 2013Whats new for developers in Visual Studio 2013
Whats new for developers in Visual Studio 2013

There is a ton of new features available in Visual Studio 2013. In this session we will take a look at some of the new enhancements to the IDE including a look at the new “connected” IDE. We will then take a look at the editor productivity enhancements such as the new enhanced scrollbar, Peek Definition and CodeLens. In our final section, we’ll show off some of the cool things the .NET Framework 4.5.1 has enabled in Visual Studio 2013.

visual studio 2013codelenscodemap
New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023
New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023
New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023

The document summarizes new product features and release highlights from ThousandEyes' March 2023 quarterly customer webinar. Key updates included: - Enhancements to monitoring of complex collaboration apps like Webex Calling with new dashboard widgets and metrics. - Improved automated session testing with auto-detection of optimal network protocols. - Integration with OpenTelemetry for increased operational efficiency and data correlation. - Expanded visibility across use cases through additional endpoint agent views, statistics, and SaaS application monitoring. - New browserbot testing options and an upgraded recorder tool to help resolve application issues.

New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023
New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023
New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights: March 2023

The webinar highlighted new features and product releases from ThousandEyes in March 2023. Key updates included expanded visibility for complex collaboration apps like Webex Calling, automated session tests that can auto-detect the optimal network protocol, open telemetry integrations for increased operational efficiency, enhanced endpoint agent views and statistics, additional browserbot testing options, and an upgraded recorder tool. The presentation concluded with an invitation to connect with account teams or access learning resources for more details.

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Now available for .NET!
Access via Autos window or in the Immediate
window ($ReturnValue)
Can expand return value in the debugger
Common question: How did I get here?
Supported for Store Apps, Web apps, Desktop apps in
Enhancements to the Call Stack and Tasks window
Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2013

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Que hay de nuevo en Visual Studio 2013 y ASP.NET 5.1
Que hay de nuevo en Visual Studio 2013 y ASP.NET 5.1Que hay de nuevo en Visual Studio 2013 y ASP.NET 5.1
Que hay de nuevo en Visual Studio 2013 y ASP.NET 5.1

This document summarizes new features in Visual Studio 2013 and ASP.NET 5.1. Visual Studio 2013 includes improvements to the IDE like synchronized settings and enhanced debugging tools. .NET 4.5.1 focuses on application performance. ASP.NET is now unified across frameworks. New features were demonstrated for ASP.NET Identity, Entity Framework 6, MVC scaffolding using Bootstrap, Web API 2 including attribute routing and OData, SignalR, and Azure tooling in Visual Studio.

microsoft visual mvc framework
Visual studio 2019 launch
Visual studio 2019 launch Visual studio 2019 launch
Visual studio 2019 launch

Visual Studio 2019 includes new features like Live Share for real-time collaboration, IntelliCode for AI-assisted coding, and improvements to debugging and tooling. It also improved support for .NET development, including new code fixes and refactoring options. Visual Studio 2019 supports development for Azure, Azure DevOps, GitHub, containers, and microservices. New capabilities were also added for mobile development with Xamarin, Python, and machine learning using ML.NET.

Running your Dev&Test environment on the Cloud: Visual Studio Online
Running your Dev&Test environment on the Cloud: Visual Studio OnlineRunning your Dev&Test environment on the Cloud: Visual Studio Online
Running your Dev&Test environment on the Cloud: Visual Studio Online

This document discusses the benefits of using cloud services for development and testing. Key benefits include being cost-effective by only paying for resources used, improved developer agility through platform services, ready-to-use images, and the ability to perform load and stress testing in realistic scenarios. The document also provides pricing details for Visual Studio Online plans and how MSDN subscribers receive discounts on Windows Azure usage.

visual studiodev&testtest
Provide reliable connection to Azure SQL DB
Automatically retry/reconnect broken connection
Provides great experience for connected devices
It Just Works! No code or configuration changes
other than installing .NET 4.5.1
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Enables low latency, high density web sites for
on-prem/private cloud
Shipping as part of IIS 8.5 in Windows Server 2012 R2
Provisioned through the Idle Worker Process Page-out
capability in IIS
Early Results from our Performance Lab
In IIS Settings, set Idle Time-
out Action to Suspended

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Chinnasamy Manickam
Chinnasamy ManickamChinnasamy Manickam
Chinnasamy Manickam

Chinnasamy Manickam is a senior software engineer with over 7 years of experience developing web and desktop applications using Microsoft technologies. He has expertise in technologies like Azure, .NET, MVC, and SQL Server. Some of the projects he has worked on include a self-contained breathing apparatus configurator, a secure downloader, and an ERP system for a printing company. He is seeking new challenges to further his career in application development and problem solving.

#SPSBrussels 2017 vincent biret #azure #functions microsoft #flow
#SPSBrussels 2017 vincent biret #azure #functions microsoft #flow#SPSBrussels 2017 vincent biret #azure #functions microsoft #flow
#SPSBrussels 2017 vincent biret #azure #functions microsoft #flow

Slides of the session given at the SharePoint Saturday Brussels 2017 around Microsoft flow and Azure Functions. This session is an introduction to both services and how you can combine them

sharepointmicrosoft flowazure functions
Introduction to Microsoft Flow and Azure Functions
Introduction to Microsoft Flow and Azure FunctionsIntroduction to Microsoft Flow and Azure Functions
Introduction to Microsoft Flow and Azure Functions

This document introduces Microsoft Flow and Azure Functions. Flow allows non-developers to visually create automated workflows that connect various systems and services, while Azure Functions enables developers to write pieces of code that can be triggered by events. The document discusses how users can build workflows in Flow, while developers can extend capabilities using Functions. It provides examples of how Flow and Functions can be integrated together to build automated solutions.

Performance data from our test labs
Minimize application
startup time on multi-
core CPUs
Now supported for
ASP.NET web sites
Enabled automatically
for ASP.NET apps
15% improvement
for cold startup
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
During .NET 4.5 we released two components via NuGet:
MEF (Microsoft.Composition) for web and Windows Store
TPL Dataflow (Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow)
These (and new packages) are treated as any other .NET
4.5 component, i.e. are fully supported
.NET (“in box”)
One-stop shopping for all of
your .NET Framework NuGet
packages released by
In Visual Studio 20[10,12,13]
On the Web

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Windows Azure & How to Deploy Wordress
Windows Azure & How to Deploy WordressWindows Azure & How to Deploy Wordress
Windows Azure & How to Deploy Wordress

This document provides an overview of the Windows Azure platform and its services. It discusses why organizations use cloud platforms to reduce costs while improving flexibility and scalability compared to on-premises infrastructure. The Azure platform provides compute, storage, database and middleware services that can be accessed on-demand via the internet. Popular open source technologies like PHP, MySQL and WordPress can also be deployed on the Azure platform and scaled globally.

WinOps meetup April 2016 DevOps lessons from Microsoft \\Build\
WinOps meetup April 2016   DevOps lessons from Microsoft \\Build\WinOps meetup April 2016   DevOps lessons from Microsoft \\Build\
WinOps meetup April 2016 DevOps lessons from Microsoft \\Build\

Some DevOps lessons from the 2016 Microsoft Build conference that were presented at the London WinOps meetup in April 2016. Most of the material was taken from the Microsoft presentations available here -


- Prasanth S has over 9 years of experience developing software using technologies like C#, ASP.NET, SQL, and the .NET framework. He has worked on projects for various clients and is seeking a challenging position in the software industry. - He has experience in all phases of the software development lifecycle including requirements gathering, design, development, testing, documentation, and maintenance. - Prasanth holds a US B1 visa and has strong communication and problem-solving skills from working on both individual and team-based projects.

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Application Lifecycle Trends
Modern Apps
LOB Apps
Systems of Record
Data Entry
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Vision

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What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5What's New in .Net 4.5
What's New in .Net 4.5

This document summarizes new features in .NET Framework 4.5, including improvements to WeakReferences, streams, ReadOnlyDictionary, compression, and large objects. It describes enhancements to server GC, asynchronous programming, the Task Parallel Library, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, WCF, WPF, and more. The .NET 4.5 update focuses on performance improvements, support for asynchronous code and parallel operations, and enabling modern app development patterns.

DotnetConf - Cloud native and .Net5 announcements
DotnetConf - Cloud native and .Net5 announcementsDotnetConf - Cloud native and .Net5 announcements
DotnetConf - Cloud native and .Net5 announcements

- .NET 5 was recently released with improvements like smaller container images, web and cloud investments, and performance gains. - The .NET ecosystem is growing rapidly, with over 5 million developers and top rankings in popularity. - Cloud native development with .NET emphasizes microservices, containers, automation, and consuming backend services. - Demonstrations showed deploying an application to Azure Kubernetes Service and using Project Tye for faster microservices development.

May 2023 EMEA New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights.pptx
May 2023 EMEA New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights.pptxMay 2023 EMEA New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights.pptx
May 2023 EMEA New ThousandEyes Product Features and Release Highlights.pptx

The document discusses new features and product highlights from ThousandEyes for March 2023. Key updates include: expanded visibility for complex collaboration apps like Webex Calling; automated session tests that can auto-detect the best network protocol; OpenTelemetry integration to correlate data across tools; additional endpoint agent statistics and filters; and new test options for the browser agent to resolve application issues. The presentation also covers an upgrade to the ThousandEyes Recorder and integration with Cisco AppDynamics.

ALM Your Way
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services
Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure ServicesReal World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services
Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services

Building Solution in Office 365 requires leveraging other cloud services, such as Azure Services. For those new to SharePoint and all SharePoint veterans, building cloud ready “Full Trust” solutions for Office 365 introduces a huge paradigm shift over the traditional on-premise full-trust development model. In this session, we will look at a couple common full trust solutions and move them to Office365 and Azure. We will leverage various Azure services such as Azure Functions, Event Grids and WebJobs. See demonstrations on how event receivers become Azure Function and Event Grids, and timer jobs become Azure WebJobs. Learn about other useful Azure services for replacing full trust functionality. Don’t pass up this opportunity to learn skills and knowledge you need to build Office 365 Solutions leveraging Cloud Services Attendee Takeaways: 1. Understand how to take Full Trust solutions from On-premise to the Office365. 2. Learn how to use Azure Functions, Event Grids, WebJobs and several other Azure Services. 3. See demonstrations of a couple common Full Trust Solutions converted to cloud solutions on Office365 and Azure.

sharepoint frameworkazure servicesazure functions
DevOps on Windows: How to Deploy Complex Windows Workloads | AWS Public Secto...
DevOps on Windows: How to Deploy Complex Windows Workloads | AWS Public Secto...DevOps on Windows: How to Deploy Complex Windows Workloads | AWS Public Secto...
DevOps on Windows: How to Deploy Complex Windows Workloads | AWS Public Secto...

In this session, you will learn how to deploy complex Windows workloads and ways AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS CodeDeploy enable you to automate your Windows application life-cycle management. We will also discuss the monitoring, logging, and automatically scaling of Windows applications. Learn More:

Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AIIntro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI
Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Gen AI

Sami provided a beginner-friendly introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), covering essential terms, products, and services for cloud deployment. Participants explored AWS' latest Gen AI offerings, making it accessible for those starting their cloud journey or integrating AI into coding practices.

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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ENISA Threat Landscape 2023

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MVP Mobile Application - Codearrest.pptx

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mobile application is a streamlined version of a mobile app that includes only the core features necessary to address the primary needs of its users. The purpose of an MVP is to validate the app concept with minimal resources, gather user feedback, and identify any areas for improvement before investing in a full-scale development. This approach allows businesses to quickly launch their app, test its market viability, and make data-driven decisions for future enhancements, ensuring a higher likelihood of success and user satisfaction.

mvp developmentmvp software developmentmvp mobile application
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
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Discover the fascinating world of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with our comprehensive presentation. Learn how OCR converts various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Dive into the history, modern applications, and future trends of OCR technology. Get step-by-step instructions on how to extract text from any image online for free using a simple tool, along with best practices for OCR image preparation. Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts looking to harness the power of OCR.

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Software development... for all? (keynote at ICSOFT'2024)
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Our world runs on software. It governs all major aspects of our life. It is an enabler for research and innovation, and is critical for business competitivity. Traditional software engineering techniques have achieved high effectiveness, but still may fall short on delivering software at the accelerated pace and with the increasing quality that future scenarios will require. To attack this issue, some software paradigms raise the automation of software development via higher levels of abstraction through domain-specific languages (e.g., in model-driven engineering) and empowering non-professional developers with the possibility to build their own software (e.g., in low-code development approaches). In a software-demanding world, this is an attractive possibility, and perhaps -- paraphrasing Andy Warhol -- "in the future, everyone will be a developer for 15 minutes". However, to make this possible, methods are required to tweak languages to their context of use (crucial given the diversity of backgrounds and purposes), and the assistance to developers throughout the development process (especially critical for non-professionals). In this keynote talk at ICSOFT'2024 I presented enabling techniques for this vision, supporting the creation of families of domain-specific languages, their adaptation to the usage context; and the augmentation of low-code environments with assistants and recommender systems to guide developers (professional or not) in the development process.

softwaremodel-driven engineeringdomain-specific languages
More frequent releases
Customer responsiveness
Stakeholder transparency
Compliance & regulation
Plan Develop OperateRelease
Agile portfolio management
Team Room
.NET memory dump analyzer
Visual Studio and
System Center
Build | Measure | Learn
Integrated release
Kanban customization
Work item tagging
Performance events
Continuous value
Load testing as a service
Work item charting

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This is the guide on how you can use google's ML kit for machine learning applications on mobile.

FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
A continuous deployment solution for .NET teams
Release Management Client for Visual Studio 2013
is available with:
Release Management Server for Team Foundation
Server 2013
Microsoft Deployment Agent 2013
Automates deployments

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Deploys the same way to all stages
Automates workflow
Full traceability
TFS Drop Location
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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Software and services for production use
Primary Development/Testing Tool
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Test
Visual Studio
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012 and one CAL
Team Foundation Service
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
Software and services for development and testing
Windows, Windows Server
Windows Azure $100/month $50/month $100/month $150/month
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Dynamics
All other servers (such as SharePoint and Exchange)
Windows Embedded
Additional benefits
Technical support incidents 2 2 2 4 4
Priority support in MSDN Forums
Priority support in TechNet Forums
Windows Store and Windows Phone developer accounts1
Office 365 Developer Subscription1
Microsoft E-Learning course collections (typically 20 hours each; per calendar year) 2 1 1 2 2
MSDN Magazine
MSDN Flash newsletter
MSDN Online Concierge
Special offers from Microsoft and partners
1 One-time 12
month benefit
MSDN Platforms TechNet Professional
Target Audience IT Pros setting up dev/test
IT Pros evaluating software
Licensing • Design, develop, test, demonstrate or
• Cloud use rights
• Evaluation only
Purchase channel VL only Retail (primary channel) and VL
Benefit differences • Azure monthly credits
• Team Foundation Server & Service
• No Office
• MSDN and TechNet forums priority
• No Azure monthly credits
• No Team Foundation Server & Service
• Office for Evaluation only

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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Benefit Credits
for MSDN
Friction for
Dev/Test Usage
Cloud Use
Rights for MSDN
Microsoft Confidential
MSDN Dev/Test Rates
3 VMs for 16

Recommended for you

80 20
50 10
Up to 100 web sites +
> PowerShell

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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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App manifestWeb page
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
Online web application
App’s server-side hosted by autonomous
Web Server or Windows Azure
Integrated and supported by SharePoint
Supported by any browser (potentially)
Document management integration
SharePoint resources integration
News in VS 2013
MVC5 support for apps
Improvements when publishing apps to Windows
Azure Websites
Remote Debugging of Workflows against an
Office 365 developer site
Implement complete app experiences
to satisfy business scenarios
Create app parts that can interact
with the SharePoint experience
Add new commands to the ribbon and item

Recommended for you

Get remote events from
Bring your own server hosting
Windows Azure + SQL Azure
provisioned automatically as
apps are installed
Your hosted
Reuse web elements (lists, out-of-box
web parts). Client-side technologies
and declarative workflows
App web
(from WSP)
Included in Visual Studio 2013!
Supports cloud app model
Develop against Office 365
or on-premises
Rich tooling support for
app artifacts
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
New project wizard
Add event to SharePoint-hosted app
Convert a web project to app

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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro
What’s new in VS 2013:
Visual Studio blog:
Visual Studio Toolbox on Channel 9:
Get further information on .NET

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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

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FEDSPUG April 2014: Visual Studio 2013 for Application Lifecycle Management & SharePoint by Tim Ferro

  • 2. Senior SharePoint Developer / SharePoint Architect Senior Software Engineer at RDA Corporation Author / Speaker / Blogger / Tweeter 7 Years Architecting and Developing SharePoint Solutions @timferro
  • 3. Book Technical Editor: You Don’t Know JS: Scope and Closures White Paper Author: Utilizing and Visualizing Geolocation Data for Powerful Analysis
  • 4. Visual Studio 2013 .NET 4.5.1 Application Lifecycle Management MSDN SharePoint Solutions
  • 6. Visual Studio 2012 Launch Visual Studio Online Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 3-week service delivery sprints Frequent updates for on-premises/boxed products DevOps capabilities with System Center 2012 SP1 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 January 2013 Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 March 2013 Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 June 2013 Visual Studio 2013 November 2013 Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 March 2014
  • 9. Sign into the IDE with your Microsoft Account Move seamlessly between your machines Synchronize settings across your devices Get up and running faster
  • 10. Keep Visual Studio up-to-date Easily determine what’s important Address later One common location
  • 15. Solution load IDE startup Responsiveness Improvements are driven by data from Customer Experience Improvement program
  • 17. One launch point for all profiling tools
  • 21. Auto brace completion Move lines up and down Enhanced scrollbar New Navigate To experience Peek CodeLens Code Map enhancements Find Dialog integrated into editor Solution Explorer enhancements New project templates And so much more…
  • 35. No “upfront decision” on any ASP.NET technology Unified dialog One Project: Web Forms, MVC, Web API Add any framework to any project Scaffolding works across all frameworks Configurable authentication Bootstrap used for layout and styling Templates based on Bootstrap.js Popular CSS layout framework Many themes available Completely new scaffolding system for One ASP.NET Web application code generation based on your data model Targets data-driven and CRUD boilerplate code
  • 37. Client & Device • Async – for UI responsiveness • Windows Store apps -- WinRT • Windows Phone apps • .NET CF 3.9 Web & Cloud • Async – for server scaling • ASP.NET MVC4 • ASP.NET Web API • ASP.NET Web Pages • Entity Framework Code-First • WebSockets • SignalR • Windows Azure Cloud Services 4.5 Support • Windows Azure Web Sites Fundamentals • .NET Async (async + await) • Many new async APIs • WinRT interop • Multi-core JIT • MPGO – NGEN hot/cold splitting • Performance improvements • Reboot and reliability improvements to setup • Support Windows RT GC • Background GC • LOH heap balancing • LOH fragmentation reduction • GC low latency mode • GC awareness of NUMA and >64 processors • >2GB arrays (or objects) Libraries • Portable libraries update • .NET Core Profile (Windows 8) • Extension methods for WinRT streams and async • NuGet • Immutable collections • Async for .NET 4 • HttpClient for Portable
  • 40. Number 9 all time requested feature on UserVoice! Works exactly the same as for 32-bit applications Client (WPF, WinForms, etc.), Store and ASP.NET WAP projects are supported For WAP projects, need to enable Edit & Continue in Project Properties
  • 43. Now available for .NET! Access via Autos window or in the Immediate window ($ReturnValue) Can expand return value in the debugger
  • 44. Common question: How did I get here? Supported for Store Apps, Web apps, Desktop apps in W8.1 Enhancements to the Call Stack and Tasks window Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio 2013 Visual Studio 2013
  • 45. Provide reliable connection to Azure SQL DB Automatically retry/reconnect broken connection Provides great experience for connected devices It Just Works! No code or configuration changes other than installing .NET 4.5.1
  • 47. Enables low latency, high density web sites for on-prem/private cloud Shipping as part of IIS 8.5 in Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview Provisioned through the Idle Worker Process Page-out capability in IIS Early Results from our Performance Lab
  • 48. In IIS Settings, set Idle Time- out Action to Suspended
  • 49. Performance data from our test labs Minimize application startup time on multi- core CPUs Now supported for ASP.NET web sites Enabled automatically for ASP.NET apps 15% improvement for cold startup
  • 51. During .NET 4.5 we released two components via NuGet: MEF (Microsoft.Composition) for web and Windows Store apps TPL Dataflow (Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow) These (and new packages) are treated as any other .NET 4.5 component, i.e. are fully supported .NET (“in box”) System Composition TPL Dataflow Http Client Async Immutable Collections
  • 52. One-stop shopping for all of your .NET Framework NuGet packages released by Microsoft In Visual Studio 20[10,12,13] On the Web
  • 73. More frequent releases Customer responsiveness Stakeholder transparency Compliance & regulation
  • 76. Plan REQUIREMENTS BACKLOG RELEASE OperateConstruct WORKING SOFTWARE Develop Operate Agile portfolio management Team Room Git CodeLens .NET memory dump analyzer Visual Studio and System Center integration Build | Measure | Learn Integrated release management Collaborate Kanban customization Work item tagging Release Performance events Continuous value Load testing as a service Configuration-based deployments Work item charting
  • 78. A continuous deployment solution for .NET teams History
  • 79. Release Management Client for Visual Studio 2013 is available with: Release Management Server for Team Foundation Server 2013 Microsoft Deployment Agent 2013
  • 81. Deploys the same way to all stages DEV QAINT PRODTFS
  • 83. DEV QAINT PRODTFS Full traceability
  • 84. TFS Drop Location RM ClientRM Web QA DEV RM Server
  • 91. Software and services for production use Primary Development/Testing Tool Visual Studio Professional Visual Studio Test Professional Visual Studio Premium Visual Studio Ultimate Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012 and one CAL Team Foundation Service Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Software and services for development and testing Windows, Windows Server Windows Azure $100/month $50/month $100/month $150/month Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Office Microsoft Dynamics All other servers (such as SharePoint and Exchange) Windows Embedded Additional benefits Technical support incidents 2 2 2 4 4 Priority support in MSDN Forums Priority support in TechNet Forums Windows Store and Windows Phone developer accounts1 Office 365 Developer Subscription1 Microsoft E-Learning course collections (typically 20 hours each; per calendar year) 2 1 1 2 2 MSDN Magazine MSDN Flash newsletter MSDN Online Concierge Special offers from Microsoft and partners 1 One-time 12 month benefit
  • 92. MSDN Platforms TechNet Professional Target Audience IT Pros setting up dev/test environments IT Pros evaluating software Licensing • Design, develop, test, demonstrate or evaluate • Cloud use rights • Evaluation only Purchase channel VL only Retail (primary channel) and VL Benefit differences • Azure monthly credits • Team Foundation Server & Service • No Office • MSDN and TechNet forums priority support • No Azure monthly credits • No Team Foundation Server & Service • Office for Evaluation only
  • 94. Improved Benefit Credits for MSDN subscribers Reduced Friction for Dev/Test Usage Cloud Use Rights for MSDN Software Microsoft Confidential
  • 96. 3 VMs for 16 $100PER MONTH $150PER MONTH $50PER MONTH $10 0PER MONTH
  • 97. $100PER MONTH 80 20 $150PER MONTH $50PER MONTH $10 0PER MONTH
  • 98. $100PER MONTH 50 10 $150PER MONTH $50PER MONTH $10 0PER MONTH
  • 99. $100PER MONTH Up to 100 web sites + $150PER MONTH $50PER MONTH $10 0PER MONTH
  • 107. Characteristics Online web application App’s server-side hosted by autonomous Web Server or Windows Azure Integrated and supported by SharePoint Supported by any browser (potentially) Document management integration SharePoint resources integration News in VS 2013 MVC5 support for apps Improvements when publishing apps to Windows Azure Websites Remote Debugging of Workflows against an Office 365 developer site
  • 108. Implement complete app experiences to satisfy business scenarios Create app parts that can interact with the SharePoint experience Add new commands to the ribbon and item menus
  • 109. Get remote events from SharePoint. Use CSOM/REST + OAuth Bring your own server hosting infrastructure Windows Azure + SQL Azure provisioned automatically as apps are installed SharePoint web Your hosted site SharePoint web Azure Reuse web elements (lists, out-of-box web parts). Client-side technologies and declarative workflows Host web App web (from WSP)
  • 110. Included in Visual Studio 2013! Supports cloud app model Develop against Office 365 or on-premises Rich tooling support for app artifacts
  • 112. New project wizard Add event to SharePoint-hosted app Convert a web project to app
  • 115. What’s new in VS 2013: us/library/vstudio/bb386063(v=vs.120).aspx Visual Studio blog: Visual Studio Toolbox on Channel 9: MSDN ALM:
  • 116. Get further information on .NET

Editor's Notes

  1. In this session, we’ll take a look at what’s new for developers in Visual Studio 2013 including ALM and SharePoint.
  2. Commitment to more frequent product updates shows that Build, Measure, Learn and agile development practices are being applied within Microsoft. Updates to Visual Studio Online are now occurring every few weeks.Given the higher-frequency of updates, organizations may need to make some changes to the way they evaluate new versions of development tools. There may be no “right time” to make the necessary upgrades and modify internal processes, so organizations will need to quickly match their needs with the current offering in order to make a decision. Some organizations may update as quickly as updates arrive, while others will be more selective. To help support these decisions, quite a bit of work goes into maintaining backwards compatibility with the previous major update, and different versions of Visual Studio can be installed side-by-side when needed.
  3. Upon your first launch of Visual Studio, we’ll ask you to log in with your Microsoft account. If you use the account associated with your MSDN or Visual Studio Online account, we’ll be able to enable you to move seamlessly between development machines. We’ll automatically synchronize your settings, allowing you to get up and running faster. At any time you can configure synchronization settings in Tools | Options.
  4. The Visual Studio Notification Center provides convenient access to all the notifications the IDE provides. It helps you to keep Visual Studio up-to-date while also keeping the notifications out of the way. The notifications icon in upper-right corner of IDE shows the number of current notifications. You can click to load the Notification Center to view all messages at any time, dismissing any if desired.
  5. In this section, we’re going to take a look at investments Microsoft has made in themes and visual design.
  6. One key aspect to Visual Studio is providing users with as much flexibility as possible. You’ll see places where we allow you to opt-in to features, such as the synchronization a Microsoft account enables. In others, we’ll offer the full flexibility of complete customization with some predefined options.
  7. One of the most vocal feature requests we’ve had is to bring back the “Blue” theme, which is now available again. (Expect an applause break here. It will be long.)
  8. Now let’s dig into some of the major performance improvements available in Visual Studio 2013.
  9. Over the past year, all teams have had a major focus in improving the performance across the entire IDE. Some of the performance improvements were subtle, such as with typing and scrolling. Others were more obvious, such as addressing the underlying causes of the “Visual Studio is busy” dialogs. One major improvement you’ll see from the beginning is that solution loads have been moved to background threads, resulting in asynchronous operations that don’t hang the UI. The same is true for the build process, which allows you to continue to work before these operations are complete. It’s also important to note that many of these improvements are prioritized and driven by data from Customer Experience Improvement program.
  10. Now we’ll take a look at some of the advancements in performance tools &amp; debugging.
  11. Historically, performance and diagnostics tools have been scattered throughout the Visual Studio experience. While there were lots of tools to help developers solve the problems they were facing, they were often not discoverable and often provided inconsistent experiences. With Visual Studio 2013, an effort has been made to consolidate the tools and experience in order to simplify the process of measuring and troubleshooting apps.
  12. In the Performance and Diagnostics hub you have the ability to create a new session. This session can launch a new app, attach to a running app, Web site, and so on.
  13. Once the app is running, you’ll get a wealth of performance and diagnostics data that can help you visualize potential issues with the application, as well as dig into all the profiling information you need.
  14. Now we’ll take a look at some of the advancements in performance tools &amp; debugging.
  15. One of the great new features integrated with Visual Studio is the enhanced scrollbar. The enhanced scrollbar provides a preview of the source file that helps you find your way around your code, before you click. Many of you may already be familiar with this feature as a Power Tool, but now it’s built right in. Like some of the new features, you’ll need to turn it on via the Options dialog.Another huge focus Microsoft takes on developer productivity is around giving you access and insight into related files and dependencies, but without removing you from your context file. In the past, you could follow “Go to Definition” links ten levels deep and lose track of the files along the way, as well as the source file you began in. With the advanced Peek functionality, we’ve reengineered the experience to provide a much cleaner way of following a series of definition navigations that include breadcrumbs, and without taking you away from the context of your original file.One other item I’d like to point out is CodeLens. This is a new feature in the IDE that tracks metadata for each method and provides it in a heads-up display. It’s sort of like a “Find References” that’s always on. It also provides insight for things like test status, recent changesets involving this method, work items associated with the method, and more.
  16. Different colored markers. Right click scrollbar. Wide scroll with preview.
  17. 2 Images: 1 shows right click menu for Go To Definition. 2 shows definition file tab is upper left not in top right with the rest.
  18. 2 Images. 1 Shows right click menu for Peek definition. 2 shows inline Peek definition with enhanced scrollbar and tab on right.
  19. Multiple browsers and browser types connected to the IDE via SignalR on the back end. Update HTML/CSS in code and automatically see the updates in the browser when you save!
  20. Code clones are separate fragments of code that are very similar. They are a common phenomenon in an application that has been under development for some time. Clones make it hard to change your application because you have to find and update more than one fragmentYou can either find the clones of a specific fragment, or find all clones in your solution. In addition to discovering direct copies, the clone analysis tool can find fragments which differ in the names of variables and parameters, and in which some statements have been rearranged.The code clone analyser searches for duplicate code in Visual C# and Visual Basic projects throughout your Visual Studio solution.
  21. Find items related to your code without leaving the editor when you use the CodeLens heads-up display. For example, you can find references, linked Team Foundation Server (TFS) items, and unit tests – all in the same context as your code.
  22. 3 Images. 1 shows references hover menu. 2 shows highlighted reference with Peek definition hover. 3 shows a code map generated via double click.
  23. 4 Images. 1 shows the code history/change set by author via mouseover and last update. 2 shows Lync integration of users with VS. 3 shows complete and updated change set. 4 shows diff of the recent change.
  24. 3 images. 1 shows bugs. 2 shows work items. 3 shows reviews. Also note changes.
  25. Pass/Failunti tests on hover. Rerun them from the popup. See failed output onmouseover as well.
  26. All of ASP.NET is a single platform, including Web-Forms. It’s more than just MVC and Web API. There is ONE ASP.NET and all of our Web Frameworks work together with similar features.There is one dialog for creating Web Forms, MVC, Web API, and SPA applications.Authorization is configurable at project creation time and will be extended with more options later.We made a simple UI for creating projects that offer support for multiple ASP.NET frameworks (Web Forms, MVC, and Web API). New features are available for Web Forms that used to be offered only for MVC, such as automatic test project creation and an intranet site template.
  27. One ASP.NET means…:Unified DialogScaffolding for everyoneMVC, Web Forms, Web API togetherNew extensible Identity SystemOWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET)No ASP.NET technology “upfront decision”Mix and match any ASP.NET technology (MVC, WebForms, WebAPI, etc.) within any VS web-projectBootstrap used for layout and stylingPopular CSS layout framework for simple and consistent page layoutBuilt-in responsive design for mobile, and glyphs for iconographyHighly themeable with many themes; both free and premium availableASP.NET Scaffolding is a code generation framework for ASP.NET Web applications. Visual Studio 2013 includes pre-installed code generators for MVC, Web Forms, and Web API projects. You add a scaffold to your project when you want to quickly add boilerplate code that interacts with data models. Using scaffolding can reduce the amount of time to develop standard data operations in your project.Code generation based on your data models; targets data-driven boilerplate codeSupports Web Forms, MVC, Web API, and moreDistribution via NuGet
  28. In this section, we’re going to take a look at investments Microsoft has made in themes and visual design.
  29. In a more dynamic market, enterprises want their line-of-business applications to be accessible at any time from any device without sacrificing quality, agility, and time-to-market. This is why we are thrilled to announce our support for building cross-browser, mobile web clients with Visual Studio LightSwitch!The HTML5 and JavaScript-based client addresses the increasing need to build touch-oriented business applications that run well on modern mobile devices. LightSwitch HTML clients are built on standards-compliant HTML5 and JavaScript and provide modern, touch-first experiences on Windows RT, Windows Phone 8, iPhones and iPads with iOS 5/6, and Android 4.x devices.With the new SharePoint 2013 apps model, we’re also bringing the simplicity and ease of building custom business apps with LightSwitch into SharePoint / Office 365. Many enterprises today use SharePoint as a collaboration hub to better people, content, and processes. Although you can still choose to host your apps on your own or in Azure, enabling SharePoint in your LightSwitch apps allows you to take advantage of the app lifecycle management, identity, and access control capabilities within SharePoint—not to mention the business data and processes already running in SharePoint in your enterprise.
  30. More new featureswith Visual Studio 2013:You no longer need to switch between Logical View and File View because all your project content is available under one view in Solution Explorer.LightSwitch projects work more seamlessly with the IDE, so using the scoping, search, and browse history features are all now available in your LightSwitch projects.You can view multiple designers at the same time. Each screen, table, and query is now opened in its own document tab. Improved team development! Each entity, screen, and query now persists in its own .lsml model file, dramatically reducing the likelihood of merge conflicts when multiple developers work on the same project. We’ve also improved compatibility with existing source code control providers. Intrinsic database management with linked database project, so you can generate reference data and make schema enhancements. Improved JavaScript IntelliSense, as well as improvements to the core JavaScript experience such as code editor and DOM Explorer enhancements. API support for refreshing data on lists and screens in the runtime app. Integration with other Visual Studio features, such as Team Build and Code Analysis.
  31. Big improvements everywhere but I found that the enhancements in 4.5.1 are the biggest!
  32. Edit &amp; continue has been available for 32-bit managed code since 2005. And now, thanks to extremely popular demand, we’re excited to support 64-bit edit &amp; continue. It works exactly the same as it does for 32-bit apps, and supports virtually all the same scenarios. When working with ASP.NET Web application projects, just be sure to enable it in the Project Properties dialog.[Click for Image]And now we’ll never have to see this warning ever again.
  33. Now you’ll also be able to get memory dumps from managed code running in production and debug that memory in Visual Studio. For memory leak analysis, you can get a “before” memory dump as a baseline and then an “after” dump to compare it with.
  34. Some people have been asking for the Return Value in the debugger.
  35. Visual Studio 2013 also enables return value inspection so that you can see what your methods return without having to debug outside the method itself. This is very useful when dealing with callbacks or other places where it’s difficult to debug outside your own code.[Click for Images]The return values will be available via the Autos panel or the $ReturnValue macro.
  36. Debugging async code with Visual Studio 2012 could be a real challenge. While it’s easy to work within the imperative aspects of the code itself, all the undercover magic that happens to enable simplified codebases had not yet been exposed in a way to make tooling easier. One of the most difficult challenges for developers involved understanding the virtual call stack that occurred to get them to the place they were debugging. Thanks to the .NET Framework 4.5.1, Visual Studio 2013 provides a much more robust async debugging experience that works across many types of applications. This includes key enhancements to the Call Stack and Tasks windows.
  37. [Click for image]
  38. [click for images]
  39. Applications, and the associated set of user expectations, have evolved significantly over the past few years. Applications are expected to run on many different platforms, data is expected to be readily available, and social tools built in. In addition, as business needs and technology continues to change rapidly, developers need to be able to quickly deliver value to customers and integrate feedback.
  40. Repurpose the same skills and resources for both LOB apps and Modern apps.Also need ability to target multiple other platforms beyond .NET (Xamarin/ITR Mobility)
  41. Managing releases can be a significant challenge. The requirements come from a broad array of sources, and can have technology teams asking a lot of questions. The kinds of questions they come with are “How do we elegantly shift from long release cycles to monthly, or even daily?” Other times, they want to know “How can we help set customer expectations about when bug fixes and feature requests go live?” So many people need to plan their tasks around the release cycle, so teams want to know “How can we make sure everyone understands the release pipeline so they can do their jobs?” And sometimes, there are legal or governmental pressures around compliance and regulation, leading to questions like “How can we feel confident we’re properly tracking, managing, and approving our releases?”.
  42. Build-Measure-Learn was coined in “The Lean Startup”, by Eric Ries. Although the discussion in the book is primarily focused on startup environments, aspects of it can be applied generally to help deliver value quickly. The main idea here is that agility can be achieved by iterating quickly through these high-level steps.The ALM capabilities of Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio help organizations through four different stages – Planning, Development, Release and Operations.
  43. In this presentation, we will demonstrate each of these steps in more detail while highlighting the new features and capabilities of Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio 2013, as well as some of the highlights from the 2012 updates.
  44. When you look at the application lifecycle as a whole, Microsoft has delivered considerable value over the past year. Since the release of Visual Studio 2012, the focus on providing a more efficient experience for development team members of all disciplines has already begun to deliver great dividends.
  45. Another important aspect to each release environment is what we’ll refer to as the “stage stack”. This is a simple layout of the steps typically required to get a packaged app from a build location out to a prepared environment, through the necessary install and configuration, through the required tests, and finally approved for migration to the next stage. Microsoft has provided many of the tools to support this stack, although sometimes a little extra work is required to help it all work together.[Build]Lab Manager is available to help provision environments.[Build]PowerShell is ideal for configuring environments.[Build]There are some useful built-in tools for deploying and installing the application itself.[Build]And lots of companies invest in their own custom tools to configure applications.[Build]Running automated tests during the release process is becoming the standard for applications of every type.[Build]Microsoft Test Manager handles the testing aspects.[Build]And now with Release Management for Team Foundation Server 2013, this entire process is only going to get better.
  46. InRelease is a continuous deployment solution for .NET teams. It helps automate the deployment process and helps teams manage multiple environments. It also introduces a level of collaboration cross the release process, as well as providing an array or analytics and reporting. It was originally launched in 2009 and was acquired in the summer of 2013.
  47. InRelease technology will ultimately be transformed and integrated into Team Foundation Server. The release management authoring components will be included in Visual Studio Test Professional, Visual Studio Premium, and Visual Studio Ultimate. Everything needed to participate in a release process will be included in the Team Foundation Server CAL. Server components will be integrated into Team Foundation Server 2013. The deployers (which are required for each node you deploy on) will continue to be licensed separately.
  48. One major benefit of the new Release Management Server for Team Foundation Server 2013 is that it provides all the automated deployment goodness we were discussing earlier.
  49. It also ensures that the deployments are pushed out the same way to all stages.
  50. Not only does it automate the overall workflow, but it provides the ability to automate approvals where necessary, such as early phase deployments. You can still keep manual approvals for deployments deeper in the release cycle.
  51. Finally, the whole process is recorded so that you can enjoy full traceability throughout the process. This is extremely valuable in scenarios where there are strict compliance requirements for legal or other reasons.
  52. Let’s take a look at how the new release management infrastructure fits into your development environment.[Build]First, you’ll deploy Release Management Server.[Build]Next, you’ll install deployment nodes on the target systems in your deployment environments.[Build]You can then configure Release Management Server to pull builds from TFS and push them out to the specified environment.[Build]There is also a client app and Web UI that allow users to interact with the release management, workflow, and reporting features.
  53. To initiate a release, Release Management Server leverages your Team Foundation Server (TFS) source control and build automation. There are many ways to take advantage of this, such as by triggering a build from Release Management Server using a label or build actions. You can also use TFS build definitions to filter out builds to deploy for manually triggered releases. TFS build definitions can be leveraged to configure components and calculate the drop locations. The TFS API is also available to define TFS connections to deploy components from different TFS servers, and TFS groups can be used in the security configuration.
  54. Release Management Server provides valuable insights into the entire release process. Armed with relevant and timely information, managers can achieve greater efficiencies by monitoring for continuous improvement. For example, you can keep track of the trend in releases, the amount of traffic in the release pipeline, any possible bottlenecks, and even get performance insights.
  55. When something fails during the deployment process, it can often be difficult to track down exactly what went wrong. And even once the issue is discovered, there is often a lag in communication for letting other people who what happened. With Release Management Server, there is much greater traceability and transparency for the entire process.
  56. Combining all new trends and themes, a new cloud app model has been added to Office and SharePoint 2013. Apps you create are web-based and on industry standards using familiar and common tools and technologies. Apps appear as an integrated part of Office and SharePoint if you choose, or can be built as stand-alone sites that interact with Office and SharePoint, consuming the services and functionality they provide.You maintain complete control over how you publish and manage your apps—either privately or publicly, it’s up to you.
  57. Apps consist of two components: an app definition, or manifest, and a web application that usually forms the bulk of the app’s functionality and user interface.The app model offers much flexibility for how an app is hosted. You can host on-premises in SharePoint or Office client applications, or use Azure or Office 365 hosting. You can have Office 365 automatically provision your site or you can create an Azure website with full control to host your app. Apps support Office Web apps as well as traditional Windows client applications.Apps are essentially web applications. If you know how to build a web application, you know how to build an app for SharePoint. Prior to Visual Studio 2013, you were able to create apps for SharePoint with an ASP.NET Web Forms project application. Now, in Visual Studio 2013, you can choose between ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC for your project application.
  58. SharePoint and Office are natural business platforms to build and create rich content, based on data and services from many sources.Apps can create experiences that easily use those services and data. And you can choose flexible hosting options to support your requirements whether on-premises or in the cloud—or even a hybrid mixture of both.Apps really add the composition element of the rich services that SharePoint and Office now make easy to consume—services + data + composition = appsImportant: Common App model for Office and SharePoint!
  59. And finally, in this new common app architecture, underpinning it all, are the development tools you use to create, compose, and publish apps.
  60. “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools is a developer experience centered on the idea of developing on the cloud. Witha developer Office 365 account, you get access to a development environment from your browser and the ability to create projects you can save and open later. You can virtually code from any machine without having to install or download anything.“Napa” was created as a “getting started” tool for developing apps for Office and SharePoint. We wanted to provide a lightweight companion to Visual Studio to help users get familiar with the apps for Office and SharePoint model with the least amount of friction. Besideproviding a web-based development experience, we guide users and help them find the right resources to build their first apps for Office and SharePoint so they can become accustomed to the new Cloud App Model.Napa provides a text editor in the browser that allows creation of webpages, JavaScript, and other content to build the app’s functionality. You can then easily run the app via the browser which will deploy and host it automatically either in Office or SharePoint.Of course, in parallel with “Napa,” you can still continue to use the existing extensibility models for Office and SharePoint, like VBA, COM, VSTO, and SharePoint solutions. (However, please note that these cannot be submitted to the new Office Store.)And if more capabilities are required than Napa provides, it’s easy to open the solution in Visual Studio and continue development there.VS 2013 provides many benefits such as visual designers for webpages, debugging, and the ability to add SharePoint content to apps such as lists, workflows, and custom actions to extend the SharePoint UI.VS capabilities examples:DebuggerSupport for composing apps for Office and SharePointSupport for additional deployment topologies (i.e. server code)ALM tools (SCC, Work Items, Profiler, etc.)Additional SharePoint items (Lists, UI/UX Custom actions, Workflow, etc.)Beyond these benefits VS2013 provides full ALM tooling for testing, source code management, and deployment, as well as profiling tools for SharePoint.
  61. An app for SharePoint (new model since SharePoint 2013) is a small, easy-to-use, stand-alone productivity application that solves a specific end-user need and is related to SharePoint (consuming SharePoint resources, sharing the same security context, and registering it in the apps catalog). It is based on a new application model that shares a common approach for extending Office and SharePoint. This new app model is built on web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST, OData, and OAuth. If you’re a web developer, you can use your existing skills to build apps and take advantage of familiar tools, languages, and hosting services. You can deploy, update, and maintain your apps faster in the cloud and, finally, publish and sell your apps in the Office Store, or distribute IT-approved apps within your organizations by using a corporate app catalog.This unified app model applies to the following types of applications:Apps for SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online in Office 365Apps for Office (applies to Office 2013, Office 365, Project Professional 2013, Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013, Outlook Web App, Excel Web App, and Exchange 2013)We’ve also made several improvements in the Office Developer Tools. With Visual Studio 2013, the apps for SharePoint template now provide the option of using MVC5 and include starter code for getting up and running with an MVC Web Application that integrates with SharePoint. We’ve also improved the experience of developing with an Office 365 developer site.  Developers can now debug workflows in an app without needing to install SharePoint and Workflow Manager on their local machine. 
  62. Apps in SharePoint can take several forms depending on whether and how you want to integrate them with SharePoint itself.Full page apps provide you with full control over the browser, you can build a stand-alone website that simply integrates with SharePoint, or you can inherit the SharePoint chrome and branding to allow your app to fit in with SharePoint’s look and feel that’s familiar to your users.If you want to create a more integrated user experience, app parts enable you to embed your app in an HTML iframe in a SharePoint page. In this way, app parts just appear part of the page, even though their content is potentially coming from a separate web server on another platform.The third app shape option is to create extensions to SharePoint including adding your app to the ribbon or a custom action on a list item, for example. As with app parts, extending the SharePoint UI in this way is seamless and allows your app to appear as part of SharePoint, not separate from it.Visual Studio 2013 provides templates to create apps with each of these shapes for you so you can focus on what the app does instead of how it does it.
  63. Because apps are web-based, they can, and often do, reside outside of your SharePoint environment, even outside your corporate firewall. SharePoint provides three principal app hosting options—two cloud-based and one on-premises.Provider hosting enables you to use your own infrastructure, hosted on or off premises, to host your app. Remember an app is simply a server-side capability to service web requests, returning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and so on with the client-side being the user’s browser. In this way, you can use any web server you choose such as Windows Azure web sites or on-premises LAMP-based web servers to service the app requested from SharePoint.Auto-hosted apps use automatically provisioned infrastructure in Windows Azure. Auto-hosting is the easiest to get started but offers the least control out of the three options. While it is hosted on Azure, you have no access to the environment, for example, to scale up the number of available web servers.SharePoint hosting is for on-premises usage, requiring you to have a SharePoint environment to deploy your apps to. A welcome change in SharePoint 2013 is that you no longer need a full local SharePoint instance to develop against and can instead just install Visual Studio and the Office and SharePoint developer tools to build apps.
  64. Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 provides many great features to help you build apps for Office, apps for SharePoint, and SharePoint farm and sandboxed solutions.If you’ve been working on Office or SharePoint development using the Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012, you’re probably familiar with usingthe Web Platform Installer acquisition experience to get the tools. With Visual Studio 2013, you’ll get all those features without taking any extra time to download and install the tools—it’s all included in Visual Studio 2013. What’s more, the team also introduced more new features in this release to provide even better assistance when you build apps for Office and SharePoint.
  65. Using Visual Studio, the full power of the SharePoint and Office platforms are made available. Although it’s possible to create apps just using Notepad, or a simple editor such as Napa, often more capability and control is needed for sophisticated applications. The Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio let you create SharePoint and Office apps without requiring a local installation of either SharePoint 2013 or Office 2013. Instead, apps can be created using the full power of these environments, such as authoring workflows and remote event receivers. These can then be deployed to an on-premises SharePoint farm, to Office 365 using the auto-hosted capabilities providing an “F5” experience, or even to web sites in Azure that you provision and manage yourself.And of course Visual Studio provides the ability to debug apps. You can use the Visual Studio Profiler to profile SharePoint apps to find performance problems and bottlenecks. And you get rich test capabilities such as unit testing and Fakes.
  66. You have different ways to create a cloud-hosted app for SharePoint. Choose what you want to create your cloud-hosted app.Creating a Cloud appOption 1 &gt; New app wizardTo create your app, choose the “App for SharePoint 2013” template.In the wizard that pops up, you can configure common properties for your app. The wizard allows you to specify which SharePoint server you want to use for debugging. The final option in the wizard allows you to choose the shape of your app and where it gets hosted;SharePoint-hosted,Auto-hosted, orProvider-hosted.Option 2 &gt; Add event to SharePoint-hosted appIf you add any app events or remote event receivers, this operation will add a newweb project, converting the SharePoint-hosted app into cloud-hosted app.Option 3 &gt; (show picture) Convert any web project to App for SharePoint/Office.You can choose any existing web project and convert it to a cloud-hosted app.
  67. Combine rapid application development with the power of apps.LightSwitch enables rapid creation of business applications through its user interface and data manipulation features. LightSwitch has been extended in Visual Studio 2012 to also support the new SharePoint app model. This makes it possible to turn an HTML LightSwitch application into an app that interacts with SharePoint with the same hosting options as a regular app.The advantages to this support are that the productivity features of LightSwitch can be leveraged with the app model in SharePoint to quickly create powerful business apps.
  68. LightSwitch apps appear in SharePoint just like apps you build with Napa or Visual Studio and are launched just by clicking on them. SharePoint provides you with a way to manage apps centrally, control their usage, and handle app deployment and upgrades.And with LightSwitch, the theme of using what you know continues, building on top of web protocols and standards to allow you to easily create LightSwitch projects targeted at SharePoint by turning them into Sharepoint apps.
  69. As well as theSharePoint app model, you can also use the Office 2013 app model. Apps for Office enable support in most Office applications such as Excel, Word, Project, and Outlook. The app model provides the apps you create with access to contextual information, such as a document being edited or email being viewed. This enables your app to manipulate the document or read its contents and use it to fetch related data from the Internet, for example, and display it alongside the document in your app.It is also possible for an Office app to access data from a SharePoint app (such as lists, libraries, or BCS connections) using the OAuth protocol implemented across the app model.
  70. Apps for Office share the same app architecture as the apps for SharePoint you’ve already seen. Remember that apps consist of two primary components—a web server that hosts and provides the app experience, and the app definition or manifest including SharePoint-deployed artifacts such as lists, site columns, and content types.Apps for Office are no different, but instead of offering only a browser-hosting option, apps can be hosted in Office client applications as well.
  71. Visual Studio 2013 brings a large number of new features and enhancements to SharePoint developers to improve the quality of their SharePoint solutions. Test features for SharePoint solutions: Load, Web Performance, and Coded UIWeb Performance Tests =&gt; Record tests and then run an analysis against your SharePoint servers or web farms Load TestingStress test your SharePoint solutions simulating high user loadsLoad tests are based on web performance testsCoded UI testsSimulate user interaction against SharePoint solutionsValidate functionality and behavior of your application’s user interface Unit Testing: Fakes and SharePointBecause of SharePoint runtime dependencies, it has been difficult up until now to write good unit tests.With the new fakes framework you can stub out dependencies and provide your own implementations of them loaded with test data, thus making unit testing a snap. Unit Testing: While developing, you can more easily find errors in your code by performing unit testing, in which you write and run test code inside test methods. These methods contain Assert statements that you can use to verify the logic and functionality of your project based on the SharePoint object model.Support for Microsoft Fakes Framework: Traditionally, writing unit tests for SharePoint was difficult, as there was not an easy way to mock or fake SharePoint executions. Now, the Microsoft Fakes framework support allows you to write unit tests that stub-out the SharePoint dependencies required.Microsoft Fakes is an isolation framework in which you can create delegate-based test stubs and shims in .NET Framework apps. By using the Fakes framework, you can create, maintain, and inject dummy implementations in your unit tests.SharePoint Emulator: The SharePoint Emulator builds upon Microsoft Fakes framework. Maintaining mocks or fakes for a complex and interdependent API like SharePoint can be daunting. SharePoint Emulator reduces the barrier to faking SharePoint by providing a library of fakes for many of the core and common types in the SharePoint API.IntelliTrace Support in SharePointWith IntelliTrace for SharePoint, using the standalone collector, we are able to collect data about a SharePoint application while it’s executing to help developers diagnose errors. The collected data is referred to as IntelliTrace events. These events let developers step back in time to see what happened in an application while it executed on a separate server, related to exceptions, errors, etc. This provides the ability to open an IntelliTrace file collected on a server without Visual Studio, such as test, stage, or production. IntelliTrace operates in the background. When you want to look back at a past state of your application, you can use the IntelliTrace collector. With this tool, you can navigate to various points in time where events of interest have been recorded. Continuous Integration support uses Team Build and Team Foundation Service. Profiler Support in SharePointSharePoint projects now support the VS profiler. This is designed to home in on performance problems fast—right down to the lines of code.Find hotspots and performance issues fast. You don’t need to ‘over-optimize’ or use guesswork anymore—get the facts and fix your application— fast.Profiling + unit testing = better code that runs better with few defects due to better coverage. 
  72. To stay up-to-date with the latest information on Visual Studio, please check out these sites.