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Exchange Web Services (EWS)
Steve Hardy
What is EWS
-   XML-based protocol (SOAP)
-   Introduced in Exchange 2007
-   Successor to previous WebDAV approach
-   Used from introduction for OWA 2007 and later

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
             <ItemIds><t:ItemId Id="AAAlAF" ChangeKey="CQAAAB" /></ItemIds>
Who/what is using EWS at the moment?
•   Outlook 2010
    – Free/Busy
    – Some minor features
•   Mac
    –   Outlook 2011
    –   ‘Mail’
    –   ‘Addressbook’
    –   ‘Calendar’
•   Other
    – Various opensource projects for accessing exchange server from
      opensource packages (eg. Evolution, Thunderbird, etc)
    – Various closed source projects (eg. Archivers, Indexers, etc)
EWS Authentication
-   Uses HTTP authentication
    - Digest
    - Kerberos
    - NTLM
-   Entire connection authenticated
-   All XML requests over a single HTTP connection are authenticated
    as the same user
EWS authentication: problems
Authentication is done over multiple

•Username / Password authentication
always possible
•Unable to use NTLM authentication
build in zarafa-server                    Zarafa-server
    – Per-store authentication (not per
•Same goes for kerberos                      LDAP
EWS authentication: moving into zarafa-ewsd

           Zarafa-ewsd                NTLM/Kerberos

                     Trusted connection


Protocol versions
•   Exchange 2007
     – Original version

•   Exchange 2010
     –   Bulk transfer
     –   Conversations
     –   Exchange search
     –   Inbox rules
     –   Message tracking
     –   Unified messaging
     –   User configuration
•   Also differences in service packs
     – Message identifiers changes between RTM and SP1 of Exchange 2007
Synchronize vs Live
•   Synchronization calls
     – SyncFolderHierarchy
     – SyncFolderContents

•   Used in synchronization clients
     – Works a lot like IMAP
     – Gets incremental updates

        Old state

                            Sync state A


        Old state

                    Sync state B
Live access
•   Used for
    – Search
    – Archiving
    – Anything that doesn’t require replication of data
Live access
•   GetFolder()
•   GetItem()
•   FindFolder()
•   FindItem()

•   MoveItem()     Current store data

•   CopyItem()
•   DeleteItem()
•   Many current EWS clients started out as IMAP client
•   IMAP structure of clients is ‘synchronize’ pattern
    – SyncFolderHierarchy() / SyncFolderContents()
•   Actual email contents can be represented by
    – MIME content
    – MAPI content
•   MIME content
    – Same problem as for IMAP gateway, entire RFC822 message must be

MIME                      MAPI

     RFC822 content
    Single blob of data
•   Mac ‘Mail’
     – MIME
•   Outlook 2011
     – MAPI

•   MAPI preferred due to
     – Overhead of converting to MIME (still needed in spite of RFC822
     – Modifications are always in MAPI model (you cannot modify the MIME
     – Why re-parse the email when the server has already done it
     – More efficient data access (possible to read separate attachments
       instead of entire email only)
•   EWS supports various notification models
•   Client can subscribe for events
•   Three modes
    – Polling
    – Push
    – Pull
Polling events
1.   Subscribe (any change in inbox) -> Subscription ID
2.   GetEvents(subscription id) -> 0 or more events
3.   Sleep(60)
4.   Goto 2

Pro: easy
Con: requires request every N seconds
Con: latency N seconds
1. Subscribe (any change in inbox) -> Subscription ID
2. GetEvents(subscription id, timeout 60s) -> 0 or more events
3. Goto 2

Pro: Only one call per, say, 10 minutes
Pro: Latency in the millisecond range

Con: Requires TCP open connection at all times
1. Subscribe (any change in inbox, call me back at
   http://server:port/url) -> Subscription ID
2. Wait for server to connect

Pro: No calls open to server
Con: server must be able to contact client

(only useful in server-to-server applications)
The socket problem
•   With ‘pull’ notifications
     –   Each client has open socket
     –   Zarafa-ewsd is ‘forked’
     –   Normally this would mean 1 process per client
     –   10000 users = 10000 process
     –   Bad for memory consumption and scalability
The socket solution

                   Main    Forked
                  server   worker
The socket solution


                 Main    Forked
                server   worker
The socket solution

                 Main    Forked
                server   worker

                         Waiting for notification
The socket solution

                 Main              Forked
                server             worker

                   Socket passed back to
                   Main server, which handles
The socket solution


             Main process
             Replies after
             Some time
The wsdl file
•   Wsdl file(s) define the SOAP structure
•   We must present a wsdl that is compatible with exchange EWS
•   We cannot ship the file from exchange directly due to copyright
•   Generating our own may introduce subtle differences
•   Unknown if clients actually read the file in practice

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Zarafa SummerCamp 2012 - Exchange Web Services, technical information

  • 1. Exchange Web Services (EWS) Steve Hardy
  • 2. What is EWS - XML-based protocol (SOAP) - Introduced in Exchange 2007 - Successor to previous WebDAV approach - Used from introduction for OWA 2007 and later <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope> <soap:Body> <GetItem> <ItemShape> <t:BaseShape>Default</t:BaseShape> <t:IncludeMimeContent>true</t:IncludeMimeContent> </ItemShape> <ItemIds><t:ItemId Id="AAAlAF" ChangeKey="CQAAAB" /></ItemIds> </GetItem> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
  • 3. Who/what is using EWS at the moment? • Outlook 2010 – Free/Busy – Some minor features • Mac – Outlook 2011 – ‘Mail’ – ‘Addressbook’ – ‘Calendar’ • Other – Various opensource projects for accessing exchange server from opensource packages (eg. Evolution, Thunderbird, etc) – Various closed source projects (eg. Archivers, Indexers, etc)
  • 4. EWS Authentication - Uses HTTP authentication - Digest - Kerberos - NTLM - Entire connection authenticated - All XML requests over a single HTTP connection are authenticated as the same user
  • 5. EWS authentication: problems Authentication is done over multiple levels Zarafa-ewsd •Username / Password authentication always possible •Unable to use NTLM authentication build in zarafa-server Zarafa-server – Per-store authentication (not per connection) •Same goes for kerberos LDAP
  • 6. EWS authentication: moving into zarafa-ewsd Zarafa-ewsd NTLM/Kerberos Trusted connection Zarafa-server LDAP
  • 7. Protocol versions • Exchange 2007 – Original version • Exchange 2010 – Bulk transfer – Conversations – Exchange search – Inbox rules – Message tracking – Unified messaging – User configuration • Also differences in service packs – Message identifiers changes between RTM and SP1 of Exchange 2007
  • 8. Synchronize vs Live • Synchronization calls – SyncFolderHierarchy – SyncFolderContents • Used in synchronization clients – Works a lot like IMAP – Gets incremental updates
  • 9. Synchronization Old state Sync state A Changes SyncFolderContents()
  • 10. Synchronization Old state Changes Sync state B
  • 11. Live access • Used for – Search – Archiving – Anything that doesn’t require replication of data
  • 12. Live access • GetFolder() • GetItem() • FindFolder() • FindItem() • MoveItem() Current store data • CopyItem() • DeleteItem()
  • 13. MIME vs MAPI • Many current EWS clients started out as IMAP client • IMAP structure of clients is ‘synchronize’ pattern – SyncFolderHierarchy() / SyncFolderContents() • Actual email contents can be represented by – MIME content – MAPI content • MIME content – Same problem as for IMAP gateway, entire RFC822 message must be stored
  • 14. MIME vs MAPI MIME MAPI From To Subject Headers RFC822 content Date Single blob of data Body Recipients Attachments
  • 15. MIME vs MAPI • Mac ‘Mail’ – MIME • Outlook 2011 – MAPI • MAPI preferred due to – Overhead of converting to MIME (still needed in spite of RFC822 storage) – Modifications are always in MAPI model (you cannot modify the MIME data) – Why re-parse the email when the server has already done it – More efficient data access (possible to read separate attachments instead of entire email only)
  • 16. Notifications • EWS supports various notification models • Client can subscribe for events • Three modes – Polling – Push – Pull
  • 17. Polling events 1. Subscribe (any change in inbox) -> Subscription ID 2. GetEvents(subscription id) -> 0 or more events 3. Sleep(60) 4. Goto 2 Pro: easy Con: requires request every N seconds Con: latency N seconds
  • 18. Pull 1. Subscribe (any change in inbox) -> Subscription ID 2. GetEvents(subscription id, timeout 60s) -> 0 or more events 3. Goto 2 Pro: Only one call per, say, 10 minutes Pro: Latency in the millisecond range Con: Requires TCP open connection at all times
  • 19. Push 1. Subscribe (any change in inbox, call me back at http://server:port/url) -> Subscription ID 2. Wait for server to connect Pro: No calls open to server Con: server must be able to contact client (only useful in server-to-server applications)
  • 20. The socket problem • With ‘pull’ notifications – Each client has open socket – Zarafa-ewsd is ‘forked’ – Normally this would mean 1 process per client – 10000 users = 10000 process – Bad for memory consumption and scalability
  • 21. The socket solution request Main Forked server worker
  • 22. The socket solution reply Main Forked server worker
  • 23. The socket solution Main Forked server worker Waiting for notification event
  • 24. The socket solution Main Forked server worker Socket passed back to Main server, which handles notifications
  • 25. The socket solution Main server Main process Replies after Some time
  • 26. The wsdl file • Wsdl file(s) define the SOAP structure • We must present a wsdl that is compatible with exchange EWS • We cannot ship the file from exchange directly due to copyright • Generating our own may introduce subtle differences • Unknown if clients actually read the file in practice