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Yahoo! 酿的酒– 浅尝 Cocktails

                Yahoo! 前端工程师
                    Aug 18, 2012

廖英翔/Clay Liao
Yahoo! 前端工程师
微博/Twitter @clayliao


   网路应用程式的新挑战
   Cocktails 解决方案
   Mojito框架介绍
   DEMO



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This company has over 7 years of experience developing international standard websites using open source technologies like Magento, Opencart, WordPress, and Joomla. They have created e-commerce and responsive websites for clients such as Vodafone, Telstra, and the Singapore LNG Corporation. They also have experience building mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms, as well as web applications and CMS solutions for clients across industries.

Web of Technologies Again
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Web of Technologies Again

The document discusses Firefox OS and its potential uses for developing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications. Specifically, it mentions that Firefox OS can run on various IoT devices to connect to the web, supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Zigbee connections, and could allow hobbyists to create new IoT devices. It also provides examples of using computer vision and text recognition through the browser and connecting devices to services like movies and shopping.

The document discusses the competition between Apple and Android mobile platforms. It notes that Apple refuses to support Adobe Flash and has faced legal action, while Android officially supports Flash but many devices do not include it due to performance issues. The document also provides a list of developer resources for both platforms, including Android developer guides, tutorials, and technology blogs focused on Android news.

1. 终端设备愈益复杂


          圖片來源: Apple 5
2. 要懂的程式语言愈来愈多


   PHP/Java/ASP/.Net
   Python/Ruby/Perl
   JavaScript
   CSS
   HTML
   YUI/jQuery
   Node.js
   …

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I Like iPhone & Android But I am .NET Developer
I Like iPhone & Android But I am .NET DeveloperI Like iPhone & Android But I am .NET Developer
I Like iPhone & Android But I am .NET Developer

This document discusses options for developing mobile applications using .NET and C#, including developing native applications for iOS and Android using MonoTouch and MonoDroid, creating hybrid applications using technologies like PhoneGap that combine web technologies with native platforms, and developing HTML5 web applications. It also provides an overview of JavaScript frameworks for mobile development and considerations for choosing an approach.

Go mobile with Windows Phone
Go mobile with Windows PhoneGo mobile with Windows Phone
Go mobile with Windows Phone

Windows Phone 7 introduced a new "Metro" interface that focused on the end user experience. It featured a 1 GHz processor, multi-touch screen, sensors like accelerometers and GPS, and the ability to develop applications using Silverlight or XNA. The Windows Phone marketplace allowed developers to distribute apps and games through a centralized storefront. Overall, Windows Phone 7 marked a significant change from older Windows Mobile platforms and aimed to make the user interface and development experience more cohesive.

windows phone 7lviv net user groupnet
Mobile Apps Business
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Mobile Apps Business

My presentation on National Seminar of Technology (NST) 2013. Oct 13rd, 2013. Held by Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Computer-Informatika Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya (HMTC ITS). Seminar Topic: Leading the Future of National Industry with Mobile Technology.

business modelcreativitymobile app
3. 一个产品 多个 Codebase

The Solution: Yahoo! Cocktails

解决之道:Yahoo! Cocktails

Yahoo! Cocktails

                   Mojito      Manhattan

                            圖片來源: Mojito, Manhattan

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Modern mobile development overview
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Modern mobile development overview

The document provides an overview of modern mobile development platforms, trends, and specifics. It discusses the history and major players in mobile development, including Java ME, Symbian, BlackBerry, iOS, and Android. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each platform and provides recommendations on platform selection and development strategies. Key trends mentioned include cross-platform development, mobile advertising, and integration with cloud services.


Promotee is a Mac app that allows users to create and share promotional images and screenshots on social media and other websites. It was created by Mathieu Vaidis and is available on the Mac App Store. Promotee uses a drag and drop interface to make it easy for users to customize screenshots with text, images, and other elements to promote their apps and websites.

The Web Performance Testing Toolbox (Jfokus 2013)
The Web Performance Testing Toolbox (Jfokus 2013)The Web Performance Testing Toolbox (Jfokus 2013)
The Web Performance Testing Toolbox (Jfokus 2013)

Slides from my Jfokus 2013 presentation. (Demos not included.) So, your web application is slow. You read all the books, follow all advices, but users are still complaining. What now? It turns out that there are really good tools out there to help you, whether your problem is slow loading third party widgets, badly performing javascript or heavy paint times for DOM elements. But which one is right for you? This hands on session will give guide help you assemble your own toolbox with the the different (mostly free) tools available for analyzing and troubleshooting web performance. You'll learn what you can expect from high level tools that measure page load time through synthetic or real user monitoring, down to low level javascript profiling and graphic rendering. We'll dive straight into the advanced parts of WebPagetest, Chrome Dev Tools, Dynatrace Ajax Edition and others, and you'll also get to know how to do most of this on actual mobile devices.

jfokusweb performance
Yahoo! 釀的酒 - 淺嚐 Cocktails
   Yahoo! Axis
   Fantasy Finance
   Sportacular
   Search Direct
   …

                      iPhone   iPad
One language, Two Runtimes

一种语言 两个运行环境


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This document summarizes a presentation about how the large open source Firefox OS project works. It discusses fundamentals like version control using Mercurial and Git, issue tracking with Bugzilla, continuous integration using Travis and TBPL/Jenkins for daily builds. It also covers collaboration tools like Wikis, emails, and video conferencing used by the geographically distributed team. The presentation aims to provide insights for other projects on building an open source project at Mozilla's scale.

Adobe Max 2010
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Adobe Max 2010

The document summarizes the Adobe MAX 2010 conference held in Los Angeles from October 23-27, 2010. Over 4,600 attendees participated in keynotes, parallel sessions, and a community summit focused on web development, digital publishing, video delivery across platforms, enterprise solutions, and gaming. Major themes included the shift to mobile/tablet development, HTML5, and multi-screen applications. The BlackBerry PlayBook tablet was also discussed.

adobe maxflexzgflex
An introduction to Windows Mobile development
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An introduction to Windows Mobile development

This document provides an introduction to developing mobile applications for Windows Mobile. It discusses screen types, development tools like Visual Studio 2005 and emulators, options for native or managed development, extending existing applications, networking APIs, and creating installers for mobile apps.

纯正 100% JavaScript

 Server    Common    Client
    JS         JS     JS

Views for Different Devices




   单元测试 Unit Test
   多国语系 Internationalization
   渐进式增强 Progressive Enhancement
   …


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The document discusses the evolution of user interfaces from command line interfaces (CLI) to graphical user interfaces (GUI) to natural user interfaces (NUI). It notes that as mobile devices and touchscreens became popular in the late 2000s, usage of personal computers declined while mobile app usage increased. The document outlines several technologies that enabled more natural interfaces, such as gesture and motion control, and provided examples of interfaces using these technologies. It argues that future interfaces will become even more natural and context-aware as new technologies are incorporated.

製作 Unity Plugin for Android
製作 Unity Plugin for Android製作 Unity Plugin for Android
製作 Unity Plugin for Android

The document discusses how to create a Unity plugin for Android. It covers Unity concepts like GameObjects and Components. It then discusses how to implement an Android plugin in Unity using C# and Java interfaces. It provides examples of using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject to call Java methods from Unity scripts. It also covers file packaging and some considerations like plugin file locations. The presentation includes questions and references additional Unity and plugin development resources.

超理性使用者介面設計 - Data-driven A/B Testing
超理性使用者介面設計 - Data-driven A/B Testing超理性使用者介面設計 - Data-driven A/B Testing
超理性使用者介面設計 - Data-driven A/B Testing

Web 介面設計並非憑空蹦出來的,頁面上的每一個連結、按鈕、位置甚至色碼都有其意義。除了眼球追蹤、焦點群體法外,其實我們還可以讓數字說話,利用海量數據引導介面設計。有效的 Data-driven A/B Test 需要團隊合作無間才能完成:PM 設計實驗並解讀報表、Desinger 設計介面、 Engineer 打造產品與產生報表。

user experience designuser experienceabtesting
Mojito 101: Quick Start

第一次 Mojito 就上手

Quick Start: 安装 Mojito
   Installation

    $npm install mojito -g

Quick Start: 建立 Mojito App

   Create a Mojito Application
    $mojito create app hello_world

    $cd hello_world

    $mojito create mojit myMojit

Quick Start: 打完收工

   Running the Application
    $mojito start



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Chinese Handwriting in Yahoo! F2E Summit 2011
Chinese Handwriting in Yahoo! F2E Summit  2011Chinese Handwriting in Yahoo! F2E Summit  2011
Chinese Handwriting in Yahoo! F2E Summit 2011

Chinese handwriting input can be difficult, especially for users not familiar with pinyin or character stroke order systems. Yahoo provides a Chinese handwriting input solution that allows users to write Chinese characters on their desktop computer, making input easier. The handwriting panel can be accessed through a simple three step process of clicking the icon, writing the character, and seeing it converted to text. This offers a friendly option for typing Chinese characters without needing in-depth knowledge of other input methods.

YUI 3 菜鳥救星
YUI 3 菜鳥救星YUI 3 菜鳥救星
YUI 3 菜鳥救星


           YUI 3


     JavaScript Runtime (Node.js or Browser)
   application.json
   mojits
    -   models
    -   views
    -   controller
    -   assets
   assets

“Mojit”==Module + Widget

                     The User Interface
                      - Model + Controller +
                     The User Interaction
                      - Binder


   多人实时在线游戏
   纯HTML/CSS/
   HTML5/Canvas
   CSS 3
   源码


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This document discusses continuous integration testing using Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Test, Selenium, and Hudson. It begins with an introduction to continuous integration and how YUI Test allows for unit testing JavaScript code. It then covers how Selenium allows for browser-based testing and can be used with YUI Test. The document demonstrates how Hudson can be used as a continuous integration server to run tests automatically on code commits. It provides live demos of using YUI Test and Selenium together, and integrating them with Hudson for continuous testing.

yui yuitest hudson selenium
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淺談 NodeJS 與框架
淺談 NodeJS 與框架淺談 NodeJS 與框架
淺談 NodeJS 與框架

This document discusses Node.js and frameworks. It begins with an introduction to Node.js and its non-blocking and event-driven nature. It then discusses how to get started with Node.js, including downloading, installing Node.js, and creating a basic HTTP server. Finally, it introduces the Mojito framework used at Yahoo! for building isomorphic JavaScript applications that can run on both the server and client.

Thank You!   28

   Yahoo! Cocktails
   Yahoo! Mojito
   Yahoo! Mojito Shaker


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Yahoo! 釀的酒 - 淺嚐 Cocktails

Editor's Notes

  1. one javascript frameworkruns on client and server
  2. one javascript frameworkruns on client and server
  3. one javascript frameworkruns on client and server
  4. one javascript frameworkruns on client and server
  5. Developers do not have a method for delivering high quality experiences to all popular consumer devices, without having to create applications specific to each device, which is slow and expensive.Current available technologies that try to solve for this problem are proprietary, locking developers to vendors.
  6. A Mix of HTML5, CSS3, YUI and a lot of ingenious, creative mind-binding tricks from Yahoo!
  7. With Mojito developers can create ONE app for several devices while lowering costs, increasing agility and maintaining a uniform aesthetic across screens (web, mobile, tablet). The Mojito code-base that has been open sourced accelerates the development of applications by giving developers the ability to maintain a single codebase for all the connected devices and optimize the application for each device. Because Mojito is built in one language, JavaScript, for client AND server environments, developers enjoy increased productivity - only one code-base to test and MVC framework to help developers share structured component-based JavaScript code that runs both on client and server.
  8. Yahoo! open sourced Mojito on April 2nd, 2012
  9. Yahoo ! AxisYahoo! Fantasy Finance – is a stock trading game that pits players against each other and their friends for the chance to win $50,000.Sportacular- Fantasy Premier League Football – is the first major fantasy game to allow Premier League fans to draft, manage and discuss their fantasy teams entirely on their smartphone or tablet. Users can also play the game on their laptops; it is the same game on all screens for all fans.Search Direct – Search Direct is a search feature delivering the same rich content from Yahoo!’s products, aggregated as answers, not links, to give people the option to immediately engage and bypass a traditional search results page.
  10. one javascript frameworkruns on client and server100% JavaScript
  11. Views for Different Devices
  12. When you are supporting so many different runtimes, it is important your testing is done right. Mojito offers this built in using YUI 3 Test. YUI Internationalization utilityi18n and BCP 47 as language tags are the identifiers for languages used on the internetJSLint
  13. Views for Different Devices
  14. Analyzing Artifacts
  15. A Mojit is an just an MVC component.Every controller has actions, which generally maps to a view.Views have binders. Can not run on the server, needs to access the view (DOM) for user interaction like click events etc…Binder lets you execute actions back on the controller, whether the controller is on the server or the client, via a Mojit proxy.