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Enterprise Web
Services With WSO2
Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

September 2008
WSO2 Background
   Founded in August 2005 by Leaders in XML and Web
    services technologies & standards and open source
   Building complete SOA platform, all 100% open
   Founders/ leading contributors to all key Apache
    Web Services/SOA Projects
   Provide commercial support, training and services
    around the software & solutions
   Global corporation with R&D center in Sri Lanka
    and offices in US & UK, totalling 60 + employees
What is the problem with the existing
PHP Systems?

                                  Financial System
Content Management

                                                     Social Networking
                     CRM system
What is the problem with the existing
 PHP SOAP support?

          SOAP 1.1                         .NET
          No security
          No reliability
          No WS-I BP
          No MTOM Binary             Secure, Reliable, Binary
          No WS-Addressing   J2EE
                                         Web Services


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Web performance optimization
Web performance optimizationWeb performance optimization
Web performance optimization

SUMMARY : We all have the contradictory feeling to deliver not-so-bad projects, with no-so-bad performances. But what really is an perfectly optimized project ? For you : optimized PHP code & SQL queries For your boss : the customer who never complains For the customer : own experience on his workstation For the business : who really know and care ? For end-user : who can really know the end-user experience (could be millions of users) ? Without losing interest on technical aspects (PHP, MySql, Solr, Varnish, CDN, etc.) & softwares (new relic, jmeter, etc.), this presentation will send a feedback from real projects to : How to integrate performances within the project scope ? What & how to measure & collect smart metrics ? Enlarge the scope : from your dev workstation to the end-user… in china ! Experience level: Intermediate Session Track: Performance

drupaldrupal dev daysphp
Browser Serving Your Web Application Security - Madison PHP 2017
Browser Serving Your Web Application Security - Madison PHP 2017Browser Serving Your Web Application Security - Madison PHP 2017
Browser Serving Your Web Application Security - Madison PHP 2017

- The document discusses various techniques for securing web applications, including using HTTP headers like X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy, and Access-Control-Allow-Origin to protect against clickjacking, cross-site scripting, and cross-origin resource sharing. It also covers using the meta robots tag and .htaccess files to restrict access to development sites. - Configuration options for PHP like session.cookie_secure and session.cookie_httponly are presented to better protect user sessions. Setting secure, HttpOnly, and SameSite attributes on cookies is also recommended for additional security. - Browser support and examples are provided for each technique discussed to help implementers properly secure their web applications and sites.

JBoss Negotiation in AS7
JBoss Negotiation in AS7JBoss Negotiation in AS7
JBoss Negotiation in AS7

This document provides an overview of configuring Kerberos authentication for JBoss Application Server 7 (AS7). It discusses the necessary technologies, including Kerberos and SPNEGO. It then describes how to configure the JBoss AS for Kerberos authentication through standalone.xml, set up a sample web application with security constraints, and configure clients. Several common pitfalls are also outlined, such as ensuring service principal names follow the correct format and properly configuring IPv6 and IBM Java implementations.

What is WSF/PHP?
   A library that allows users to Create and
    Consume SOAP and REST Web Services in
      With full Secure Reliable Interop against
       .NET, Java and JEE
      Simple PHP-friendly programming model

    $client = new WSClient(array(quot;useMTOMquot; => TRUE,
             quot;useSOAPquot; => quot;1.2quot;,
             quot;useWSAquot; => TRUE,
             quot;policyquot; => $wspolicy,
             quot;securityTokenquot; => $sec_token));
Comparison with other SOAP libraries

    Package         Written in   WSDL      Attachment   Security   Reliability

 PHP5 SOAP Ext          C        Partial      No          No           No

    NuSOAP            PHP         Yes         No          No           No

SCA with PHP(IBM)     PHP         Yes         No          No           No

 WSO2 WSF/PHP           C         Yes         Yes         Yes         Yes
WSF/PHP Features
   Stability
   Multiple Deployment Models
       Linux
       Windows
       Solaris
       Apache
       IIS
   Tested with Zend Core for stability and functionality
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Comprehensive Support for WS-* Standards
       WS-Addressing
         •Version Submission, 1.0
       WS-Security
         •Version 1.0, 1.1
         •Base security standards mean that messages can be protected using
         Encryption, Authentication and Signature
       WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation
         •Version 1.0, 1.3
         •Advanced security standards allow single-sign on, more efficient
         encryption and more secure deployment
       WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy
         •Enables using industry standard XML to configure security
       WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy
         •Enables reliability between PHP and other platforms including
         message resending, duplicate detection and persistence

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MySQL 8.0.19 - New Features Summary
MySQL 8.0.19 - New Features SummaryMySQL 8.0.19 - New Features Summary
MySQL 8.0.19 - New Features Summary

Summary of the MySQL 8.0.19 new features, released on January 13th, 2020. == == Highlights == * InnoDB ReplicaSet * SQL Improvements => Table Value Constructors => LIMIT in recursive CTE => ALTER TABLE… DROP/ALTER CONSTRAINT => More information to Duplicate Key Error * Account Management Enhancements * Time zone offset for Timestamp & Datetime * Information Schema views for SQL Roles * MySQL Document Store Enhancements * MySQL Shell Enhancements * MySQL Router Enhancements * MySQL InnoDB Cluster Enhancements * MySQL Replication Enhancements * MySQL NDB Cluster Enhancements * MySQL Enterprise New Features * Thanks to the Contributors

datadatabasegroup replication
JBoss AS 7 따라잡기
JBoss AS 7 따라잡기JBoss AS 7 따라잡기
JBoss AS 7 따라잡기

The document discusses JBoss Application Server 7 and compares it to other application servers like WildFly and Tomcat. It introduces WildFly as the new name for JBoss Application Server to reduce confusion. It then provides an overview of new features in JBoss AS 7 like support for Spring 3.x, MyBatis 3.x, and domain mode configuration.

How to CASifying PeopleSoft and Integrating CAS and ADFS
How to CASifying PeopleSoft and Integrating CAS and ADFSHow to CASifying PeopleSoft and Integrating CAS and ADFS
How to CASifying PeopleSoft and Integrating CAS and ADFS

In this presentation we discuss how to CASify PeopleSoft, and also discuss some strategies on how to integrate Microsoft ADFS with CAS Server to have a single SSO experience for your end users.

WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Support for Contract First And Code First
     WSDL  1.1 and WSDL 2.0
     SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2
     WSDL Generation support using annotated code.
     Wide coverage of complex schema constructs.
     WSDL2PHP Script to generate client and services for
      given WSDL.
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Enterprise Level Security
     Authentication
     Confidentiality
     Integrity
     Non-Repudiation
     Replay   Detection
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Binary Data Capability
     Support for Base64, SWA and MTOM
     Secure MTOM support
     MTOM with reliable support
     WSDL Mode API
          Quick and easy API to handle binary with MTOM enabled
     Caching
          Low Memory footprint for large binary attachments
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Comprehensive Support for REST
        Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) with custom URI
               Enables mapping a REST API into PHP easily and naturally

     function echoFunction($inMessage) {

         $outMessage = new WSMessage($inMessage->str);
         return $outMessage;

     $operations = array(quot;echoStringquot; => quot;echoFunctionquot;);
     $restmap = array (quot;echoStringquot;=>array(quot;HTTPMethodquot;=>quot;GETquot;, quot;RESTLocationquot;=> quot;echoStringquot;));

     $service = new WSService(array(quot;operationsquot; => $operations, quot;RESTMappingquot;=>$restmap));

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Ruby on Rails Security
Ruby on Rails SecurityRuby on Rails Security
Ruby on Rails Security

This document summarizes common Ruby on Rails security issues and best practices for addressing them. It covers potential information leaks from application setup and deployment, cross-site scripting vulnerabilities from unsanitized user input, session fixation issues, cross-site request forgery problems, SQL injection protection, preventing JavaScript hijacking, securing mass assignment, and security risks related to third-party Rails plugins. The document provides explanations of each issue and recommendations for configuration and code changes to enhance the security of Rails applications.

Windows Loves Drupal
Windows Loves DrupalWindows Loves Drupal
Windows Loves Drupal

- Windows is a secure, stable operating system that can effectively run PHP/MySQL and Drupal websites using IIS as the web server. Key advantages include excellent performance, integration with Windows server features, and easy deployment and management tools like WebPI and WebDeploy. - IIS provides a high-performance platform for PHP and Drupal through features like FastCGI, URL rewrite, and Windows Cache. SQL Server is also a good database option supported by Drupal modules. - Tools like WebPI, Drush, and WebDeploy streamline Drupal installation and management on Windows. Web hosting programs like WebsitesSpark provide resources for developing on the Microsoft platform.

Earnings With Foss - Joebert
Earnings With Foss - JoebertEarnings With Foss - Joebert
Earnings With Foss - Joebert

The document outlines a presentation about earning with free and open source software (FOSS). It discusses common myths about FOSS and business, careers in FOSS like system administration and software development, opportunities for businesses around packaging, supporting and customizing FOSS, and case studies of companies saving money by migrating to FOSS solutions.

by soss
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   PHP Data Services
       Multiple database engine support (with PHP PDO extension)
       Nested Query support
       Array based API
       dbs2php converter tool to convert WSAS Java data service XML
        configurations to PHP code
       WSDL Generation support
        $config = array(quot;dbquot; => quot;mysqlquot;, quot;usernamequot; => quot;rootquot;, quot;passwordquot; => quot;abcquot;, quot;dbnamequot; => quot;dsquot;,
                quot;dbhostquot; => quot;localhostquot;);

        $inputFormat = array(quot;employeeByNumberquot; => quot;INTquot;);

        $outputFormat = array(quot;resultElementquot; => quot;employeesquot;,
                            quot;rowElementquot; => quot;employeequot;,
                            quot;elementsquot; => array(quot;last-namequot; => quot;lastNamequot;,
                                quot;first-namequot; => quot;firstNamequot;,
                                quot;emailquot; => quot;emailquot;));

        $sql = quot;SELECT lastName,firstName,email FROM Employees WHERE employeeNumber=?quot;;

        $operations = array(quot;employeesByNumberquot; =>
            array(quot;inputFormatquot; => $inputFormat, quot;outputFormatquot; => $outputFormat, quot;sqlquot; => $sql));

        $my_data_service = new DataService(array(quot;configquot; => $config, quot;operationsquot; => $operations));
WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)
   Interoperability
     With .Net and Java
     Messaging
     Binary Data (MTOM)
     WS-Addressing
     WS-Security
     WS-Reliable Messaging
WSF/PHP 2.0 improvements
   Improved Stability
   Interoperability
   Better WSDL support
   WS-SecureConversation support
   PKCS support
   Replay attack suppression
   Support for ratified WS-* specifications
   PHP Data Services support
   Improved REST API
   MTOM Caching
Customer Examples
   Consuming SaaS from PHP Web applications
     E.g.Betting, Gaming sites
     Governmental and Standards-based work
   Integrating CMS systems (Drupal, Joomla) with
    SOA platforms
     Consuming   existing third party services
     Exposing CMS functionality as services
     Portal integration with SOA back-ends
   Service enabling PHP legacy applications
     Securingservice oriented applications that require
      end-to-end message level security

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HTML 特殊文字のEscapeだけでは防げない
脆弱性について(基本)HTML 特殊文字のEscapeだけでは防げない
HTML 特殊文字のEscapeだけでは防げない

This document discusses the importance of escaping HTML in various web development frameworks and languages like Flask, PHP, and Vue.js to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It provides examples of how unescaped user input can enable XSS and recommendations to always use escaping functions like htmlspecialchars() in PHP to sanitize user input before displaying it. The document also mentions server-side template injection risks if frameworks like Flask are not configured securely and properly escape user input in templates.

information security
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Microsoft unterstützt in seinen Entwicklungstools immer mehr Open-Source-Frameworks. Diese haben im Verlauf der letzten Jahre verstärkt Einzug in die Visual-Studio-Testautomatisierung erhalten. Der Browser Edge bietet seit einiger Zeit bereits eine offene Unterstützung für Selenium, nun ist diese Unterstützung auch für Desktopanwendungen und Apps verfügbar. Microsoft hat das im mobilen Bereich etablierte Framework Appium um die Unterstützung von Windows erweitert. Im Vortrag werden die Konzepte und Möglichkeiten im Appium-/Selenium-Umfeld anhand von Theorie und Demos vorgestellt. Zum Abschluss beantworten wir die Fragen, ob Appium ein guter Nachfolger von Visual Studio Coded UI ist und wie sich der Umstieg nach Appium gestaltet.

Powershell: Tu nuevo mejor amigo
Powershell: Tu nuevo mejor amigoPowershell: Tu nuevo mejor amigo
Powershell: Tu nuevo mejor amigo

En esta sesión Jorge Díaz (MVP) y Gonzalo Balladares (MVP) te mostrarán cómo puedes automatizar tareas rutinarias de mantenimiento y administración de tus sistemas utilizando Powershell con ejemplos prácticos de Administración de Servicios Windows, Active Directory, Exchange Server, Lync Server, Hyper-V y más

powershellexchange server
The Traditional PHP Application
SOA Solution With WSF/PHP
   A major new release of a popular library
     Adds improved WS-* and REST support
     Improved stability
     Makes it simple to connect PHP to a wider SOA
     New capability to expose Data Services makes
      creating services more effective than ever
Getting Started
   Oxygen Tank Articles
        PHP Web Services: Getting Started
        PHP Web Services: After Getting Started
        PHP Web Services: Messaging – SOAP and REST
        Writing Simple PHP Test Scripts For PHP Web Services
        WSO2 WSF/PHP Interoperability with Microsoft WCF
        WSO2 WSF/PHP – PHP Web Services Extension
        PHP Web Services with WSDL
        Running WSF/PHP on The Uniform Server
        Installing WSF/PHP with PHP5 on IIS
        How to Setup WSO2 WSF/PHP Build Environment on Windows XP
   WSF/PHP Demo Site
   PHP Web Services Blog

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MySQL 8.0.16 New Features Summary
MySQL 8.0.16 New Features SummaryMySQL 8.0.16 New Features Summary
MySQL 8.0.16 New Features Summary

Presentation of some of the new features of MySQL 8.0.16 released on April 25, 2019 Agenda: ➢ mysql_upgrade is no longer necessary ➢ CHECK Constraints ➢ Constant-Folding Optimization ➢ SYSTEM_USER & partial_revokes ➢ Chinese collation for utf8mb4 ➢ Performance Schema keyring_keys table ➢ MySQL Shell Enhancements ➢ MySQL Router Enhancements ➢ InnoDB Cluster Enhancements ➢ Group Replication Enhancements ➢ Size of the binary tarball for Linux ➢ Server quick settings validation

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Php Asp Net Interoperability Rc Jao
Php Asp Net Interoperability Rc JaoPhp Asp Net Interoperability Rc Jao
Php Asp Net Interoperability Rc Jao

Rodney C. Jao discusses running PHP applications on Windows Server and integrating PHP and ASP.NET applications using SOAP. He covers setting up PHP and FastCGI on IIS for improved performance. He also demonstrates consuming and creating web services using SOAP in PHP and ASP.NET to allow interoperability between different platforms and languages.

by jedt
Stateful SOAP Webservices
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Stateful SOAP Webservices

Thorsten Rinne gave a presentation on stateful SOAP web services with Java and PHP. He discussed SOAP and how it works, how to implement stateful SOAP web services by maintaining session IDs in the SOAP header, and overwriting the SoapClient method in PHP to add WS-Addressing support. He also provided a real-world example of migrating different applications and a calculation engine to a stateful SOAP web service to improve integration. The presentation concluded with time for questions.


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  • 1. Enterprise Web Services With WSO2 WSF/PHP 2.0 Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar September 2008
  • 2. WSO2 Background  Founded in August 2005 by Leaders in XML and Web services technologies & standards and open source  Building complete SOA platform, all 100% open source  Founders/ leading contributors to all key Apache Web Services/SOA Projects  Provide commercial support, training and services around the software & solutions  Global corporation with R&D center in Sri Lanka and offices in US & UK, totalling 60 + employees
  • 3. What is the problem with the existing PHP Systems? Financial System Content Management System Social Networking System CRM system
  • 4. What is the problem with the existing PHP SOAP support? SAP SOAP 1.1 .NET No security No reliability No WS-I BP PHP Website No MTOM Binary Secure, Reliable, Binary No WS-Addressing J2EE Web Services CICS Java
  • 5. What is WSF/PHP?  A library that allows users to Create and Consume SOAP and REST Web Services in PHP  With full Secure Reliable Interop against .NET, Java and JEE  Simple PHP-friendly programming model $client = new WSClient(array(quot;useMTOMquot; => TRUE, quot;useSOAPquot; => quot;1.2quot;, quot;useWSAquot; => TRUE, quot;policyquot; => $wspolicy, quot;securityTokenquot; => $sec_token));
  • 6. Comparison with other SOAP libraries Package Written in WSDL Attachment Security Reliability PHP5 SOAP Ext C Partial No No No NuSOAP PHP Yes No No No SCA with PHP(IBM) PHP Yes No No No WSO2 WSF/PHP C Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • 7. WSF/PHP Features  Stability  Multiple Deployment Models  Linux  Windows  Solaris  Apache  IIS  Tested with Zend Core for stability and functionality
  • 8. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Comprehensive Support for WS-* Standards  WS-Addressing •Version Submission, 1.0  WS-Security •Version 1.0, 1.1 •Base security standards mean that messages can be protected using Encryption, Authentication and Signature  WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation •Version 1.0, 1.3 •Advanced security standards allow single-sign on, more efficient encryption and more secure deployment  WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy •Enables using industry standard XML to configure security  WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy •Enables reliability between PHP and other platforms including message resending, duplicate detection and persistence
  • 9. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Support for Contract First And Code First approaches  WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0  SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2  WSDL Generation support using annotated code.  Wide coverage of complex schema constructs.  WSDL2PHP Script to generate client and services for given WSDL.
  • 10. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Enterprise Level Security  Authentication  Confidentiality  Integrity  Non-Repudiation  Replay Detection
  • 11. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Binary Data Capability  Support for Base64, SWA and MTOM  Secure MTOM support  MTOM with reliable support  WSDL Mode API  Quick and easy API to handle binary with MTOM enabled WSDLs.  Caching  Low Memory footprint for large binary attachments
  • 12. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Comprehensive Support for REST  Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) with custom URI Mapping  Enables mapping a REST API into PHP easily and naturally function echoFunction($inMessage) { $outMessage = new WSMessage($inMessage->str); return $outMessage; } $operations = array(quot;echoStringquot; => quot;echoFunctionquot;); $restmap = array (quot;echoStringquot;=>array(quot;HTTPMethodquot;=>quot;GETquot;, quot;RESTLocationquot;=> quot;echoStringquot;)); $service = new WSService(array(quot;operationsquot; => $operations, quot;RESTMappingquot;=>$restmap)); $service->reply();
  • 13. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  PHP Data Services  Multiple database engine support (with PHP PDO extension)  Nested Query support  Array based API  dbs2php converter tool to convert WSAS Java data service XML configurations to PHP code  WSDL Generation support $config = array(quot;dbquot; => quot;mysqlquot;, quot;usernamequot; => quot;rootquot;, quot;passwordquot; => quot;abcquot;, quot;dbnamequot; => quot;dsquot;, quot;dbhostquot; => quot;localhostquot;); $inputFormat = array(quot;employeeByNumberquot; => quot;INTquot;); $outputFormat = array(quot;resultElementquot; => quot;employeesquot;, quot;rowElementquot; => quot;employeequot;, quot;elementsquot; => array(quot;last-namequot; => quot;lastNamequot;, quot;first-namequot; => quot;firstNamequot;, quot;emailquot; => quot;emailquot;)); $sql = quot;SELECT lastName,firstName,email FROM Employees WHERE employeeNumber=?quot;; $operations = array(quot;employeesByNumberquot; => array(quot;inputFormatquot; => $inputFormat, quot;outputFormatquot; => $outputFormat, quot;sqlquot; => $sql)); $my_data_service = new DataService(array(quot;configquot; => $config, quot;operationsquot; => $operations)); $my_data_service->reply();
  • 14. WSF/PHP Features (Cont...)  Interoperability  With .Net and Java  Messaging  Binary Data (MTOM)  WS-Addressing  WS-Security  WS-Reliable Messaging
  • 15. WSF/PHP 2.0 improvements  Improved Stability  Interoperability  Better WSDL support  WS-SecureConversation support  PKCS support  Replay attack suppression  Support for ratified WS-* specifications  PHP Data Services support  Improved REST API  MTOM Caching
  • 16. Customer Examples  Consuming SaaS from PHP Web applications  E.g.Betting, Gaming sites  Governmental and Standards-based work  Integrating CMS systems (Drupal, Joomla) with SOA platforms  Consuming existing third party services  Exposing CMS functionality as services  Portal integration with SOA back-ends  Service enabling PHP legacy applications  Securingservice oriented applications that require end-to-end message level security
  • 17. The Traditional PHP Application
  • 19. Summary  A major new release of a popular library  Adds improved WS-* and REST support  Improved stability  Makes it simple to connect PHP to a wider SOA  New capability to expose Data Services makes creating services more effective than ever
  • 20. Getting Started  Oxygen Tank Articles  PHP Web Services: Getting Started  PHP Web Services: After Getting Started  PHP Web Services: Messaging – SOAP and REST  Writing Simple PHP Test Scripts For PHP Web Services  WSO2 WSF/PHP Interoperability with Microsoft WCF  WSO2 WSF/PHP – PHP Web Services Extension  PHP Web Services with WSDL  Running WSF/PHP on The Uniform Server  Installing WSF/PHP with PHP5 on IIS  How to Setup WSO2 WSF/PHP Build Environment on Windows XP  WSF/PHP Demo Site   PHP Web Services Blog 