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Windows Phone Quality Bar 
Quality Assurance 
Agate Studio
Windows Phone Quality Bar
Why do we need a quality bar? 
The existing Store certification is designed to provide a minimum quality measure and set of policy requirements that applications must fulfil to be listed in the Windows Phone Store.
Why do we need a quality bar? 
The Depth Partner Program carefully chooses partners to build Showcase applications that will delight customers with the highest standards of design and application quality. This document defines the high quality standards expected of these applications and is designed to encourage development of usable, sticky and innovative applications.

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6 steps-for-successful-app-store-optimization6 steps-for-successful-app-store-optimization
6 steps-for-successful-app-store-optimization

From the point of view of customers, mobile has undoubtedly made their lives easy. With advent of apps, everything; right from buying grocery to apparels has fallen right to the finger tip of your target users. All this has entitled that digital marketers ride this boom and advertise their apps exactly where people are present – On mobile phones. So to reach users finger tips, the right method to utilize is ASO (App Store Optimization). We are a widely known mobile app development company that creates highly robust and interactive mobile applications with elegant UI, amazing features and efficient code.

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Developing Application in WP7
Developing Application in WP7Developing Application in WP7
Developing Application in WP7

The presentation covered topics such as: - Developing applications using tools like the Windows Phone Emulator and SDK - Common application elements like the PhoneApplicationPage root and Application Bar - The application lifecycle states including launch, running, deactivated, and closed - Using launchers and choosers to integrate with phone features - Accessing location services to create location-aware apps - Resources for learning Windows Phone 7 development

Mac logo gdlns
Mac logo gdlnsMac logo gdlns
Mac logo gdlns

The document provides guidelines for using Apple's Mac logo to identify Mac-compatible hardware and software products. It specifies that the Mac logo must only be used by authorized licensees and Apple employees to promote products that are optimized for the Mac platform. The guidelines outline allowed uses of the logo, required sizing and clear space, placement on packaging and marketing materials, and specifications for color versus grayscale versions. It states the logo must be used consistently and not altered, and provides resources for obtaining approved artwork files.

The Bar Defined 
The bar pulls in quality requirements from several areas, such as user experience, functionality, design principles, and performance. Each application must pass all requirements. At the top level the requirements are defined as follows: 
Design review feedback incorporated 
o No MUST FIX items from design review are present 
Quality review 
o No MUST FIX bugs 
o No more than 4 SHOULD FIX bugs
Look and Feel 
The Windows Phone design philosophy is exemplified by clean, uncluttered app screens that operate quickly, minimize typing and surface new info automatically. Interactions happen directly with content and visual elements have great fit and finish. The look and feel of the app should integrate seamlessly with the design style of Windows Phone Platform.
Look and Feel 
Standard WP icons from the SDK are repurposed for another meaning. Content is not visible or reduced in visual appeal under light or dark themes. Page headers use inconsistent text case across the app. App does not use a custom splash screen (default is used). App does not use a custom app tile (default is used). 
Look and Feel 
Page headers on secondary level pages are unnecessarily large. Page headers do not fit the current context. Use a suitable page title, instead of simply repeating the app name. Icons that are not appropriate for the context or do not clearly indicate intended purpose. App bar icon graphics have an extra circular border making the circle look thicker or misaligned. 

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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides a web client that allows users to access core ERP functionality from an iPad. The interface utilizes touch gestures for navigation and data entry. While most features are supported, some like maximizing windows and drag-and-drop are not. The client also enables links to open external websites or launch the Google Maps app for integrated mapping data.

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PRWD's Founder & Director of Optimisation shares insights and tips on what are the 10 key areas that retailers should aim to get right to improve user experience, average order values and conversion rate. The insights are based on years of user testing and A/B test on brands like ASOS, The North Face, AllSaints, Amazon, Schuh, Speedo and Topshop

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Angela Frucci Portfolio
Angela Frucci PortfolioAngela Frucci Portfolio
Angela Frucci Portfolio

Angela Frucci has experience in content strategy, copywriting, and technical writing. She has worked on projects including redesigning marketing websites, creating mobile app help content, and developing brand style guides. Her portfolio includes writing for publications such as the Los Angeles Times, Wired, and the New York Times.

Look and Feel 
Consider introducing brand images or iconography into the app‟s background (if suitable). Ensure that the system tray colour and transparency fits the branding of the app 
All actionable controls in the app should be designed for “fat finger” and should have touch targets and padding such that these are easy to tap accurately. Margins should be consistent, and content should be aligned to a grid. Care should be taken to avoid conflicting UI elements i.e. horizontally actioned items displayed in horizontally scrolling controls.
Layout Inconsistent page margins used across the app (left, right and top). Page content not left-aligned with header. Touch gestures overlap: horizontally scrolling maps, horizontal scroll viewers, toggle switches, etc. are placed within a pivot or panorama (horizontally scrolling controls). Touch target sizes are smaller than 9mm (34px). Padding between touch targets is less than 2mm (8px), or touch targets overlap. 

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Apple Guidelines
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Apple Guidelines

These guidelines outline the proper use of Apple's identity and assets by Apple-authorized channel affiliates and certified individuals. The document provides direction on using Apple's channel signatures, trademarks, photography and other branding elements. It emphasizes presenting the Apple identity in a consistent manner while still representing the identity of the affiliate or certified party. Mistakes to avoid include altering Apple's signatures, logos, fonts or trademarks.

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App Store Optimization - 2020 Ultimate Guide for Google Play Store ASO
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App Store Optimization - 2020 Ultimate Guide for Google Play Store ASO

ASO, or App Store Optimization, is the process of optimizing mobile apps and games to maximize the visibility and improve the conversion rate to install. It is sometimes called an “App Store SEO” because of its similarity with Search Engine Optimization, but technically, ASO is not only about visibility in search, but also about conversion rate optimization. It's important to remark that ASO is not "SEO". SEO for Google Play exists, but although it's related to ASO, it's not the same thing. Are you launching your first app on Google Play Store? Are you choosing your first ASO keywords? Sure you have a lot of questions and, maybe, need some help. Our play store optimization guide will show you what to do and how to do it. Let's start! There are currently more than 5,3 million mobile applications on the biggest stores: Apple App Store and Google Play. The stores keep on growing exponentially and getting more competitive, so achieving a good visibility on the stores has become the biggest challenge for developers and marketers. App Store Optimization is an essential strategy for mobile iOS & Android businesses, and a great solution to maximize visibility, improve search rankings, increase the conversion rate and drive more organic installs. The App Store Optimization strategy consists of 3 main processes: - Market Research & Keyword Optimization - Google Play Store optimization & A/B testing - Tracking / monitoring… and repeating the whole process :) What do you think of our ultimate 2020 Google Play ASO guide? Tell us in the comments!

androidandroid marketingapp marketing
Apple app store optimization
Apple app store optimizationApple app store optimization
Apple app store optimization

This document provides an overview of app store optimization (ASO) and its core components. ASO involves improving the visibility of mobile apps in app stores. The key components include optimizing app keywords, name, description and localization; using effective app icons, screenshots and visuals; and tracking important off-site factors like number of downloads, ratings and reviews to help optimize an app's performance in app stores.

apple app storeapple app store optimizationapp store optimization
App shows empty pages when there is no content to display, e.g. if there are no favourites added. Display placeholder text to explain what will be shown here. App shows blank page if no search results are returned. App should show a clear „no results found‟ message on the page. 
App tiles 
A Tile allows the app to present rich and engaging content to users on the Windows Phone Start screen when the app isn‟t running. Tiles can be live (updated through notifications), or left static. Tiles on the Start screen come in three sizes—small, medium, and wide (wide being optional). 
It is good practice to avoid pinning content which is static or likely to expire, such as individual news stories. Instead, allow pinning the news category with a live tile to highlight the latest category story. To allow the user to access individual pieces of content, consider whether an in-app „favourites‟ feature would be more appropriate.
App tiles
App tiles 
The tile content not consistent with the app, or is not of a sufficient visual standard (in all sizes). Wide tile does not display live content. Duplicated app name on tile, text and logo. Secondary tile takes the user to the app‟s main page. App tiles use rounded corners, drop shadows and shine effects (certain exceptions can be considered for branding justifications). 

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How to make an iPhone appHow to make an iPhone app
How to make an iPhone app

This document provides instructions for creating an iPhone app without programming skills using AppMakr. It describes AppMakr as a web-based tool that allows dragging and dropping elements to design an app interface. The instructions outline three steps: 1) filling in basic app details like name, colors and images; 2) adding functions like blogs, bookshelves from available options; and 3) publishing the app, downloading it and sharing it. The document recommends AppMakr for its simplicity compared to other options like Titanium and PhoneGap that require coding skills.

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Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, and is the successor to its Windows Mobile platform.[2] It is aimed at the consumer market instead of the enterprise market like its predecessor.[3] It launched in Europe, Singapore and Australia on October 21, 2010, and in the US & Canada on November 8, 2010, Mexico on November 24, 2010, with Asia to follow in 2011.[4] With Windows Phone 7, Microsoft offers a new user interface with its design language named Metro, integrates the operating system with 3rd party and other Microsoft services, and plans to strictly control which hardware it runs on.


The document presents a mood board for a client relationship management iPad application. It includes the proposed logo, color palette, typography, visual styles, and application inspirations. The logo and Futura font are recommended as guidelines. A dark tile background is proposed to focus on interface elements. Icons should be subtle yet explanatory. Layouts could include pop-up windows, typographic titling, and simple shading with easy-to-read text. Example apps like Twitter, NPR, and Kayak provided inspiration for clean interfaces using menus, pop-overs, and typography without unnecessary graphics.

App tiles 
Tile without the app name if name is not integrated with the logo The „pin‟ feature is not disabled or toggled to „unpin‟, when a page has already been pinned. 
Avoid using full black (#000000) or full white (#FFFFFF) tile backgrounds. 
The app navigation structure should be simple and shallow, the user should be able to get to the content they want in 5 taps or less. Pressing the back button should be a predictable experience and take the user back to the previously visited page. Tapping the back button after launching from an app tile must exit the app, even if this is a secondary tile. Avoid navigating the user back through pages they have not visited. 
Home, back or close buttons are not required in Windows Phone apps as a physical back button is provided on every device allowing the app design to remain clean and simple.
Some special exceptions can be made when the app is navigating the user through a „wizard‟ process, for example account registration or completing a shopping checkout. The best practice is to allow the user to back through the process stages or use a „cancel‟ button to quit the process and return to the start. When the user has completed the process, the app can provide a quick means to return home (e.g. via a „done‟ button).
App contains back or close buttons. Back button does not close the app if tapped on the main page (even if navigated to from secondary tile). Back button does not close any transient UI such as keyboards, message boxes, list pickers, app bar menu and context menus. Back button does not cancel loading processes. Pressing the hardware Back button after launching application from secondary tile takes the user to main panorama or home page, rather than exiting the app. Home buttons are used in the app. (special exceptions can be made for apps with a valid business justification. Consider if a home button is truly required.) App uses buttons or the hardware back button to sideways navigate across a pivot or panorama. 

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This document summarizes different types of iPhone applications and design guidelines. There are three main types of iPhone applications: native applications, web-only content, and hybrid applications. Native applications resemble built-in apps and go through Apple's approval process. Web-only content is viewed through Safari and has no approval needed. Hybrid apps combine native and web features and go through the approval process. The document also discusses application styles like productivity, utility, and immersive apps and provides guidelines for gestures, simplicity, and branding.

App Store Optimization Guide
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App Store Optimization Guide

Learn the best ASO practices and hacks with this App Store Optimization Guide. This ASO guide is a roadmap to understand App Store Optimization techniques including keyword research, deciding app title, app description, screenshots, understanding ratings and reviews and all other elements of the app store. This App Store Optimization Guide will surely help to boost your app's downloads to the sky if you follow the ASO techniques mentioned here.

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The document provides guidance for creating an on-phone prototype deliverable. Students are instructed to design 4-6 high-resolution screenshot views of their mobile app that can be viewed sequentially like a photo album. The prototype will be evaluated based on how well it communicates the point of view, allows users to achieve primary tasks, maintains consistent design, and considers text and interactions. Resources for creating the prototype images and basic interaction design principles are also included.

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Avoid using app exit confirmation message as these can become a little irritating to the user. Alternatively, consider providing an in-app setting to enable/disable this exit message to let the user choose. 
Dialog and Message boxes 
A message box is a prefabricated modal dialog box that displays a text message to a user. Message boxes interrupt interaction with the app and as such should only be used when critical information needs to be communicated to the user (e.g. the app is offline), or the user‟s input is required to continue using the app (e.g. confirm use of user‟s location). Since these require an extra tap from the user, consider carefully if the message box is really required or whether the information can be presented in a less intrusive way.
Dialog and Message boxes 
The user is unable to dismiss any popup message or dialog box by pressing the back button. Message box is not model (user is able to interact with the app behind). Message dialogues go beyond communicating simple messages or questions. More complex content should be on a full page. Message box do not follow the standard Window Phone message box style. Single buttons should be left aligned, and multiple buttons should be centre aligned and extended to the sides of the dialogue. 
Dialog and Message boxes

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Language and Localisation 
All content must be localised correctly to the languages that the app claims to support. The language used throughout the app should be grammatically correct, non-generic, and user friendly. The app should also respect the user‟s regional settings as some data, such as dates and numbers, can be misleading if presented in a format the user does not expect.
Language and Localisation 
Regional Settings are not respected, e.g. time and date formatting. App is not correctly localized for the languages it supports. Error messages are not contextually-relevant, or contain stack traces or debugging information. Application dialogs and other help items do not correctly reference the platform and app type. Spelling or grammar mistakes are present. 
Performance and Stability 
Speed and responsiveness in apps have a high impact on user's perception of the quality of the app. UI animations and transitions between pages must be smooth and fluid.
Performance and Stability The app fails to render the first page within 5 seconds after launch (does not include the splash screen). The app fails to respond to user input after 15 seconds. Transitions are not smooth and fluid. Progress indicators are not used to indicate when the app is loading content. Crashing bugs are found. App does not respond gracefully when its background agents are disabled. Background tasks include auto-sync and download functionality, e.g. email and update. 
App does not handle Battery Saver mode gracefully. 

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Computational advertising uses data and algorithms to match users and advertisements in specific contexts. It has several advantages over traditional advertising methods, including lower costs per opportunity and the ability to personalize ads. The computational advertising landscape involves advertisers paying for ad placements on a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per click (CPC) basis. Programmatic advertising allows campaigns to be run automatically through real-time bidding on digital ad exchanges. It provides benefits like automated processes and buy-side reporting tools.

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Game apps should follow good game UX design guidelines. Please ensure the app makes full use of the graphics layout capabilities and gesture support for an experience that makes interaction easy.
The user is unable to dismiss any popup message or dialog box by pressing the back button. When the Back button is pressed during gameplay, the game does not pause or navigate the user to the prior menu screen. When the Back button is pressed outside of gameplay, the user is not returned to the previous menu or page. Pressing Back must does not exit the game on the initial start screen / menu. The game overrides the user's current music choice by turning off or changing music that was playing before the game was launched. If an application plays background music, the application does not provide the user with configurable settings for both the background music, and the background music volume. Game does not pause or remember game state when an incoming call is received. 
On-screen home and back buttons used. Apps should rely on hardware back button unless absolutely necessary. 
Automatically save the game state while the pause menu is shown, in case the player exits the game (if suitable for the game type). 
“Anyone Can Find a Crash Bug . . .” David Price (Test Lead, THQ, Inc.)

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Dokumen ini membahas tentang kualitas grafik generasi berikutnya dalam pembuatan game AAA menggunakan Unity. Beberapa poin utama adalah pemodelan asset 3D dengan teknik modular dan penempatan texture, penggunaan normal map dan peta material ID, serta pengaturan pencahayaan menggunakan lightmap dan render ke cubemap untuk menambah realisme. Dokumen ini juga membahas tentang kemungkinan untuk meningkatkan kualitas grafik game menjadi AAA w

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Will I play this game almost every day, for the next million months, with a smile on my face, sharp eyes and ears, faithfully reporting every bug I see?! 
If you answered “yes,” 
you just might make it as a professional video game tester.

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Wp quality bar tedy

  • 1. @agatestudio Windows Phone Quality Bar Tedy Quality Assurance Agate Studio
  • 3. Why do we need a quality bar? The existing Store certification is designed to provide a minimum quality measure and set of policy requirements that applications must fulfil to be listed in the Windows Phone Store.
  • 4. Why do we need a quality bar? The Depth Partner Program carefully chooses partners to build Showcase applications that will delight customers with the highest standards of design and application quality. This document defines the high quality standards expected of these applications and is designed to encourage development of usable, sticky and innovative applications.
  • 5. The Bar Defined The bar pulls in quality requirements from several areas, such as user experience, functionality, design principles, and performance. Each application must pass all requirements. At the top level the requirements are defined as follows: Design review feedback incorporated o No MUST FIX items from design review are present Quality review o No MUST FIX bugs o No more than 4 SHOULD FIX bugs
  • 6. Look and Feel The Windows Phone design philosophy is exemplified by clean, uncluttered app screens that operate quickly, minimize typing and surface new info automatically. Interactions happen directly with content and visual elements have great fit and finish. The look and feel of the app should integrate seamlessly with the design style of Windows Phone Platform.
  • 7. Look and Feel Standard WP icons from the SDK are repurposed for another meaning. Content is not visible or reduced in visual appeal under light or dark themes. Page headers use inconsistent text case across the app. App does not use a custom splash screen (default is used). App does not use a custom app tile (default is used). MUST FIX
  • 8. Look and Feel Page headers on secondary level pages are unnecessarily large. Page headers do not fit the current context. Use a suitable page title, instead of simply repeating the app name. Icons that are not appropriate for the context or do not clearly indicate intended purpose. App bar icon graphics have an extra circular border making the circle look thicker or misaligned. SHOULD FIX
  • 9. Look and Feel Consider introducing brand images or iconography into the app‟s background (if suitable). Ensure that the system tray colour and transparency fits the branding of the app RECOMMENDATION
  • 10. Layout All actionable controls in the app should be designed for “fat finger” and should have touch targets and padding such that these are easy to tap accurately. Margins should be consistent, and content should be aligned to a grid. Care should be taken to avoid conflicting UI elements i.e. horizontally actioned items displayed in horizontally scrolling controls.
  • 12. Layout Inconsistent page margins used across the app (left, right and top). Page content not left-aligned with header. Touch gestures overlap: horizontally scrolling maps, horizontal scroll viewers, toggle switches, etc. are placed within a pivot or panorama (horizontally scrolling controls). Touch target sizes are smaller than 9mm (34px). Padding between touch targets is less than 2mm (8px), or touch targets overlap. MUST FIX
  • 13. Layout App shows empty pages when there is no content to display, e.g. if there are no favourites added. Display placeholder text to explain what will be shown here. App shows blank page if no search results are returned. App should show a clear „no results found‟ message on the page. SHOULD FIX
  • 14. App tiles A Tile allows the app to present rich and engaging content to users on the Windows Phone Start screen when the app isn‟t running. Tiles can be live (updated through notifications), or left static. Tiles on the Start screen come in three sizes—small, medium, and wide (wide being optional). It is good practice to avoid pinning content which is static or likely to expire, such as individual news stories. Instead, allow pinning the news category with a live tile to highlight the latest category story. To allow the user to access individual pieces of content, consider whether an in-app „favourites‟ feature would be more appropriate.
  • 16. App tiles The tile content not consistent with the app, or is not of a sufficient visual standard (in all sizes). Wide tile does not display live content. Duplicated app name on tile, text and logo. Secondary tile takes the user to the app‟s main page. App tiles use rounded corners, drop shadows and shine effects (certain exceptions can be considered for branding justifications). MUST FIX
  • 17. App tiles Tile without the app name if name is not integrated with the logo The „pin‟ feature is not disabled or toggled to „unpin‟, when a page has already been pinned. SHOULD FIX Avoid using full black (#000000) or full white (#FFFFFF) tile backgrounds. RECOMMENDATION
  • 18. Navigation The app navigation structure should be simple and shallow, the user should be able to get to the content they want in 5 taps or less. Pressing the back button should be a predictable experience and take the user back to the previously visited page. Tapping the back button after launching from an app tile must exit the app, even if this is a secondary tile. Avoid navigating the user back through pages they have not visited. Home, back or close buttons are not required in Windows Phone apps as a physical back button is provided on every device allowing the app design to remain clean and simple.
  • 19. Navigation Some special exceptions can be made when the app is navigating the user through a „wizard‟ process, for example account registration or completing a shopping checkout. The best practice is to allow the user to back through the process stages or use a „cancel‟ button to quit the process and return to the start. When the user has completed the process, the app can provide a quick means to return home (e.g. via a „done‟ button).
  • 20. Navigation App contains back or close buttons. Back button does not close the app if tapped on the main page (even if navigated to from secondary tile). Back button does not close any transient UI such as keyboards, message boxes, list pickers, app bar menu and context menus. Back button does not cancel loading processes. Pressing the hardware Back button after launching application from secondary tile takes the user to main panorama or home page, rather than exiting the app. Home buttons are used in the app. (special exceptions can be made for apps with a valid business justification. Consider if a home button is truly required.) App uses buttons or the hardware back button to sideways navigate across a pivot or panorama. MUST FIX
  • 21. Navigation Avoid using app exit confirmation message as these can become a little irritating to the user. Alternatively, consider providing an in-app setting to enable/disable this exit message to let the user choose. RECOMMENDATION
  • 22. Dialog and Message boxes A message box is a prefabricated modal dialog box that displays a text message to a user. Message boxes interrupt interaction with the app and as such should only be used when critical information needs to be communicated to the user (e.g. the app is offline), or the user‟s input is required to continue using the app (e.g. confirm use of user‟s location). Since these require an extra tap from the user, consider carefully if the message box is really required or whether the information can be presented in a less intrusive way.
  • 23. Dialog and Message boxes The user is unable to dismiss any popup message or dialog box by pressing the back button. Message box is not model (user is able to interact with the app behind). Message dialogues go beyond communicating simple messages or questions. More complex content should be on a full page. Message box do not follow the standard Window Phone message box style. Single buttons should be left aligned, and multiple buttons should be centre aligned and extended to the sides of the dialogue. MUST FIX
  • 25. Language and Localisation All content must be localised correctly to the languages that the app claims to support. The language used throughout the app should be grammatically correct, non-generic, and user friendly. The app should also respect the user‟s regional settings as some data, such as dates and numbers, can be misleading if presented in a format the user does not expect.
  • 26. Language and Localisation Regional Settings are not respected, e.g. time and date formatting. App is not correctly localized for the languages it supports. Error messages are not contextually-relevant, or contain stack traces or debugging information. Application dialogs and other help items do not correctly reference the platform and app type. Spelling or grammar mistakes are present. MUST FIX
  • 27. Performance and Stability Speed and responsiveness in apps have a high impact on user's perception of the quality of the app. UI animations and transitions between pages must be smooth and fluid.
  • 28. Performance and Stability The app fails to render the first page within 5 seconds after launch (does not include the splash screen). The app fails to respond to user input after 15 seconds. Transitions are not smooth and fluid. Progress indicators are not used to indicate when the app is loading content. Crashing bugs are found. App does not respond gracefully when its background agents are disabled. Background tasks include auto-sync and download functionality, e.g. email and update. MUST FIX App does not handle Battery Saver mode gracefully. SHOULD FIX
  • 29. Games Game apps should follow good game UX design guidelines. Please ensure the app makes full use of the graphics layout capabilities and gesture support for an experience that makes interaction easy.
  • 30. Games The user is unable to dismiss any popup message or dialog box by pressing the back button. When the Back button is pressed during gameplay, the game does not pause or navigate the user to the prior menu screen. When the Back button is pressed outside of gameplay, the user is not returned to the previous menu or page. Pressing Back must does not exit the game on the initial start screen / menu. The game overrides the user's current music choice by turning off or changing music that was playing before the game was launched. If an application plays background music, the application does not provide the user with configurable settings for both the background music, and the background music volume. Game does not pause or remember game state when an incoming call is received. MUST FIX
  • 31. Games On-screen home and back buttons used. Apps should rely on hardware back button unless absolutely necessary. SHOULD FIX Automatically save the game state while the pause menu is shown, in case the player exits the game (if suitable for the game type). RECOMMENDATION
  • 32. “Anyone Can Find a Crash Bug . . .” David Price (Test Lead, THQ, Inc.)
  • 33. Will I play this game almost every day, for the next million months, with a smile on my face, sharp eyes and ears, faithfully reporting every bug I see?! If you answered “yes,” you just might make it as a professional video game tester.