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Design Submission
Nokia Design has two key quality
checkpoints from UI point of view
Proof of Concept
Key Use Case Flows, Interaction Maps, Visual
Design reviewed and approved
Quality Check
Design Updates/Builds verified and
Proof of
Send to partner
Nokia Design
response in 2
business days
Proof Of Concept
No builds needed, but we need to see your interaction maps and visuals to
make sure you’re using the UI effectively. Preferred types of delivery are
PDF or PPT. If you already have a fully functional build with full UI we can
review from that. The submission presentation needs to include at least:
Interaction map (Mandatory)
Main views Visualized (Mandatory)
Key Use case flows (Optional – highly
Quality Check
Once you have feedback from the design review, we check the the actual
application build in order to check that application follows the principles from
the proof of concept
The application passes this first milestone when there
are 0 “must fix” issues, and no more than 4 “should fix”
Nokia Review Requirements
The application passes this milestone with 0 “must fix”
issues, and no more than 4 “should fix” issues.
UI design
UX Design Guidelines (.PDF)
UI Component toolkit (.AI)
Design template (.PPT / .AI)
Icon creation Tools (.zip)
UI Checklist (.PDF)
Nokia provides a UI design kit for partners who will
be designing their application themselves. The
design kit will be updated on a monthly basis.
UX guidelines are the instructions how to build
the application and the UX checklist will include
the key points of platform UX listed in order to
speed up the review process.
UI toolkit includes the basic building blocks for
application design and Design template is the
document where partner can create and present
their UI concept. Concept can also be added
UI Design kit will be provided to partner as a single
package by the partner manager as soon as there
is an agreement on the features of the application.
Nokia UI design tools

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Software Development Process Models (SCRUM Methodology)

This document provides an overview of software process models and Scrum methodology. It defines a software process model as a description of the sequence of activities carried out in a software engineering project. The key activities include specification, design & implementation, validation, and evolution. Scrum is introduced as an agile software development framework. It utilizes short development cycles called sprints, daily stand-up meetings, product backlogs to track requirements, and emphasizes self-organizing teams and adaptive planning. The benefits of Scrum are discussed as improved productivity, quality, and ability to manage changing requirements.

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Alm 11.0 qa training

This document provides training materials for HP ALM 11.0 for test leads and testers at AMD. It outlines the objectives of the training, which is to provide an overview of the key features and functionality of ALM 11.0 based on roles. It also demonstrates the installation process, differences from the previous version (QC 9.2), and how to use various modules in ALM 11.0 like test plan, test lab, and defects. The training agenda covers topics like the ALM environment, best practices for each module, and how to create libraries and baselines.

Proof Of
UI Design deliverables
Design document which describes the
application behavior as good as possible.
Nokia provides this template as an Illustator file
with an example application design in order to
ease the app design process.
In Inhouse concepting model partner needs to
provide document for Nokia design approval
before the development starts. Nokia will then
provide a review report with improvent
suggestions and a fix list.
view of the
Design proof of concept - Interaction Map (Mandatory)
The interaction map provides the necessary
information both for Nokia design review and for
application developers about the key behaviors of
the application
Design proof of concept - Key screen visualized
For the key screens of the application the POC
document needs to include the key screens. This
gives an understanding about application’s
visual design principles and brand identity.
Hero flows
Design proof of concept - Key Use Case Flows (Optional)
In order to understand the application behavior
and the key use case flows, the core tasks need to
be documented with use case flows in the POC
Alternatively, a flow description can be
replaced with video or interactive
prototype if applicable

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The document discusses the principles of agile driven development, including that projects have become shorter but more complex, requiring a user-centric approach. It outlines the agile manifesto which values individuals, working software, customer collaboration and responding to change over documentation, contracts and strict plans. Key principles of agile include open communication, incremental changes and rapid feedback. Success requires teamwork, quality assurance, resolving dependencies, and software integration and availability through continuous builds. A combined approach uses both rolling wave and agile planning with high-level milestones and detailed iterations.


The document discusses the agile software development methodology of Extreme Programming (XP). It provides an overview of XP, including its values, practices, and roles. It notes that XP focuses on communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. Key practices include pair programming, user stories, planning games, and frequent small releases. The document also covers challenges and lessons learned with adopting XP.

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The document discusses various design smells that negatively impact software quality attributes like reusability, changeability, understandability and extensibility. It covers different categories of design smells including abstraction smells, encapsulation smells and modularization smells. Some examples of specific smells discussed are missing abstraction, leaky encapsulation, broken modularization etc. The document emphasizes the importance of addressing design smells through refactoring to improve design quality and reduce technical debt.

design smellssoftware designrefactoring
Design proof of concept
Overall application structure
<Application name>
Tips for structure
Describe what application is and what it does
List the reference platforms (i.e. iPhone / Android / PC applications of the same product or
Provide an overall site map that contains the MAIN application structure in 1-2 slides. This will
help the person reviewing the application to see the “big picture”.
List possible questions / open issues / platform dependencies
Launch & Sign in process
<application name>
Tips for access
Describe all the ways user can access the application or the content of it (e.g. Home: Apps
launcher / Activity screen, via Mail attachment, via native platform application etc.)
Describe possible Sign in / Sign up process. Think about possible delays and ways to handle
Think about all the possible scenarios: a new user, a new user that has an account, a power
user, a user that has forgot the password etc.
Use 1-3 slides for different scenarios regarding application startup
View name
<application name>
Element explanation here
Element explanation here
Element explanation here
Element explanation here
Tips for Main views
You need to include ALL the main views in this document
If the main view has a lot of interactions it’s recommended to make an interaction maps as
shown in previous slides
In obvious cases the interaction map is not needed. However, all the functionality of the
application needs to be clear for the person that is reviewing the document.
With interaction maps you can describe the content of menus, such as: action menu, filter
menu and object menu
Include 1 slide per main view to this document, check that the main views described in the
overall application structure are defined

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Microsoft ALM Platform Overview
Microsoft ALM Platform OverviewMicrosoft ALM Platform Overview
Microsoft ALM Platform Overview

Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) integrates governance, development, and operations from idea to retirement. Microsoft's ALM platform focuses on implementing process with minimal overhead, planning and managing projects, and aligning roles across the lifecycle. It allows reporting across project boundaries. The platform provides process templates, tools for planning and visibility, and ensures user comfort by allowing work in familiar tools. It aims to create happy teams and enable success throughout the application lifecycle.

application lifecycle managementalmteam foundation server
02 sdlc waterfall-model_day
02 sdlc waterfall-model_day02 sdlc waterfall-model_day
02 sdlc waterfall-model_day

The document discusses the software development life cycle (SDLC) and different SDLC models. It describes the waterfall model as a traditional sequential model where each phase must be completed before the next can begin. The key phases outlined are requirements collection, feasibility study, design, coding, testing and installation, and maintenance. The document notes both advantages of the waterfall model in producing a stable product when requirements do not change, and disadvantages in limiting flexibility and ability to incorporate new requirements.

Assure TotalView - Analytics for Application Delivery
Assure TotalView - Analytics for Application DeliveryAssure TotalView - Analytics for Application Delivery
Assure TotalView - Analytics for Application Delivery

Assure TotalView is an analytics solution for Application Delivery process. The solution enables end-to-end governance over your Application Lifecycle initiatives. Assure TotalView automatically collects relevant data from all of the operational tools that teams use in the Application Delivery process, and turns this data into meaningful metrics and dashboards for decision makers and stakeholders.

metricsquality centerhp alm
Use case name
<application name>
Tips for Use Cases
Include all the main use cases in this document
Use text explanations when needed
Use blank screens when platform view (such as Share UI) picture is not available. Explain the
functionality with texts.
Describe actions and gestures with notations. Use flow charts in complex cases (errors
included etc.)
If you face constant changes with frequently used elements (e.g. logo, header bar style, main
view) --> there is no need to update changes every time everywhere. Instead, use one slide in
the beginning to describe changes for whole presentation.
Include 1 slide per key use case in this document
Thank You

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Design submission template

  • 2. Nokia Design has two key quality checkpoints from UI point of view Proof of Concept Key Use Case Flows, Interaction Maps, Visual Design reviewed and approved Quality Check Design Updates/Builds verified and approved Overview Instructions Proof of Concept Concepti ng Quality Check Develop ment Store QA Process Publish Send to partner manager Nokia Design response in 2 business days
  • 3. Proof Of Concept No builds needed, but we need to see your interaction maps and visuals to make sure you’re using the UI effectively. Preferred types of delivery are PDF or PPT. If you already have a fully functional build with full UI we can review from that. The submission presentation needs to include at least: Interaction map (Mandatory) Main views Visualized (Mandatory) Key Use case flows (Optional – highly recommended) Quality Check Once you have feedback from the design review, we check the the actual application build in order to check that application follows the principles from the proof of concept The application passes this first milestone when there are 0 “must fix” issues, and no more than 4 “should fix” issues. Nokia Review Requirements Instructions The application passes this milestone with 0 “must fix” issues, and no more than 4 “should fix” issues.
  • 4. UI design tools UX Design Guidelines (.PDF) UI Component toolkit (.AI) Design template (.PPT / .AI) Icon creation Tools (.zip) UI Checklist (.PDF) Nokia provides a UI design kit for partners who will be designing their application themselves. The design kit will be updated on a monthly basis. UX guidelines are the instructions how to build the application and the UX checklist will include the key points of platform UX listed in order to speed up the review process. UI toolkit includes the basic building blocks for application design and Design template is the document where partner can create and present their UI concept. Concept can also be added UI Design kit will be provided to partner as a single package by the partner manager as soon as there is an agreement on the features of the application. Nokia UI design tools Instructions
  • 5. Design Proof Of Concept UI Design deliverables Instructions Design document which describes the application behavior as good as possible. Nokia provides this template as an Illustator file with an example application design in order to ease the app design process. In Inhouse concepting model partner needs to provide document for Nokia design approval before the development starts. Nokia will then provide a review report with improvent suggestions and a fix list.
  • 6. Overall view of the application Design proof of concept - Interaction Map (Mandatory) Instructions The interaction map provides the necessary information both for Nokia design review and for application developers about the key behaviors of the application
  • 7. Visual language explained Design proof of concept - Key screen visualized (Mandatory) Instructions For the key screens of the application the POC document needs to include the key screens. This gives an understanding about application’s visual design principles and brand identity.
  • 8. Hero flows opened Design proof of concept - Key Use Case Flows (Optional) Instructions In order to understand the application behavior and the key use case flows, the core tasks need to be documented with use case flows in the POC template. Alternatively, a flow description can be replaced with video or interactive prototype if applicable
  • 9. Design proof of concept
  • 10. Overall application structure <Application name> Tips for structure Describe what application is and what it does List the reference platforms (i.e. iPhone / Android / PC applications of the same product or service) Provide an overall site map that contains the MAIN application structure in 1-2 slides. This will help the person reviewing the application to see the “big picture”. List possible questions / open issues / platform dependencies
  • 11. Launch & Sign in process <application name> Tips for access Describe all the ways user can access the application or the content of it (e.g. Home: Apps launcher / Activity screen, via Mail attachment, via native platform application etc.) Describe possible Sign in / Sign up process. Think about possible delays and ways to handle them. Think about all the possible scenarios: a new user, a new user that has an account, a power user, a user that has forgot the password etc. Use 1-3 slides for different scenarios regarding application startup
  • 12. View name <application name> Element explanation here Element explanation here Element explanation here Element explanation here Tips for Main views You need to include ALL the main views in this document If the main view has a lot of interactions it’s recommended to make an interaction maps as shown in previous slides In obvious cases the interaction map is not needed. However, all the functionality of the application needs to be clear for the person that is reviewing the document. With interaction maps you can describe the content of menus, such as: action menu, filter menu and object menu Include 1 slide per main view to this document, check that the main views described in the overall application structure are defined
  • 13. Use case name <application name> Tips for Use Cases Include all the main use cases in this document Use text explanations when needed Use blank screens when platform view (such as Share UI) picture is not available. Explain the functionality with texts. Describe actions and gestures with notations. Use flow charts in complex cases (errors included etc.) If you face constant changes with frequently used elements (e.g. logo, header bar style, main view) --> there is no need to update changes every time everywhere. Instead, use one slide in the beginning to describe changes for whole presentation. Include 1 slide per key use case in this document