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And Client Side
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
There will be code
There will be learning
Be Warned
WordPress developer at
and the co-founder of
My first install of WordPress was
0.7 and been a user &
developer since
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
Who is this geek?
Why build Web Applications
with WordPress?
Why not?

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WordPress as a Headless CMS - Bronson Quick
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WordPress as a Headless CMS - Bronson Quick

The WP REST API infrastructure was introduced in WordPress 4.4. The introduction of this infrastructure allows WordPress developers to now use WordPress as a headless CMS. A headless CMS has its frontend component (the head) stripped and removed from its backend, and what remains is a backend delivering content via an API. Some common use cases for headless CMS are as follows: Serving data to other web applications Mobile Apps Websites and web apps built with MVC-style JavaScript frameworks Developers can install the WP REST API plugin to expose endpoints for WordPress for posts, pages, media and users. Developers can also extend the WordPress core REST infrastructure to register their own endpoints for custom post types and WordPress options. The WP REST API plugin will expose database content via JSON. This data can be used by developers to create sites using JavaScript frameworks such as React and also use the JSON data in mobile apps. Bronson will explain and demonstrate how you can use WordPress and the WP REST API to create a website that uses React on the frontend and WordPress on the backend as a headless CMS.

hedless cmswordcamp sydney 2016wordpress
Building great spa’s with angular js, mvc and webapi
Building great spa’s with angular js, mvc and webapiBuilding great spa’s with angular js, mvc and webapi
Building great spa’s with angular js, mvc and webapi

This document discusses building single page applications (SPAs) using AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET WebAPI. It introduces AngularJS as a powerful JavaScript framework for building SPAs and CRUD applications. It notes that while AngularJS makes applications easy to build, large JavaScript apps can be hard to maintain. It then introduces ASP.NET WebAPI for building RESTful APIs and ASP.NET MVC as a server-side framework. It argues that combining AngularJS, WebAPI and MVC takes the best of both worlds, allowing structure from MVC while offloading UI tasks to AngularJS for performance. The document contains code demos of each technology and how they can work

WordPress Multilingual: WordCamp Antwerp 2016
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This document discusses considerations for creating multilingual WordPress sites. It covers content-related considerations like original content versus translation and using in-house versus external translators. Developer considerations include localizing everything and following WordPress codex guidelines. Structural considerations involve UI language, plugins/themes, and URL structure. Different solutions for multilingual WordPress are presented, such as using separate installations for each language or having all languages in a single post. The document recommends checking plugin/theme compatibility and consulting support if unsure about the right solution for a given site.

How to use
WP as a
MVC to build a
S.P.A powered by
Very nice!
WP as a MVC?
Deals with the database (save data)
Deals with what people see (view data)
Deals with logic in between (data logic)
Why? Decoupling the functionality from the view
Client Side?
Client = Browser
What is the fastest file a web server
can serve?

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Backup WordPress

These slides are from my WordCamp Chicago presentation about creating a solid backup strategy to implement on your self-hosted WordPress site.

Introduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS
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Introduction of ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS

This presentation is intended for beginners who are looking for scratching the surface of both MVC and AngularJS and I prepared it for a team of new beginners before they start to discover our application that is built on MVC and AngularJS.
Angular on ASP.NET MVC 6
Angular on ASP.NET MVC 6Angular on ASP.NET MVC 6
Angular on ASP.NET MVC 6

The next version of ASP.NET is more than just a minor upgrade. The surface may seem familiar, but the underlying framework represents nothing less than a paradigm shift. Rewritten from scratch to support modern tooling and guidelines, ASP.NET MVC 6 can run just about everywhere and has a ton of features designed to support SPAs, including Angular apps. This presentation, which was given at the AngularJS-IL Meetup, introduces ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6 and focuses on features that benefit Angular apps. core
PHP is the language behind WordPress
Client: Sends request for index.php
Server: Processes PHP code turning it into HTML.
Returns full HTML
What if you could pass the rendering
process to the client?
Client: Sends request for template.html
Server: Returns template.html
Client: Renders & Displays template.html
While rendering request to server for data (JSON)
Benefits of Loading Client Side
Less load on the server
CDN all template files
Easier to cache JS and HTML
VERY Scalable
AJAX - can transform your UI / UX
Single Page Web Application

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WordPress as a Service
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WordPress as a Service

1. Boston University uses WordPress for its largest websites and digital properties, with over 6,000 sites and 8-10 million monthly pageviews across the campus. 2. The university takes a centralized WordPress as a Service approach, with the sites organized and managed through the central IT department. 3. Key aspects of the WPaaS implementation include clear roles and expectations, transparency of capabilities, training, and delivering high quality support through a single codebase and consistent systems.

higher educationwpaaswordpress

This document provides an overview of using Fluxible to create isomorphic JavaScript applications. It defines what an isomorphic app is, discusses React and Flux, and then introduces Fluxible. Key points about Fluxible include that it is an implementation of Flux, has a vibrant community, and includes tools like provideContext and connectToStores to help build React components. The document demonstrates building a simple Fluxible app with files for the server, client, app, components, actions and stores. It also discusses routing and exporting/importing state between server and client.

Asp.Net 2.0 Presentation
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Asp.Net 2.0 Presentation

ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new page inheritance model using partial classes, improved deployment options like precompilation, and features for consistent user interfaces like master pages and themes. It also provides various controls and techniques to simplify coding tasks and personalize web pages.

Code Example: Server Side Loop
while( have_posts() ) : the_post();
Code Example: Server Side Loop
//list all posts - this is PHP & HTML
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<article class="postWrapper">
<h3 class="page_title text-center">
<a href=“<?php the_permalink(); ?>” class="content">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>
Living on the client side
Code Example: Client Side Loop
(using AngularJS)
//list all posts - this is HTML
<article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” >
<h3 class="page_title text-center">
<a href=“/coh/#/post/{{post.ID}}” class="content">

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Develop and Deploy Outside the Repo
Develop and Deploy Outside the RepoDevelop and Deploy Outside the Repo
Develop and Deploy Outside the Repo

The document discusses best practices for developing and deploying code outside of a WordPress repository directory. It recommends using version control like Git and GitHub, semantic versioning, and developing locally before pushing commits and tagging releases. For deployment, it describes options like FTP/SFTP, using an updater library directly in projects, or an updater plugin. Continuous integration is also presented as an option to automatically update code on every push through webhooks. The document provides examples and demos of these techniques.

Welcome to the World of WordPress
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Welcome to the World of WordPress

An overview of the WordPress ecosystem for new users that includes a discussion of and, how plugins fit in, Coder Talk DeCoded: A guide for humans and two bonus slides - questions to ask your WordPress developer and resources for more information.

wordpressnashvilledigital marketing
WordPress REST API v2: Overview & Exploring
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WordPress REST API v2: Overview & Exploring

This document provides an overview of the WordPress REST API version 2, which introduces a RESTful JSON API for WordPress. It allows accessing and building WordPress sites and applications from anywhere by using WordPress only for content/data and building custom apps. Key features highlighted include performance improvements through standard HTTP loads, enabling client-side apps, and better migration options. Examples are provided of using REST verbs and resources, JSON structure, and making API calls from JavaScript using jQuery.

AngularJS - the important bits
<article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” >
Post object
AngularJS - the important bits
<?php the_title(); ?>
PHP AngularJS Template
<?php the_content(); ?> {{post.title}}
<?php the_permalink(); ?> {{}}
// Factory
app.factory('Posts', function($resource){
return $resource(MyAjax.resturl+’/posts/:id, {
update: {method: 'PUT'}
// Controller
function ListCtrl($scope, $http, Posts){
$scope.posts = Posts.query();
Powering Angular
WP-API Response Example
/posts - WP-API endpoint
ID: 1
content: '<p>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or
delete it, then start blogging!</p>',
title: 'Hello world!',
status: 'publish',
author : {..},

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End to-End SPA Development Using ASP.NET and AngularJS
End to-End SPA Development Using ASP.NET and AngularJSEnd to-End SPA Development Using ASP.NET and AngularJS
End to-End SPA Development Using ASP.NET and AngularJS

This document discusses end-to-end single page application development using ASP.NET and AngularJS. It begins with an introduction to SPAs and their benefits. It then covers key SPA building blocks like HTML5, JavaScript libraries, Ajax, REST, routing, and AngularJS components like controllers, services, directives and routing. It demonstrates using ASP.NET MVC and Web API for the backend API and services. AngularJS is used for the frontend framework. The presentation includes demos of key concepts and a full example app to demonstrate an end-to-end SPA. It concludes with questions and resources for further learning.

ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS CRUD for Azerbaijan Technical University
ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS CRUD for Azerbaijan Technical UniversityASP.NET MVC, AngularJS CRUD for Azerbaijan Technical University
ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS CRUD for Azerbaijan Technical University

The document describes a presentation on building a CRUD application using ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS, Web API, and Entity Framework with stored procedures. It includes an introduction to the key technologies used, an overview of the application architecture and flow of data, and code snippets for implementing basic CRUD operations in AngularJS controllers by calling a Web API.

Increasing Traffic Through Optimization : The Importance of Site Speed
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Increasing Traffic Through Optimization : The Importance of Site Speed

Best practices on building websites (specifically WordPress-powered sites) that scale under high traffic, convert better, and load fast.

Case Study:
WordPress for:
User Creation

User Authentication

Custom Post Types

Data Storage
S.P.A for:
WebRTC - Video

Firebase - Text Chat

User Dashboard

User Profiles
Awesome Resources
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
WP-API on GitHub
AngularJS WP Theme
AngularJS For WP Plugin
Community Built WP App with AngularJS & Slides
Thank You
Find me online:
Twitter: @royboy789
Github: @royboy789
Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |

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ASP.NET Core introduces a new project structure that is totally modular, uses Bower for package management, and allows for a faster development cycle. It runs on a new .NET Execution Environment and is cross-platform, supporting non-Windows environments. ASP.NET Core also chooses editors and tools, improves on MVC and Web API, uses inversion of control, and allows developing web applications on Mac and Linux.
Instagram filters (8 24)
Instagram filters (8 24)Instagram filters (8 24)
Instagram filters (8 24)

This document provides an overview and instructions for building basic image filters using the CamanJS library and JavaScript. It begins with downloading the necessary tools and introducing the presenter. It then covers HTML basics like tags and attributes before introducing JavaScript functions. It explains what third-party libraries are and introduces CamanJS. It provides instructions for importing CamanJS and documentation resources. It demonstrates basic functions for applying and reverting filters. Challenges are presented to modify the starter code by changing images, filters, and adding multiple filter buttons.

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Wordcamp Toronto Presentation

  • 1. 1 WordPress And Client Side Applications Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |
  • 2. There will be code There will be learning Be Warned
  • 3. WordPress developer at Disney and the co-founder of My first install of WordPress was 0.7 and been a user & developer since Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 | Who is this geek?
  • 4. Why build Web Applications with WordPress? Why not?
  • 5. How to use WP as a (faux) MVC to build a Client-Side S.P.A powered by WP-API
  • 7. WP as a MVC? MODEL - Deals with the database (save data) VIEW - Deals with what people see (view data) CONTROLLER - Deals with logic in between (data logic) Why? Decoupling the functionality from the view
  • 8. Client Side? Client = Browser POP QUIZ What is the fastest file a web server can serve?
  • 9. PHP is the language behind WordPress SERVERCLIENT Client: Sends request for index.php Server: Processes PHP code turning it into HTML. Returns full HTML
  • 10. What if you could pass the rendering process to the client? SERVERCLIENT Client: Sends request for template.html Server: Returns template.html Client: Renders & Displays template.html While rendering request to server for data (JSON)
  • 11. Benefits of Loading Client Side Less load on the server CDN all template files Easier to cache JS and HTML VERY Scalable AJAX - can transform your UI / UX
  • 12. Single Page Web Application S.P.A
  • 13. Code Example: Server Side Loop while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); the_content(); endwhile;
  • 14. Code Example: Server Side Loop <?php //list all posts - this is PHP & HTML while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <article class="postWrapper"> <h3 class="page_title text-center"> <a href=“<?php the_permalink(); ?>” class="content"> <?php the_title(); ?> </a> </h3> <?php the_content(); ?> </article> <?php endwhile; ?>
  • 15. Living on the client side
  • 16. Code Example: Client Side Loop (using AngularJS) //list all posts - this is HTML <article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” > <h3 class="page_title text-center"> <a href=“/coh/#/post/{{post.ID}}” class="content"> {{post.title}} </a> </h3> {{post.content}} </article>
  • 17. AngularJS - the important bits <article class="postWrapper" ng-repeat="post in posts” > … </article> {{post.XXXXXX}} ng-repeat Post object
  • 18. AngularJS - the important bits <?php the_title(); ?> PHP AngularJS Template {{post.title}} <?php the_content(); ?> {{post.title}} <?php the_permalink(); ?> {{}}
  • 19. // Factory app.factory('Posts', function($resource){ return $resource(MyAjax.resturl+’/posts/:id, { update: {method: 'PUT'} }); }); // Controller function ListCtrl($scope, $http, Posts){ $scope.posts = Posts.query(); }); Powering Angular
  • 20. WP-API Response Example /posts - WP-API endpoint { ID: 1 content: '<p>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!</p>', title: 'Hello world!', status: 'publish', author : {..}, ... }, …
  • 22. WordPress for: User Creation
 User Authentication
 Custom Post Types
 Data Storage S.P.A for: WebRTC - Video
 Firebase - Text Chat
 User Dashboard
 User Profiles
  • 23. Awesome Resources Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 | WP-API on GitHub CodingOfficeHours AngularJS WP Theme AngularJS For WP Plugin Community Built WP App with AngularJS & Slides
  • 24. Thank You Find me online: Twitter: @royboy789 Github: @royboy789 Roy Sivan Twitter/Github - @royboy789 |