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Разработка приложений с использованием Workflow FoundationМаксим Игнатовe-Legion Ltd.mail: maxim.ignatov@e-legion.comwww.e-legion.com1
Human Resource Management Systemwww.e-legion.com2
ЦелиУзкие места WFВарианты решенийwww.e-legion.com3
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Afik Gal talking at the alphageeks meetup on Flex, it's capabilities, pros and cons. Check us out:

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Register For BOFC Live Webinar – Bulk Clone OperationsRegister For BOFC Live Webinar – Bulk Clone Operations
Register For BOFC Live Webinar – Bulk Clone Operations

"Join us for the #livewebinar on ‘‘Bulk Clone Operations in #Salesforce in few Click | BOFC’ on January 18th. Register for free:

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Osvrt Na Adobe Max 2009
Osvrt Na Adobe Max 2009Osvrt Na Adobe Max 2009
Osvrt Na Adobe Max 2009

Language: Croatian Summary: 30-45 minute presentation about latest technology previews on Adobe MAX 2009 (Oct 4 - Oct 7 2009)

flash catalystadobe maxadobe
Коротко о возможностях WFБизнес-процесс – как отдельная сущностьLong running processГибкий фрэймворкИнтеграция с другими технологиямиwww.e-legion.com5
Максим Игнатов «Windows Worflow Foundation»
Xaml or Assemblywww.e-legion.com7
Транзакционность процессовwww.e-legion.com8

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Flask is a Python microframework for building web applications. It is known as a microframework because it keeps the core simple but allows extensions to add additional functionality. Flask uses Jinja templating and comes with common features like a development server, debugger, and unittest support. It can be used to build a variety of app types from blogs to admin panels. While young, Flask has a strong community and is highly customizable and performant.

Software Craftsmanship - 1 Meeting
Software Craftsmanship - 1 MeetingSoftware Craftsmanship - 1 Meeting
Software Craftsmanship - 1 Meeting

The document summarizes the first meeting of a Software Craftsmanship group. It introduces the concepts of Software Craftsmanship, including principles from the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto such as short iterations, readable code, and test-driven development. The meeting covered the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto, what software craftsmanship means, and included hands-on demonstrations of techniques like code reviews and code katas. Future meetings will include descriptive presentations, hands-on activities like code reviews and pair programming, and code katas to practice skills. Contact information is provided for the group.

software craftsmanshipxpsoftware craftsmen techniques
Velocity Report 2009
Velocity Report 2009Velocity Report 2009
Velocity Report 2009

This document summarizes Naoya Nakazawa's notes and presentation from the Velocity 2009 conference. The conference took place from June 22-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA at the Fairmont Hotel. It covered topics like infrastructure management with Puppet, Hadoop operations, scaling Twitter, and frontend performance at Facebook. Many talks discussed lessons learned from scaling sites like Flickr, Google, Facebook and Twitter to handle massive traffic. Overall the conference provided insights into building fast, scalable and efficient web applications and services.

Custom Activitywww.e-legion.com9
ПримерыRSS ReaderFactorial CalculatorApproval ProcessМного, много, много других примеровwww.e-legion.com11
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Getting Started with Flex and PHP
Getting Started with Flex and PHPGetting Started with Flex and PHP
Getting Started with Flex and PHP

Introduction to Flex for PHP developers with information on how to get started, what value Flex provides, and what tools to use.

Introducción a la agilidad
Introducción a la agilidadIntroducción a la agilidad
Introducción a la agilidad

The document contains a list of URLs linking to various topics related to agile software development methodologies including: Scrum, XP, Kanban, Lean, SOLID principles, retrospectives, user stories, testing, and project management tools like Gantt charts. The URLs cover conferences, manifestos, photos, documents, collaboration tools, software development guides, and examples of completed projects.

POS 355 Entire Course NEW
POS 355 Entire Course NEWPOS 355 Entire Course NEW
POS 355 Entire Course NEW

Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit

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RSS Readerwww.e-legion.com14
Factorial CalculatorXaml WF definitionПередача в WF объектов0 ветвлений бизнес-процесса

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Enterprise Flex Using Cairngorm
Enterprise Flex Using CairngormEnterprise Flex Using Cairngorm
Enterprise Flex Using Cairngorm

The document discusses enterprise application development using Flex, Cairngorm, and SpringActionscript. It covers Flex MVC frameworks like Cairngorm, IOC frameworks like SpringActionscript, data transfer strategies, security implementation using Chimp, and view notification strategies. Examples and resources for implementing these techniques are also provided.

Contextual Tour of Plone - (a top open source web content management system)
Contextual   Tour of Plone - (a top open source web content management system)Contextual   Tour of Plone - (a top open source web content management system)
Contextual Tour of Plone - (a top open source web content management system)

Plone is one of the leading open source software web content management systems today. This presentation provides an overview of features that separate Plone from other CMS tools, as well as those that are new for versions 4 and 5. Presented by Ken Wasetis of

wcmscms expoplone
Toward firefox 4
Toward firefox 4Toward firefox 4
Toward firefox 4

Mozilla勉強会@東京5th で使用したスライド 拡張機能開発者向けにアドオン関連の統計情報や Firefox 4 対応していくための注意点などをお話ししました

Factorial Calculatorwww.e-legion.com18
Approval processCode WF definition – 2 штука Передача в WF объектовРазветвленный бизнес-процессWCF взаимодействиеwww.e-legion.com19

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The document discusses performance testing tools and frameworks, including Selenium. It summarizes a tool called Xceptance LoadTest (XLT) that can be used to perform load and performance testing with Selenium. XLT allows recording and playing back of tests in Firefox, generates reports, and has a flexible configuration. However, the commercial license for XLT is quite expensive for larger load tests. The presenter is a QA team lead providing information on performance testing and XLT to help with performance and load testing using Selenium.

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HTML5 & Web Platform
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HTML5 & Web Platform

SwapSkills2010 vol.3 浅井智也 1. HTML5 のホントとウソ 2. いま使える技術、次に来る技術 3. アプリケーションプラットフォーム 4. ネイティブマルチメディア機能 5. HTML5 の彼方に

Devoxx2010 - Mobile Development Choices: Native Apps vs Web Apps
Devoxx2010 - Mobile Development Choices: Native Apps vs Web AppsDevoxx2010 - Mobile Development Choices: Native Apps vs Web Apps
Devoxx2010 - Mobile Development Choices: Native Apps vs Web Apps

Max Katz presents on the choices between developing native mobile apps versus web apps. Some key factors in making the decision include developer skills required, time to market, performance, ability to access device features, cost of development, and ease of updating across platforms. Native apps allow deeper integration with device services but each platform requires different skills, whereas web apps can be built with common web technologies and more easily ported to multiple mobile platforms. The presenter recommends considering a web app approach unless the app requires device-specific features, offline use, or high performance graphics.

Approval processTyped ArgumentsWFTransferred objectsDatabase objectsContract typesCustom Activitieswww.e-legion.com21
Максим Игнатов «Windows Worflow Foundation»
Подходы к проектированию WFРазделить процессы на подпроцессыЕдиный процесс на всеwww.e-legion.com2323

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Introduction To Adobe Flex And Semantic Resources
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Introduction To Adobe Flex And Semantic Resources

This presentation was used at the Semantic Technology Conference in San Jose on June 18, 2009 by Keith Sutton, Silicon Valley Flex User Group (SilvaFUG) Manager

Mastering sp fx in larger projects yannick borghmans
Mastering sp fx in larger projects   yannick borghmansMastering sp fx in larger projects   yannick borghmans
Mastering sp fx in larger projects yannick borghmans

This document summarizes a presentation about mastering SPFx in larger projects. It discusses state management with React and Redux, API management and security using Azure APIs, automated deployments with continuous integration and deployment, versioning solutions, and upgrading solutions. It also provides tips for debugging in production, splitting actions, creating global and reusable components, using PnP controls, and optimizing code quality.

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MBLT16: Elena Rydkina, Pure

Mobile technologies in SexTech: present and future
Процессы на подпроцессыУдачно соотносится с моделью данныхЛогически понятнейМенее “тяжеловесный”WFНужна логика маршрутизации к нужным WFwww.e-legion.com2626
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MBLT16: Alexander Lukin, AppMetrica
MBLT16: Alexander Lukin, AppMetricaMBLT16: Alexander Lukin, AppMetrica
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Mobile analytics – trust but verify

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MBLT16: Vincent Wu, Alibaba Mobile
MBLT16: Vincent Wu, Alibaba MobileMBLT16: Vincent Wu, Alibaba Mobile
MBLT16: Vincent Wu, Alibaba Mobile

This document discusses Alibaba Mobile's ecosystem and strategies for launching products in various markets. It covers Alibaba's entrance into the mobile internet world through smartphones, operating systems, and application stores/browsers. It then discusses how Alibaba builds its ecosystem through big data, content monetization, and various traffic sources. The document outlines Alibaba's strategies for global markets and provides real examples of products launched in India and Indonesia, including services related to cricket, music, video, Facebook notifications, e-commerce, and news.

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MBLT16: Dmitriy Geranin, Afisha Restorany
MBLT16: Dmitriy Geranin, Afisha RestoranyMBLT16: Dmitriy Geranin, Afisha Restorany
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The Dining Man: how does Afisha Restaurants change the behavioral patterns of choice and payments in cafes and restaurants. Based on the real experience of Project Manager

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О чем пойдет речьВерсионность процессовПоддержка старых процессовМиграцияwww.e-legion.com2929
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MBLT16: Marvin Liao, 500Startups

This document provides a summary of Marvin Liao's 2016 investment outlook. It discusses 7 trends that early stage tech investors should pay attention to: 1. Virtual and augmented reality being the next major engagement platform, as AR/VR startups raised $658M in 2015. 2. The internet of everything (IoT), as IoT startups raised over $1.9B in 2015. 3. FinTech as a major growth area, with Asian FinTech startups raising $3.5B in 2015 and US startups raising $3B in Q1 2015. 4. Millennials now being the largest demographic group and redefining smartphone usage and preferences.

MBLT16: Andrey Maslak, Aviasales
MBLT16: Andrey Maslak, AviasalesMBLT16: Andrey Maslak, Aviasales
MBLT16: Andrey Maslak, Aviasales

App Wars. Battlefront

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MBLT16: Andrey Bakalenko, Sberbank Online
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MBLT16: Andrey Bakalenko, Sberbank Online

5 stars and 13 million of users. How we develop the biggest bank in Russia

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Rx Java architecture
Rx Java architectureRx Java architecture
Rx Java architecture

RxJava is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It provides features for concurrency, request management, data flow manipulation, and error handling. RxJava uses streams and new objects like Schedulers, Subscriptions, and Subjects. It can be used with techniques like retained fragments, cached observables, binding to lifecycles, and services to handle configuration changes and loading data.

android developmente-legionmobile development
Rx java
Rx javaRx java
Rx java

The document discusses the Observer pattern and RxJava. RxJava allows for concurrency, data flow manipulation, and error handling through its use of observables and subscribers. It provides links to documentation on RxJava operators and a blog post that helps explain RxJava fundamentals.

android developmente-legionmobile development
MBLTDev15: Hector Zarate, Spotify
MBLTDev15: Hector Zarate, SpotifyMBLTDev15: Hector Zarate, Spotify
MBLTDev15: Hector Zarate, Spotify

This document discusses Spotify's transition to a "consistent, thin, and dumb" approach to app development. It summarizes Spotify's user and song numbers, the challenges of their previous iOS client, and their shift to a backend-driven model with modular organization. This allows for innovation, scaling, and a unified user experience across platforms through frameworks like GLUE. The document endorses frameworks as "machines" and sharing knowledge and success.

Максим Игнатов «Windows Worflow Foundation»
Максим Игнатов «Windows Worflow Foundation»
ОграниченияWF не должен содержать внутри нестандартных типов данныхWF должен уметь перейти в любое из возможных состоянийСборки лучше не подписыватьwww.e-legion.com3939
Biztalk with HWSwww.e-legion.com4040

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MBLTDev15: Cesar Valiente, Wunderlist
MBLTDev15: Cesar Valiente, WunderlistMBLTDev15: Cesar Valiente, Wunderlist
MBLTDev15: Cesar Valiente, Wunderlist

The document summarizes the architectural changes made to the Wunderlist app between versions 2 and 3. Version 3 was completely redesigned with a modular layered architecture that is highly decoupled, enables real-time syncing, and is easier to maintain, test, and adapt compared to the previous monolithic structure. The key layers include presentation, sync, SDK, and model layers with defined boundaries and dependencies between the layers.

MBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, Soundcloud
MBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, SoundcloudMBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, Soundcloud
MBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, Soundcloud

The document discusses SoundCloud's approach to mobile testing, including: - Engineers write unit and UI tests which are run continuously after each code change. Manual testing is also done before releases. - A test runner service manages test execution across devices in parallel to improve efficiency compared to relying solely on Jenkins. - An IntelliJ plugin was created to allow testing directly from the IDE for local development, integrating with the test runner service.

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MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co
MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&CoMBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co
MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co

The document discusses the VIPER architecture pattern for structuring iOS applications. It begins by introducing the key components of a VIPER module: the View, Presenter, Interactor, Router, and Entity. It then provides examples of how each component is responsible for lifecycle management, event handling, data validation, routing, and other tasks. The document argues that VIPER increases testability, modularity, and code quality of iOS apps. It also promotes open sourcing example VIPER code on GitHub to help disseminate knowledge of this architecture.

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Спасибо за вниманиеМаксим Игнатовe-Legion Ltd.maxim.ignatov@e-legion.comwww.e-legion.com4242

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MBLT16: Andrey Maslak, Aviasales
MBLT16: Andrey Bakalenko, Sberbank Online
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MBLTDev15: Hector Zarate, Spotify
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MBLTDev15: Cesar Valiente, Wunderlist
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MBLTDev15: Brigit Lyons, Soundcloud
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MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co
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MBLTDev15: Egor Tolstoy, Rambler&Co
MBLTDev15: Alexander Orlov, Postforpost
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MBLTDev15: Artemiy Sobolev, Parallels
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MBLTDev15: Alexander Dimchenko, DIT
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MBLTDev: Evgeny Lisovsky, Litres
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MBLTDev: Alexander Dimchenko, Bright Box
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MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, MicrosoftMBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
MBLTDev15: Konstantin Goldshtein, Microsoft
MBLTDev15: Anna Mikhina, Maxim Evdokimov, Tinkoff Bank
MBLTDev15: Anna Mikhina, Maxim Evdokimov, Tinkoff Bank MBLTDev15: Anna Mikhina, Maxim Evdokimov, Tinkoff Bank
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Максим Игнатов «Windows Worflow Foundation»