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Why Tweet?
What this session is and is not…
Introduction to twitter Emory Maiden WSFCS Dept of Instructional Tech @evmaiden
The Tool

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Connected Learning Community Orientation
Connected Learning Community OrientationConnected Learning Community Orientation
Connected Learning Community Orientation

This document outlines the agenda for a laptop program which includes the philosophy, vision, rules and guidelines, logistics, and questions. The vision section describes creating a positive learning environment and educational experiences through students' attitudes, behaviors, actions, and decisions both in and out of the classroom. The rules and guidelines section outlines responsible, ethical, safe, and caring use of laptops with an emphasis on preparation, balance, privacy, community awareness, and sharing online. The logistics section addresses the laptop allocation process, replacement cycle, acceptance form obligations, parent controls, and asks for any questions.

E Learning[1]
E Learning[1]E Learning[1]
E Learning[1]

The document discusses developing an online identity and provides examples of websites and online services that can be used to do so, including LinkedIn, blogs, WordPress, SlideShare, and Skype. It also lists the author's online profiles and encourages the reader to connect with them on LinkedIn.

Pushing Through the Fear
Pushing Through the FearPushing Through the Fear
Pushing Through the Fear

Talk by Carl Barrow at the Northern Collaboration User Experience (UX) Learning Exchange held at the University of Huddersfield on 17 March 2017

uxuniversity of hulluniversity of huddersfield
Getting Started
Why? Emory Maiden WSFCS Dept of Instructional Tech @evmaiden

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A Potpourri Of Web Tools
A Potpourri Of Web ToolsA Potpourri Of Web Tools
A Potpourri Of Web Tools

This document provides a collection of web tools and resources for the classroom, including links to Flickr photo galleries of classroom practices, a video about digital generation projects from Edutopia, and links to blogs and websites about digital storytelling, fashion design projects, and an "eyeplorer" tool. It encourages teachers to observe, experiment with, and remix their classroom practices, and provides contact information for the author.

Th Ou Shalt Blog
Th Ou Shalt BlogTh Ou Shalt Blog
Th Ou Shalt Blog

The document discusses blogging and provides reasons why individuals and organizations should blog. It outlines some benefits of blogging including establishing an online presence, engaging with your field, increasing reflection, and gaining personal and organizational status. It also provides tips for getting started with blogging and considers whether blogging could be recognized as an academic publication. The document raises questions about whether the Open University should establish blogging guidelines or policies.

How To Demo Like A Demon
How To Demo Like A DemonHow To Demo Like A Demon
How To Demo Like A Demon

Boring! Get off the stage! How many times have you wished you could say this to a presenter at a conference? Or a demoer at DemoCamp? This workshop will help developers understand that doing demos is a marketing task because it generates demand for the software. Technologists and designers need to be able to create demand for their ideas. They need to be able to tell compelling stories that convince audiences that there is ‘wow’ in what they are doing. Successful demoers are more likely to raise money, have friends, and get laid.

Twitter is… What are you doing? micro blogging socialnetworking 140 characters socialmedia texting? a cocktail party SMS broadcast machine a waste of time
Twitter is… anytime staff development personalized learning sharing resources & ideas learning network
PLNs & Personalized Learning
formal learning

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How Blogging Brings Dialogue To Corporate Communications
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How Blogging Brings Dialogue To Corporate Communications

Slides from a talk on corporate blogging. See notes here:

Living with Laptops: Digital Citizenship for Parents
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Living with Laptops: Digital Citizenship for Parents

This document discusses various topics related to digital citizenship and internet safety for children and families. It includes links to photos and resources about elements of digital citizenship, reaching goals, responsibility, balance, ethics, safety and privacy, openness, community awareness, being prepared, and definitions of digital citizenship. It also discusses making connections, reaching goals through finding one's own path and teamwork, using role models, setting boundaries, using family contracts, developing self-control, centralized management of devices, checking browser histories, establishing bedtime rules, and more.

parentstechnologydigital citizenship
Hardware Is Not Enough
Hardware Is Not EnoughHardware Is Not Enough
Hardware Is Not Enough

A presentation given by Kim Cofino and Chrissy Hellyer at the ASB Unplugged Conference in February 2010.

21st centurytechnologylearning
informal  “learning network”
It’s about the network
my  Network
my  Network

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Legal and ethical use of social media
Legal and ethical use of social mediaLegal and ethical use of social media
Legal and ethical use of social media

This document provides tips for student midwives on using social media professionally and avoiding potential issues. It discusses benefits like networking and professional development. However, it also outlines examples where sharing personal details, photos, or opinions online caused legal or professional problems. The document advises building a professional online profile, being careful of privacy settings, only connecting with clients privately, avoiding advice or discussions without permission, and following professional codes of conduct online.

Online identity. What midwives should care and what they can do about it
Online identity. What midwives should care and what they can do about itOnline identity. What midwives should care and what they can do about it
Online identity. What midwives should care and what they can do about it

This is the presentation I gave at the 2011 Australian College of Midwives conference in Sydney about online identity. This presentation includes tips on how to develop a professional online identity.

online identitymidwiferymidwife
Leadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century Skills
Leadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century SkillsLeadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century Skills
Leadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century Skills

The document discusses education in the 21st century and beyond. It notes that students today are digital natives who are constantly connected, have highly customized experiences, and interaction is expected. Effective learners are lifelong learners, natural navigators, critical thinkers, effective communicators and creators, and effective global collaborators. The networked student focuses on problem solving, embraces digital tools, designs challenges for real-world problems, and has an authentic audience. Education needs to provide customized learning experiences that are relevant and focused on networked and connected learning.

21st centurybloghoughton mifflin
my  Network
and about learning
edutopia     How to add Twitter to Google  #Wave .   web20classroom     RT @ k12online :  #k12online09  conference video and audio podcast channels are now available in iTunes!  haleon     great online safety site- /  kylepace     Need resources for Graphic Organizers in the classroom?  Check these out:   clifmims      Are your students involved in a service project?   SimpleK12      Did u say Internet Safety Resources? Got those, too!   #education   Curriki  Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners:   web20classroom     Google Earth and Google Maps Tutorials....   timbuckteeth     What lies beneath the conference Twitter 'ban'?  More comments and issues emerging:  Have your say
It’s not a queue…

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Social Media Ethics for Media Camp London 3
Social Media Ethics for Media Camp London 3Social Media Ethics for Media Camp London 3
Social Media Ethics for Media Camp London 3

This document discusses various topics relating to online communication etiquette, including privacy, content ownership, transparency, and trust both for individuals and organizations. It provides numerous links to resources on topics such as communicating online versus offline, learning proper etiquette, anonymous blogging, paid blogging and disclosure guidelines, and how different entities like companies, governments, and individuals should handle social media.

ethicsmedia camp london 3mcl3
Making A Lasting Impression (Version 2)
Making A Lasting Impression (Version 2)Making A Lasting Impression (Version 2)
Making A Lasting Impression (Version 2)

A presentation for the CoETaIL course 3: A combination of 2 previous presentations (Designing Compelling Presentations & Making a Lasting Impression) used for the Flat Classroom Workshop at the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong, September 2009.

May 28 2010
May 28 2010May 28 2010
May 28 2010

This document provides an overview of various Web 2.0 tools that can be used in the classroom, organized into categories including presentations, animation, poster creating, photo sharing, digital storytelling, music, collaboration, mind mapping, timelines, and social networking. Links are included for tools such as SlideShare, VoiceThread, Prezi, GoAnimate, Xtranormal, Picasa, Flickr, Storybird, Audacity, Noteflight, WikiSpaces, Etherpad, Wallwisher, Text2MindMap, MindMeister, TimeRime, and Ning.

Twitter is what you make it
It can be… testimonials
It can be… distribution of information

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Frilansverktøykasse (praktiske tips for budsjettering og prosjektstyring)

Hvordan jobber en frilanser? Hvordan kan jeg best mulig styre et prosjekt? Her er min frilansverktøykasse! Del gjerne dine tips med meg på Foredraget ble holdt på Oslo Wordcamp 2012. 14.1.2012

Science In The Open: or How I learned to stop worrying and love my blog
Science In The Open: or How I learned to stop worrying and love my blogScience In The Open: or How I learned to stop worrying and love my blog
Science In The Open: or How I learned to stop worrying and love my blog

Near final version of a talk given at Science in the 21st Century in Waterloo Ontario on September 12 2008.

Brochoscopic examination by ehab fawzy md
Brochoscopic examination by ehab fawzy mdBrochoscopic examination by ehab fawzy md
Brochoscopic examination by ehab fawzy md

The document discusses the bronchial anatomy of the lungs, listing various bronchial segments and lobes. It identifies the right middle lobe bronchus, right upper lobe bronchus, right lower lobe bronchus, left upper lobe bronchus, left lower lobe bronchus, and describes their subsegments including the apical, anterior, posterior, superior, medial basal, anterior basal, posterior basal, lingular, and lateral basal segments. The document is authored by Dr. Ehab Fawzy, a lecturer of cardiothoracic surgery.

It can be… conversations
Making Connections
Following (not as scary as it sounds)
Who you follow is more important than who follows you.

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Black bronchoscopy
Black bronchoscopyBlack bronchoscopy
Black bronchoscopy

This document discusses various causes of black pigmentation that can be seen during bronchoscopy. Some of the key causes mentioned include melanosis from occupational exposure, alkaptonuria, aspergillus niger infection, ochroconis gallopava infection, healed endobronchial tuberculosis, anthracosis from smoke inhalation, soot inhalation, argyria from chronic silver exposure, endobronchial melanoma, teratomas, charcoal aspiration, amiodarone use, and endobronchial ignition during thermal ablation procedures. Diagnosing the underlying cause of black pigmentation is important for determining appropriate treatment and management.

Bts guidelines 2013 for diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy in
Bts guidelines 2013 for diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy inBts guidelines 2013 for diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy in
Bts guidelines 2013 for diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy in

Flexible bronchoscopy is a procedure used to examine the lower airways including the trachea and bronchi. The respiratory system consists of the upper airways including the nose, mouth, and larynx, and the lower airways including the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Flexible bronchoscopy allows doctors to directly visualize the trachea and bronchi down to the level of the terminal bronchioles. The British Thoracic Society published guidelines in 2013 outlining best practices for performing diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy in adults.


- Bronchoscopy allows for direct visualization of the airways using rigid or flexible instruments for both clinical and research purposes. - Clinically, it is used to examine airway anatomy, obtain airway samples, and for therapeutic procedures. - Indications for diagnostic bronchoscopy include evaluating the cause of symptoms like wheezing, hemoptysis, or cough lasting over 4 weeks, and identifying conditions like atelectasis, localized opacities, obstructive emphysema, and hilar or mediastinal shadows.

Who to follow?
Retweeting   RT@
distribution of information

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Bronchoscopy is a technique used to visually examine the inside of the airways. It can be performed using rigid or flexible scopes inserted through the nose, mouth or trachea. The first bronchoscopy was performed in 1897 using a rigid tube. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopes were developed in the 1960s, allowing better visualization of smaller airways. Bronchoscopy is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes such as evaluating lung abnormalities, taking biopsy samples, and treating conditions like airway tumors or bleeding. Complications can include pneumothorax, hemorrhage, or respiratory issues in high-risk patients.

Bronchoscopy ppt
Bronchoscopy pptBronchoscopy ppt
Bronchoscopy ppt

Bronchoscopy is a technique used to visualize the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes using a bronchoscope. There are two main types - rigid and flexible fiber optic. Rigid bronchoscopy is used for diagnostic purposes such as finding the cause of cough or hemoptysis, or therapeutically to remove foreign bodies or secretions. It requires general anesthesia. Flexible fiber optic bronchoscopy provides magnification and illumination to examine smaller airways and can be performed at the bedside under topical anesthesia. Both types aim to diagnose lung abnormalities or collect samples but rigid bronchoscopy carries more risks such as injury or hemorrhage.

Twitter Twitter

The document discusses Twitter and how it can be used as a learning tool. It defines some key Twitter terms like "tweet", "retweet", "hashtag", and explains that Twitter is a stream of updates, not a queue. It emphasizes that who you follow is more important than followers and discusses how context is important when tweeting.

Direct Messages   (DM)
searches, hashtags & trending topics  #twitter

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Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...
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Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...

This document discusses the arguments for using technology in Jewish education. It argues that while technology can increase efficiency and possibilities, its use requires a mindful approach. Simply introducing new technologies into classrooms does not guarantee educational benefits. Educators must understand how to leverage technologies to connect lessons to their affordances and avoid "just-so" explanations that technology will automatically improve education. A thoughtful approach is needed to skillfully blend technology with deep understanding, ethical values, and community.

Power Up Your PLN Revised
Power Up Your PLN RevisedPower Up Your PLN Revised
Power Up Your PLN Revised

The document discusses the stages of adopting a professional learning network (PLN) and provides resources for developing a PLN, including social networks, blogs, wikis, microblogs, social bookmarking, collaborative workspaces, and online conferencing tools. It describes five stages of PLN adoption: immersion, evaluation, obsession to know it all, gaining perspective, and finding balance. It then lists popular websites, platforms and tools across each category that can be used to connect with other educators and experts, and continue professional growth and learning.


This document discusses using technology to collaborate through professional learning networks (PLNs). It provides examples of using social media platforms like Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, and Skype to connect with other educators. Specific accounts and resources are listed, including Twitter handles @stemnetwork and @ccssnetwork, blogs, Edmodo groups, and iTunes U courses. The benefits of these tools for sharing information, following topics, re-tweeting posts, and expanding one's network are outlined. Additional PLN resources from articles and websites are also referenced.

Protect My Tweets?
Twitter in Classroom? value in real-time interaction and networking  huge potential for expanding the walls of classrooms networked learning

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Power Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning NetworkPower Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning Network

This document provides an extensive list of online tools and resources that can be used to build a professional learning network (PLN). It discusses the functions and stages of adopting a PLN. It then lists various social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video platforms, collaboration tools, and online conferencing options for connecting with other educators and sharing knowledge. The resources highlighted can help users engage with peers, find professional development opportunities, and strengthen their PLN.

PowerUpYour PPLN
PowerUpYour PPLNPowerUpYour PPLN
PowerUpYour PPLN

This document provides an overview of the functions and stages of developing a professional learning network (PLN) and lists many online tools and resources that can be used to build and engage with a PLN, including social networks, blogs, wikis, microblogs, video sharing, and collaborative workspaces. It also describes opportunities for participating in online conferences and communities through these various digital tools and platforms.

March Professional2
March Professional2March Professional2
March Professional2

The document provides resources and organizations for professional development in education technology, including newsletters, publications, and websites, as well as information on using Twitter for informal professional development networking and ideas for live blogging sessions at conferences to share information in real-time. Attendees are assigned the task of live blogging a session, posting on Twitter about sessions, and commenting on other blogs as part of their professional development experience.


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