SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Work With What You Have Creating ICT enhanced learning opportunities with limited resources Integrating new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership  Where The Ideas Live Other people seem to be doing all kinds of amazing things  Inside the Spheres You might be trying to get things up and running in your own space
Then there are the mixed messages… Clarity  by  jonwiley s  From Flickr Licensed under creative commons -  Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic

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10+ Apps for Student Creativity
10+ Apps for Student Creativity10+ Apps for Student Creativity
10+ Apps for Student Creativity

The document lists over 20 apps that can inspire creativity for students, such as apps for drawing, game creation, storytelling, video editing, and more. These apps allow students to create texts, drawings, audio recordings, videos, games and more while applying concepts and presenting their work. The document also provides links to each listed app and suggestions for how teachers can use the apps for activities, assessments, and inspiring student creativity.

Concepcion WoW Project
Concepcion WoW ProjectConcepcion WoW Project
Concepcion WoW Project

This document discusses two screen capture tools, Screencast-o-matic and Jing, that can enhance literacy for students. These free programs allow users to record their computer screen along with audio narration. They are useful for creating tutorials, demonstrating processes, and allowing visual learners to see steps being completed. The document provides instructions on how to create and share recordings using these two tools. It also gives examples of how teachers and students can incorporate screen recordings into math, social studies, English and other subjects. However, the document notes that screen recording should not be done every day due to time constraints.

Tablet PC: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Tablet PC: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching and Learning MathematicsTablet PC: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Tablet PC: The Ultimate Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

The document discusses the benefits of using tablet PCs for teaching, learning, and communicating mathematics. It provides an overview of how tablet PCs can be used to ink lectures, annotate files, and use tablet-specific programs. It also lists online resources and tutorials for learning how to use different tablet PC features and programs. Research findings are presented that show students benefited from having lecture notes on a tablet PC and increased participation, confidence, and success when tablet PCs were used in STEM courses.

Sometimes it all gets a bit  over-whelming! What Grad School Feels Like  by  kimncris  From Flickr Licensed under creative commons -  Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
"Showering fancy equipment and toys on classrooms without smart planning is unlikely to produce gains in student performance."   Jamie McKenzie (2002) -  Just in Time Technology - Doing Better With Fewer  p21 Junk by Southernpixel from Flickr  used under CC License Attribution 2.0 Generic
Thanks to @sharpjacqui, @MrsBee12, @Moodlegirl, @Kelliemcrobert & @helenotway for sharing their thoughts and for allowing me to share them with others. Why Do Educators Infuse Technology Into Their Programmes?

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Pixlr and small apps in the classroom
Pixlr and small apps in the classroomPixlr and small apps in the classroom
Pixlr and small apps in the classroom

The document provides instructions for using various educational apps and tools, including Pixlr for photo editing, Tagxedo for creating word clouds, graffiti generators, Microsoft Office photo editing, Slideshare for finding and sharing presentations, Screencast-O-Matic for screen recording, and websites for sourcing additional educational apps. Key steps are provided for getting started with each tool and performing basic functions like opening, editing, saving, and sharing files.

technologydigital arteducation
Technology For Teachers
Technology For TeachersTechnology For Teachers
Technology For Teachers

This document provides a list of free digital tools and resources that can be used in the classroom, including websites, applications, and online services for creating multimedia projects, formative assessments, collaboration, accessibility, and more. Attribution is given for any copyrighted images or content.

Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...
Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...
Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...

This document summarizes a presentation given by Michael Fienen and Dylan Wilbanks on the topic of accessibility and usability. The presentation argues that accessibility and usability have many similarities and should be considered together from the beginning of a project. It provides recommendations for making templates, forms, and videos accessible. It also discusses testing for accessibility and strategies for getting buy-in for accessibility within an organization, emphasizing an early and iterative approach. The overall message is that accessibility should be a priority from the start of any project to create a better experience for all users.

Collaboration Cooperation Global Connections Problem Solving Motivation Literacy - Visual, Written & Oral Confidence Experience/Awareness of the World beyond the classroom Numeracy Spatial Awareness Motor Skills Leadership Self Management Use tools selectively and purposefully
My Technology Journey  From Flickr Licensed under creative commons
2 WEEKS Kirstin Anderson-McGhie

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#4 Library 2.0: Melbourne Workshop
#4 Library 2.0: Melbourne Workshop #4 Library 2.0: Melbourne Workshop
#4 Library 2.0: Melbourne Workshop

The document summarizes a library staff training program called Learning 2.0 that encouraged staff to complete 23 self-directed learning exercises over 9 weeks to learn new technologies. Over 500 staff participated, with 69% participating voluntarily. Staff reported feeling more knowledgeable about technology and better able to help patrons. The program was considered a success due to its focus on discovery, challenges, staff support for one another, and emphasis on play. It helped eliminate staff fears and expand their knowledge and skills.

What can social media do for you?
What can social media do for you?What can social media do for you?
What can social media do for you?

Created as an introduction to using social media to build your personal brand. For HYPE and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, 12/08. More details here:

ICT Tools for PLC's
ICT Tools for PLC'sICT Tools for PLC's
ICT Tools for PLC's

This document discusses the use of technology tools to support professional learning communities (PLCs). It begins by posing questions about the purpose of PLCs and challenges teachers face. It then provides examples of different technology tools that can be used in six categories: communication, collaborative writing, research sharing, data collection, audio/visual creation, and PLC management. The document emphasizes that technology should accelerate learning and teaching, not be the focus. It offers tips on integrating technology, including starting small, having a backup plan if tools fail, and learning from others. Overall, the document aims to spark ideas for leveraging technology to enhance collaboration and sharing within PLCs.

plc @ufsideaslab   From Flickr Licensed under creative commons   From Flickr Licensed under creative commons   From Flickr Licensed under creative commons   From Flickr Licensed under creative commons

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Preparing Students to Pass Their Tests
Preparing Students to Pass Their TestsPreparing Students to Pass Their Tests
Preparing Students to Pass Their Tests

My books- Learning to Go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers Resources at

test prepexamsmooc
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...
10 Years In The Hole: A Possibly Cautionary Tale About Being A Higher Ed Web ...

Dylan Wilbanks presented at HighEdWeb 2010 after working in higher education web roles for 10 years. He shared 10 lessons learned over that time. The first was to focus on mission over statements. The second was to love users as yourself by being relentless about improving the web and world for them. The third was to understand your audience, as prospective students should be the top priority. He also learned to use data strategically, find allies to push back on processes, have secret projects but ensure other work gets done, teach others, leverage community help, and love rather than be bitter about higher education.

higher educationweb educationhighedweb2010
Teaching with Vine
Teaching with VineTeaching with Vine
Teaching with Vine

This document provides suggestions for using the Vine app to support teaching and student work. Some key ideas include having students create 6-second video clips on various topics to share what they learn or teach, using hashtags to collect related work, and making animated gifs from Vine videos to share on blogs. Guidelines are provided around setting up class Vine accounts, including student work while protecting privacy, and ideas for different types of short videos students could create like reflections, definitions, PSAs, or field trip observations.

vinevideo productionmovies
Travel Buddies
Postcards, Penpals,Keypals
Different Scenarios  To Photo Booth And Beyond 1 Computer Shared Computers Computer Suite

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Webquest for Photography
Webquest for PhotographyWebquest for Photography
Webquest for Photography

This WebQuest assigns students to research the history of cameras by taking on the role of different camera types from throughout history. Students will be divided into groups where each member researches and becomes a different camera (Daguerreotype, large format camera, SLR, or digital camera). As a group, students will create a timeline and presentation about the evolution of cameras. Individually, each student will produce a brochure about their assigned camera and argue why it is the best or worst invention. The lesson aims to help students learn about photography history and connect with the concepts by experiencing different camera perspectives.

We Like to Bring It! BYOT BYOD in Schools
We Like to Bring It! BYOT BYOD in Schools We Like to Bring It! BYOT BYOD in Schools
We Like to Bring It! BYOT BYOD in Schools

This document provides ideas and suggestions for implementing bring your own device (BYOD) programs in schools to support mobile learning. It discusses choosing appropriate devices for different learning activities, creating digital content like posters and stories, and using apps and tools like Edmodo, Evernote, and Google Drive to organize and share content. The document emphasizes that technology should accelerate and enhance pedagogy, and empower creativity, collaboration, and real-world connections for students. Recommendations are given to address concerns about internet safety and bandwidth when using personal devices at school.

Flipped Out! Resources & Tips for the Flipped ELT Classroom
Flipped Out! Resources & Tips for the Flipped ELT ClassroomFlipped Out! Resources & Tips for the Flipped ELT Classroom
Flipped Out! Resources & Tips for the Flipped ELT Classroom

My books- Learning to Go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers Resources

edtechenglish as a second or foreign languageflipped class
Management Organisation Routines
Scaffolding & Skills

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Lights! Camera! Publish!
Lights! Camera! Publish!Lights! Camera! Publish!
Lights! Camera! Publish!

Let your students' voices be heard. A quick look at some sites for students to contribute and share their videos. And some tips on shooting.

U learn classroom connections
U learn classroom connectionsU learn classroom connections
U learn classroom connections

This document discusses connecting classrooms across the globe through various online projects. It describes projects like keypal exchanges, postcard exchanges, monster exchanges, and the Flat Stanley project where students can collaborate with classes in other areas. Several websites supporting these projects are provided. The document encourages charting a course to connect classrooms internationally and further information on setting up connections is available through the listed website.

U learn beyond basic facts web
U learn beyond basic facts webU learn beyond basic facts web
U learn beyond basic facts web

Beyond Basic Facts discusses using e-learning tools to create authentic learning experiences in classroom math programs. It presents how digital tools can be used to go beyond rote memorization of basic math facts to provide more engaging experiences that apply mathematical concepts to real-world problems. The document provides a link to additional resources with information and examples of how e-learning can supplement math curriculum in these ways.

Roster System
They don’t all have to do the same thing at the same time or in the same way.
Class Experts
Expert, Driver, Passenger.  Learn Together

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Creature Collaborations ULearn 2011
Creature Collaborations ULearn 2011Creature Collaborations ULearn 2011
Creature Collaborations ULearn 2011

The document discusses a project called the Monster Exchange Project where students in different classrooms create descriptions of imaginary monsters. The students' monster descriptions are shared online between the classrooms so the students can read each other's work. Some students provided very detailed and carefully explained descriptions, while others needed more feedback. The project helped connect students internationally and provide an authentic audience for their writing.

Voyages With VoiceThread - ULearn09 Presentation
Voyages With VoiceThread - ULearn09 PresentationVoyages With VoiceThread - ULearn09 Presentation
Voyages With VoiceThread - ULearn09 Presentation

This document discusses the educational technology tool VoiceThread and how it can be used to empower learning and transform leadership. It provides an overview of VoiceThread's features such as allowing users to upload documents, animations, movies and engage in interactive conversations. It also describes how VoiceThread enables collaboration through class and collaborative VoiceThreads, as well as sharing content with the world by embedding or linking VoiceThreads.

Voice Thread
Voice ThreadVoice Thread
Voice Thread

This document provides an introduction to VoiceThread, an online tool that allows users to share presentations and have interactive conversations. It outlines key VoiceThread features such as uploading files, recording audio comments, setting privacy settings, using multiple identities, and embedding or linking VoiceThread presentations. The document also provides a link for additional information and examples on using VoiceThread.

Pairs Work Well -  Teacher/Learner
Identify Your Experts

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ULearn09 Presentation - Making Maths Meaningful
ULearn09 Presentation - Making Maths MeaningfulULearn09 Presentation - Making Maths Meaningful
ULearn09 Presentation - Making Maths Meaningful

This document discusses strategies for integrating new technologies to empower student learning and transform leadership. It emphasizes that simply providing new technologies is not enough and active planning is needed to ensure technologies support instructional goals and student progress. A variety of low-tech and high-tech ideas are presented for classroom activities, including using digital portfolios, photo stories, problem-solving apps, and websites to reinforce math concepts in a meaningful way. The document stresses the importance of monitoring student learning when using new technologies.

What do we like?
What do we like?What do we like?
What do we like?

Our First eBook

Evernote - #byod2103
Evernote - #byod2103Evernote - #byod2103
Evernote - #byod2103

This document provides an overview of Evernote and how it can be used for educational purposes. It lists the different Evernote platforms, features like notebooks, notes, tags, and workflows. It then gives examples of how Evernote can be used by students to recap learning, by teachers for teaching notes, conferences notes, and sharing resources. It also provides links to the Evernote website and community for going further.

We use  Paint  a lot!
Digital Camera - Paint - Imagination
Year 3 Class Kids Examples - Mouse Drawn 0 %

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Self Management & BYOD - #byod2013
Self Management & BYOD - #byod2013Self Management & BYOD - #byod2013
Self Management & BYOD - #byod2013

This document discusses self-management and how students can own their learning with the appropriate tools. It describes how self-managed students set personal goals, make plans, and know when to lead, follow, or work independently. The document provides examples of classroom practices and tools that can help students manage their own learning, including apps like Blogger, Google Drive, Evernote, and ShowMe. It emphasizes choosing the right tools that fit each learner and type of learning.

Photography 101
Photography 101Photography 101
Photography 101

The document provides tips for taking better photos, including following the rule of thirds, considering different viewpoints like close-ups and eye level shots, checking the background, holding the camera straight, using the focal lock, being patient, and experimenting with framing, objects, shadows, colors, and lines. It also lists several free photo editing apps for Apple and Android devices and credits the creator under a Creative Commons license.

Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...
Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim:  A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim:  A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...
Bringing Machshavah to Machshevim: A Mindful Approach to Technology in Jewis...

This document discusses the arguments for using technology in Jewish education. It argues that while technology can increase efficiency and possibilities, its use requires a mindful approach. Simply introducing new technologies into classrooms does not guarantee educational benefits. Educators must understand how to leverage technologies to connect lessons to their affordances and avoid "just-so" explanations that technology will automatically improve education. A thoughtful approach is needed to skillfully blend technology with deep understanding, ethical values, and community. / Online Mac Mac, Linux, Windows Alternatives
Word (or similar)

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Join the Secret Revolution
Join the Secret RevolutionJoin the Secret Revolution
Join the Secret Revolution

Opening keynote for the 2010 Canadian eLearning Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. Tell everyone to join the revolution at

Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011

The document discusses designing holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels. It recommends designing for the "space between" interactions by considering the full customer journey. Five principles are outlined for cross-channel design: convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and cross-time. Five methods and tools are also presented: thinking in terms of services; sharing design work; starting with observations; embracing discomfort; and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. The overall message is that customers experience brands through all touchpoints, so design must consider the integrated experience.

iauxcross channel
Nick Ray - The Video Effect: Presentation
Nick Ray - The Video Effect: PresentationNick Ray - The Video Effect: Presentation
Nick Ray - The Video Effect: Presentation

This document discusses moving beyond linear experiences on the web and how to start thinking about interactive projects. It recommends beginning by defining the story you want to tell, envisioning the most effective way for audiences to connect with the story, and determining the necessary technology. Some challenges of more interactive experiences are that some control shifts to audiences and the message received may not be what was expected, so dedication to core themes is important.

Power Point
Pen Tool & Meeting Minder within slide show

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The Age of Responsive Design
The Age of Responsive DesignThe Age of Responsive Design
The Age of Responsive Design

The document summarizes the evolution of web design from the early 1990s to the present day. It discusses how technical factors like improved code, browsers, devices and access have enabled the rise of responsive design. The key stages discussed are the World Wide Web era from 1992-1996, the dot-com boom from 1997-2001, the era of web standards from 2002-2007, and the modern era from 2008 onward. It emphasizes how current design approaches like responsive design have emerged from the confluence of technical capabilities and shifts in how people access the web from any device.

browsersdevicesexperience design
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011

The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011

The document discusses the importance of designing cross-channel experiences that are convenient, consistent, connected, contextual, and span time. It provides 5 principles and 5 methods for holistic experience design across digital and physical touchpoints. The principles are to think of services, share resources openly, gain diverse perspectives, address discomfort, and focus on user needs over solutions. Methods include documenting journeys, mapping experiences, understanding backend systems, storytelling, and cross-training teams. Tools involve using experience maps, getting different perspectives, telling stories, and cross-training teams in other disciplines. The talk encourages designing for the holistic experience rather than any single channel.

iacross-channelcustomer experience
Use as an alternative to Photostory Google Docs - Presentation Photo Peach Stop Motion Animation With you PPTX you can create animated objects
Limited or No Internet Limited or no Internet access?
You can still try Blogging, Keypals, etc   From Flickr Licensed under creative commons

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Technology Enabled Collaboration to Build a Better World
Technology Enabled Collaboration to Build a Better WorldTechnology Enabled Collaboration to Build a Better World
Technology Enabled Collaboration to Build a Better World

Keynote for iEARN Conference 2013, in Doha Qatar. Presented in the main theater at the Qatar National Convention Center, July 4, 2013.

The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 WorkshopThe Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop

Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

iauxcross channel
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
Keypals, Travel Buddies & Other Online Projects Postcard Exchange Monster Exchange and Flat Stanley Project Quad Blogging Project Links   We begin by charting a course
Paper Blogging
Download for later Screen Shots Open a page when you have web access
Work co-operatively as a class

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Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010

The document discusses the need for ubiquitous and holistic information architecture across channels to create integrated experiences for users. It notes that information is blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences, and that users expect consistency as they transition between platforms. To meet these expectations, information architecture must be designed holistically rather than by channel, and must focus on the overall user journey rather than individual touchpoints. Bridges between experiences like on-ramps and off-ramps are needed to make information architecture truly integrated.

iauxcross channel
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014

Slides from my Device Agnostic Design talk at UCD London ABSTRACT: There was a time when we did glossy page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we create needs to be able to adapt in a way that is suitable for the device as well as where and how it’s being used. With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device agnostic. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, and also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. But there are other aspects to consider in device agnostic design. In this talk I walk through why device agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

user experience designuxstrategy
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
Other Devices
Digital Cameras usually record video Some modern cell phones Inbuilt computer web cams External computer web cams Video Recording ' secret  usb  action '
Inexpensive mp3 recorders Most modern cell phones Inbuilt computer microphones Headphones with microphones  attached Sound Recording
No Projector

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Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space BetweenDon't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between

Presentation on designing for cross channel holistic customer experiences for Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco

service designuser experienceux
Cloud Computing - Technology Radar 2015 / Apr 27th 2015
Cloud Computing - Technology Radar 2015 / Apr 27th 2015Cloud Computing - Technology Radar 2015 / Apr 27th 2015
Cloud Computing - Technology Radar 2015 / Apr 27th 2015

This document provides an overview of various topics related to cloud computing technology. It discusses digital transformation and the role of developers, network virtualization, object storage, deployment automation, Linux containers like Docker and Rocket, stream processing with Apache Storm, PaaS with Cloud Foundry, and fullstack development. Brief descriptions and links to related images are provided for each topic. The document is authored by Lothar Wieske and focuses on emerging technologies for the cloud.

mean stacklambda architectureamazon
Improving Learning ... with Technology
Improving Learning ... with TechnologyImproving Learning ... with Technology
Improving Learning ... with Technology

The document discusses improving learning through the use of technology. It argues that goals, strategies, and tactics need to be aligned, with the goal being to define what students should learn. Technology is presented as a tactic that can be used to achieve learning strategies. A variety of technologies and tools are described that can help with engagement, collaboration, assessment, and access to information. The document advocates embracing new technologies and possibilities to simplify learning and make students more knowledgeable and able.

No Interactive Whiteboard
Collect Older Hardware & Software

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If you love something... set it free
If you love something... set it freeIf you love something... set it free
If you love something... set it free

The document discusses the evolution of information sharing from cave paintings to the internet and semantic web. It argues that open networks like the World Wide Web have been more successful than closed systems because they allow for greater participation and network effects. The semantic web will further transform how information, machines, and people are connected by linking structured data. Open data is more important than open source code because data lasts longer. The goal is to enrich lives through access to information, not just build a web of data.

Second Life Brown Bag
Second Life Brown BagSecond Life Brown Bag
Second Life Brown Bag

Second Life is a 3D virtual world accessed via a local client on a user's computer. Users create avatars to represent themselves and interact with other users and the virtual environment. The document discusses how Second Life is being used by non-profits, universities, and others for a variety of purposes from social networking to simulations and immersive learning environments. Potential benefits are discussed but also downsides like technical issues, costs, and disruptive users. The implications for education are explored, such as using virtual spaces for collaborative learning and interactive simulations.

Organization 2.0: Avoiding the Social Software Graveyard
Organization 2.0: Avoiding the Social Software GraveyardOrganization 2.0: Avoiding the Social Software Graveyard
Organization 2.0: Avoiding the Social Software Graveyard

The document discusses how social software initiatives in libraries often fail and provides recommendations for successful Library 2.0 projects. It notes that initiatives often fail because they are not tied to the library's strategic goals or planned and supported over time. Successful projects clearly define goals tied to the institution, involve staff in planning, devote ongoing time and support, and continually assess the initiative. The document advocates for developing a culture open to new ideas, risk, creativity, and networking to support sustainable Library 2.0 projects.

organizationsweb 20social software
Free Stuff
“ Join your local  group and ask for equipment people are getting rid of. I got a laptop for my class and a few portable CD players!” - Martyna workshop participant 2010
Bee Time by azrainman from Flickr  used under CC License Attribution Generic 2 .0 Be Creative
Week33 pic d Secret#14 by  f Jo and Paul's  Pics .  From Flickr Licensed under creative commons -  Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic Sandpit Time

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A WebGL scene in 30 mins
A WebGL scene in 30 minsA WebGL scene in 30 mins
A WebGL scene in 30 mins

The slides from my talk given at CologneJS and FrosCon in 2014. The example code is available here:

Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)
Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)
Bedok NEWater Photostory - COM322 Assessment (Story 2)

COM322 Assessment - Story 2

Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024
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Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024

Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024

Click on the link below to find further information and examples to support this presentation. [email_address] Wikispaces Follow Up Notes

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Work With What You Have ULearn 2011

Editor's Notes

  1. Remember my overwhelmed lady at the start? There really is so much to choose it’s hard to decide. My advice - pick one thing, become really familiar with it, play, over use it, get comfortable, then add something else to it to take it up a level. Do something that suits you too - what suits me may not be what suits someone else. Shared plan - own approach.
  2. Remember my overwhelmed lady at the start? There really is so much to choose it’s hard to decide. My advice - pick one thing, become really familiar with it, play, over use it, get comfortable, then add something else to it to take it up a level. Do something that suits you too - what suits me may not be what suits someone else. Shared plan - own approach.
  3. Not sure if you’re coming or going? So much out there? Not sure what to do? Mixed messages. Limits/Brick Walls
  4. There’s so much available and so much happening so fast. Huge expectation. Overwhelming for everyone. Constant change. Flit from one thing to the next.
  5. 1998 Flat Stanley Project. 1999 hosted first travel buddy for Penguin Project. 2000 Kara went on first overseas trip. Kara’s last trip = 2006 unfortunately she’s gone AWOL. Communication = journal, email & webpage. With web 2.0 can be Blog, Skype, Webcam, videos, …
  6. Made connection through websites. Have created & sent digital postcards English & Social Studies. Now you could still do these but add things like a Skype call & suddenly it’s upped the anti. Oral Language anyone?
  7. Just because they’re exposed doesn’t mean they know how to use it for a specific purpose. Being exposed to books didn’t mean I instantly acquired research skills & the same applies to tech. Not every kid is even interested. Choice some choose traditional.
  8. Teach one, they teach someone else and so on. I have 2 comps in my room & 1 ICT session of 45 mins p/w Discovery centre for blocks of time a couple of times per year. (and when I can steal a gap) COWs once a fortnight. (My choice as they’re in high demand). Do get alone time too. Read while type.
  9. Here’s what we’ve tried.
  10. Couldn’t bring these things into the classroom. I said you could draw a pic in paint. Kids came up with this.
  11. Why I do it. What is Flickr What is creative commons. (Could use Picasa or other online photo storage.
  12. Sometimes you’ve just gotta sit down & play. Kids & adults. e.g. of sandpit time in my class. Sandpit time for myself.